The riddle of Lyriothemis bivittata (Rambur, 1842): Lyriothemis kameliyae spec. nov. (Odonata: Libellulidae) Author Kompier, Tom text Zootaxa 2017 4250 4 315 326 journal article 33291 10.11646/zootaxa.4250.4.2 ce4e62c5-1d2a-478e-a0f3-1d2637e76f8e 1175-5326 495277 CE45B4DB-641B-4D37-AD35-93CCB384BE1D 1. Lyriothemis kameliyae spec. nov. ( Figs. 1 B, 1E, 2B–C, 2F, 3, 4A-B, 5C, 6B) Type specimens . Holotype male: Xuan Son National Park , Phu Tho Province , northern Vietnam ( 21.159 N , 104.926 E ), 29.VI.2015 , T. Kompier leg, (deposited at RMNH ). ; Allotype female: same location, date and collector ; Paratype 1♂ : same location and collector as holotype male, 01.VIII.2016 ; 1♀ : same location and collector as allotype female, 31.VII.2016 ; 1♂ : Huu Lien Nature Reserve , Lang Son Province , northern Vietnam ( 21.708 N , 106.374 E ), 24.V.2014 , T. Kompier leg. Etymology . The species is named after Kameliya Petrova in gratitude for her assistance with my book “Dragonflies and Damselflies of the Serra dos Orgaos” and unrelenting support for my continuing research on Odonata in Vietnam . Kameliyae , a noun in the genitive case. Description of male holotype . ( Fig. 1 B) Head . (cf. Fig 1 F). Labium black. Labrum, anteclypeus, postclypeus and antefrons white, postfrons metallic dark green, squarish. Vertex metallic dark green, with two small tubercles, antennae black, occiput black. Compound eyes blackish grey, chestnut brown dorsally. Prothorax . Black. Synthorax. ( Fig. 1 B) Blackish brown with markings as follows: a vague brown dorsal stripe on either side of dorsal carina, mesepimeron with a broad oblong yellow stripe, and metepimeron almost completely yellow. Legs black. Femora with short spines growing progressively longer distally, tibiae with longer black spines. Wings ( Fig. 1 B) hyaline. Two brown streaks above and below median space in both fore- and hindwing as follows: first two cells between subcosta and radius blackish brown, third cell tinted brown and cubito-anal space blackish brown until first crossvein. Veins black. Membranule brown. Anal loop 20–21 celled. 2 bridge crossveins in all wings, last antenodal crossvein complete. Forewing with 1 cubito-anal crossvein, triangle 2-celled, subtriangle 3-celled. Hindwing with 2 cubito-anal crossveins, triangle 2-celled. Nodal index in forewing 12–17:18–11 and in hindwing 12–14:14–13. Pterostigma black, covering 2.5 cells in all wings, 4 times longer than wide. Abdomen. ( Fig. 1 B) As broad as thorax in dorsal view, S3 broadest. S1 yellow with black dorsum, S2 dorsally bright red to somewhat above lateral carina, lower part yellow with some blackish blotches, lateral carina black. Hamulus (cf. Fig. 5 C) black, large, shaped like a rectangular dish, with a backward-directed spine on inner posterior corner and a large v-shaped incision approximately in middle of inner edge. Pale yellow genital lobe very slender, pointed and about 4 times as long as wide. S3 dorsally bright red to black lateral carina, dorsal carina black, ventrally yellow. S4–7 bright red dorsally, with black lateral, dorsal and posterior carina, ventrally yellow. S8 bright red, with broad blackish borders along dorsal and posterior carina. Lateral carina and venter black. S9–10 black. Anal appendages . Cerci black, twice length of S10, extending just beyond epiproct, pointed, subapically with 5 small ventral teeth. Epiproct of normal type , brown. FIGURE 1. Lateral scans: (A) ♂ Lyriothemis bivittata , Huu Lien NR, 23.VII.2016; (B) ♂ L. kameliyae , holotype; (C) ♂ L. tricolor , Taiwan (courtesy of Wen-Chi Yeh); (D) ♀ L. bivittata, Xuan Son NP, 31.VII.2016; (E) ♀ L. kameliyae , paratype, Xuan Son NP, 31.VII.2016; (F) ♀ L. tricolor , Taiwan (courtesy of Wen-Chi Yeh). Measurements (mm): Abdomen incl. appendages 26.5, hindwing 35, pterostigma 3.5. Variation in paratypes . Male from Huu Lien ( Figs. 2 C, 3D, 5C) with much reduced yellow stripe (only on ventral half) on mesepimeron. S1–2 with extensive black on ventral half, including genital lobe. One cercus with only 4 small ventral teeth. Nodal index in forewing 10–19:17–10 and in hindwing 10–14:13–9, one forewing with 3 bridge crossveins. Anal loop 19–20 celled. Male from Xuan Son ( Fig. 3 A) with somewhat reduced yellow stripe on mesepimeron, constricted dorsally. Wings lightly tinted amber; brown streaks at base not extending past 2nd cell between subcosta and radius. Nodal index in forewing 9–19:18–10, in hindwing 10–14: 14–9. 