Lectotypification of four Iranian endemic taxa of Echinops L. (Asteraceae, Cardueae) Author Negaresh, Kazem Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University of Khuzestan, Mollasani (Iran) negaresh@asnrukh.ac.ir text Adansonia 2022 3 2022-02-28 44 7 49 55 journal article 20424 10.5252/adansonia2022v44a7 5ffa05cb-6607-45ed-98a6-ffe6a25a7e65 1639-4798 6322918 Echinops kerneri Heimerl ( Fig. 2 ) Denkschriften der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Classe 50 (2): 61 ( Heimerl 1885 ) . Echinops ecbatanus Bornm. , Beihefte zum Botanischen Centralblatt 36 (2): 212 ( Bornmüller 1918 ) , nom. nud. ; Bornm. ex Rech. f., Candollea 29 (1): 11 ( Rechinger 1974 ) , nom. inval. LECTOTYPE (here designated). — Iran . Hamedan Province, in monte Elwend , 1882 , T. Pichler s.n. (lecto-, WU [ WU0065667 ]! ; isolecto- , B [ B100093525 , B100094112 ]!, W [ W1885-0006150 ]!, WU [ WU0065666 , WU0065668 , WU0065669 , WU0065670 , WU0065671 , WU0065672 , WU0065673 ]!). REMARKS Heimerl (1885) described Echinops kerneri based on two collections: “in declivibus siccis montis Elwend leg. T. Pichler 1882” and “ad pagum Aftseha prope Teheran leg. T. Kotschy (Plantae Persiae borealis 1843 Nr. 622”. Rechinger (1974) described Echinops ecbatanus Bornm. ex Rech. f. based on collection: “in declivibus siccis montis Elwend leg. T. Pichler 1882”. Since older name exists based on the same type, and according to Turland et al. (2018) , the name Echinops ecbatanus Bornm. ex Rech. f. was not validly published. The specimenWU0065667 is here selected as the lectotype because its capitula and leaves are more developed than in other specimens, and the characters of the specimen agree with the protologue. The labels of the specimens are slightly different. They have been distributed in a series named “Iter Persicum Dris J. E. Polak 1882”, but the collector is T. Pichler. On WU0065669 is the original handwritten label of Pichler “Auf sandigen Triften und Aabhängen [sic!] der Perge [sic!] um Jalpan [On sandy places and slopes of the mountains around Jalpan], 16. Juli 1882 ”. The specimen in B was sent by Wettstein in 1917 to Bornmüller and carries the handwritten name E. ecbatanus by Bornmüller, but is rather fragmentary. On WU0065668 are handwritten notes of the floral analysis by Rechinger. The specimensB100093525, WU0065666 andWU0065668 were also annotated as Echinops polygamus Bunge. Echinops kerneri differs from E. polygamus by its height being 10-30 cm (vs 25-30 cm ), stems simple or branched in median part, densely leafy throughout (vs branched in basal part, loosely leafy in lower part, leafless in upper part), leaves coriaceous (vs herbaceous), basal leaves 5-10 cm wide, distinctly petiolate (vs 4-5 cm wide, sessile and amplexicaulous), cauline leaves broadly lanceolate, with 4-8 mm long spines (vs oblong or lanceolate-triangular, with c . 10 mm long spines), common involucres c . 10 mm long, with linear-cuneate phyllaries (vs c . 8 mm long, with lanceolate-cuneate phyllaries), and also phyllaries number c . 14, middle ones narrowly rhombic (vs 11-13, middle ones rigid-lanceolate).