4 bridge crossveins in all wings. Anal loop 20–24 celled. Measurements (mm): Abdomen incl. appendages 28–29, hindwing 33–34, pterostigma 3–3.5. Description of female allotype ( Figs. 4 B, 6B). Head . Labium and labrum black. Anteclypeus brownish white, postclypeus dark brown with off-white dorsolateral corners. Antefrons brownish white in middle, off-white towards sides, postfrons metallic dark green, rounded. Vertex metallic dark green, with two small tubercles, antennae black, occiput black. Compound eyes blackish brown. FIGURE 2 . Dorsal scans: (A) ♀ Lyriothemis bivittata, Xuan Son NP, 31.VII.2016; (B) ♀ L. kameliyae , paratype, Xuan Son NP, 31.VII.2016; (C) ♂ L. kameliyae , paratype, Huu Lien NR, 24.V.2014. Photos in natural habitat: (D) ♀ L. bivittata (not collected), Tam Dao NP, 18.VIII.2013; (E) ♀ L. sp. , Quang Binh Province, 20.V.2016; (F) ♂ (not collected) L. kameliyae , Huu Lien NR, 21.IV.2014. FIGURE 3. Variation in ♂ L. kameliyae : (A) Paratype, Xuan Son NP, 1.VIII.2016; (B) Huu Lien NR, 21.IV.2014 (not collected); (C) Xuan Son NP, 18.IV.2015 (not collected); (D) Paratype, Huu Lien NR, 24.V.2014. FIGURE 4. Lyriothemis ♀: (A) L. kameliyae , paratype, Xuan Son NP, 31.VII.2016; (B) idem, allotype; (C) L. bivittata, Xuan Son NP, 31.VII.2016; (D) L. sp. , Quang Binh Province, 20.V.2016. Prothorax . Black, but anterior lobe with anterior edge pale yellow. Synthorax. ( Fig. 4 B) Blackish brown with markings as follows: indistinct pale brown dorsal stripe on either side of dorsal carina, mesepimeron with a broad oblong pale yellow stripe, somewhat narrower in dorsal half, metepimeron almost completely pale yellow. Legs black. Femora with short spines growing progressively longer distally, tibiae with longer black spines. Wings (cf. Figs. 1 E, 2B) hyaline, slightly tinted amber, apices darkest. Two brown streaks above and below median space in both fore- and hindwing as follows: first three cells between subcosta and radius blackish brown, fourth cell tinted brown, cubito-anal space blackish brown until first crossvein. Veins black. Membranule brown. Anal loop 23 celled. 2 bridge crossveins in left wings, 3 in right wings. Last antenodal crossvein complete. Forewing with 1 cubito-anal crossvein, triangle 2-celled, subtriangle 3-celled. Hindwing with 2 cubito-anal crossveins, triangle 2-celled. Nodal index in forewing 11–18:19–11 and in hindwing 12–14:15–11. Pterostigma brown, covering 3 cells in all wings, 4 times longer than wide. Abdomen. ( Fig. 4 B) S1 blackish brown, yellow towards venter. S2 pale yellow, with black carinas and broad black line running parallel to the dorsal carina halfway down towards the lateral carina. S3–6 pale orange with black carinas, a broader black line over dorsal carina and another black line parallel to it halfway down towards lateral carina. Ventrally yellow. S7 with more extensive black, but ventrally yellow. S8 virtually black with only a tiny pale orange spot towards anterior margin and ventrally black, S9–10 and conical cerci all black, cerci slightly longer than S10. S8 somewhat dilated. Vulvar lamina ( Fig. 6 B) short, slightly curled, relatively widely incised. Measurements (mm): Abdomen incl. appendages 27.5, hindwing 37, pterostigma 4. Variation in paratype ( Figs. 1 E, 2B, 4A). Dorsal stripes on synthorax paler and more distinct. Abdomen with reduced blackish striping, S2–7 brownish orange dorsally, carinas only thinly black. S8–10 and cerci completely black. Streaks at wing bases reduced, only covering first 2 cells between subcosta and radius and only half of first cell in cubito-anal space. Wings only slightly tinted amber. 3–5 bridge crossveins, anal loop 25–26 celled. 12– 18:18–12 ante- and postnodal crossveins in forewing, 12–12:12– 12 in hindwing. Measurements (mm): Abdomen incl. appendages 27, hindwing 36, pterostigma 3.5.