Hexatoma crane flies (Diptera, Limoniidae) of Korea Author Podenas, Sigitas https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2597-566X Nature Research Centre, Akademijos str. 2, LT- 08412 Vilnius, Lithuania & Instute of Biosciences, Life Sciences Centre of Vilnius University, Sauletekio str. 7, LT- 10257 Vilnius, Lithuania sigitas.podenas@gamtc.lt Author Park, Sun-Jae Animal Resources Division, National Institute of Biological Resources, Incheon 22689, Republic of Korea Author Byun, Hye-Woo https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8114-4572 Animal Resources Division, National Institute of Biological Resources, Incheon 22689, Republic of Korea Author Podeniene, Virginija Instute of Biosciences, Life Sciences Centre of Vilnius University, Sauletekio str. 7, LT- 10257 Vilnius, Lithuania text ZooKeys 2022 2022-06-15 1105 165 208 http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.1105.82495 journal article http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.1105.82495 1313-2970-1105-165 BEE6D442CB164294BA0919873BBB283E 4D00A5F90B7A5E46A43250890A51D406 Hexatoma (Eriocera) serenensis Podenas sp. nov. Figs 40-46 , 64 Type material examined (Fig. 64 ). Holotype , male (Fig. 41 ) (pinned), North Korea , Seren Mts., alt. 610 m, 18 July 1938, A. M. Yankovsky leg. (USNM). Paratypes : North Korea ,1 male, 1 female (pinned) (Fig. 45 ), topotypic (USNM). Diagnosis. Large crane fly with body length 16.0-23.5 mm. Body dark brown, densely dusted with gray. Male antenna ~ 3 x as long as the whole body. Prescutum and presutural scutum with four stripes. Wing clear with dark stigma. Cell m1 present. Abdominal tergites dark brown, lateral margins brownish orange. Male gonocoxite nearly 3 x as long as width at base. Inner gonostylus nearly parallel-sided, distal part smoothly narrows to blunt apex. Aedeagus simple, short, straight. Paramere with long narrow branches widely separate at base. Ovipositor brownish orange. Etymology. Species is named after type locality, the Seren mountains. Description. Body coloration dark brown densely dusted with gray pruinosity. Body length of male 16.0-16.5 mm, female 23.5 mm, wing length of male 19.0-20.5 mm, female 20.0 mm. Head . Gray due to dense pruinosity, densely covered with long yellowish erect setae in male, pubescence less dense and distinctly shorter in female. Vertical tubercle large, rounded, dark brown, densely covered with long yellowish erect setae. Area between bases of antennae and tubercle brownish yellow. Eyes widely separated in both sexes, distance between them at base of antennae equals length of scape and pedicel taken together. Male antenna 7-segmented, 50.0-50.3 mm long, ~ 3 x as long as entire body (Fig. 41 ). Scape large, 1.7 x long than wide, dark brown at base, brownish orange at distal half, sparsely dusted with gray. Pedicel short and wide, more than twice as wide as long, brownish yellow. Flagellum entirely dark brown, flagellomeres with two parallel lines of short spines medially. Basal flagellomere longer than head and thorax taken together, second-fourth segments getting longer, length ratio of first to fourth segments 1.0: 1.5: 2.4: 3.0, apical segment very small button-shaped. Female antenna 11-segmented, 5.7 mm long, reaching wing base, if bent backwards. Scape 0.68 mm long, brown with dark brown base, dusted with gray, nearly cylindrical. Pedicel 0.16 mm long, cup-shaped, pale brown. Flagellomeres elongate, sub-cylindrical, covered with dark brown setae, single row of spine-shaped setae only on basal flagellomere, length of 1-5 flagellomeres respectively 1.07 mm, 0.73 mm, 0.68 mm, 0.64 mm, 0.56 mm. Rostrum brown, paler ventrally. Palpus and mouth parts dark brown. Thorax . Cervical sclerites dark brown, densely dusted with gray dorsally. Pronotum gray, lateral angle brownish orange-yellow. Prescutum and presutural scutum brownish gray, pale gray laterally with four distinct dark brown stripes (Fig. 42 ), covered with dense long erect yellowish setae dorsally, whitish laterally in male, pubescence less dense and distinctly shorter in female. Area separating medial stripes as wide as stripe itself. Tubercular pits very small, close to each other at frontal margin of sclerite, pseudosutural fovea comparatively small, orange posteriorly, dark brown frontally. Postsutural scutum with each lobe bluish gray with widely dark brown central area. Area between lobes gray. Scutellum dark brown, dusted with gray, more densely along posterior margin, covered with very long and dense whitish erect setae posteriorly and laterally. Mediotergite dark brown, gray pruinosity denser frontally, fronto-lateral corner yellowish. Pleuron whitish gray, silvery brown dorsally, densely covered with long erect yellowish setae. Wing (Fig. 43 ) brownish, darker along frontal margin and along cubital vein, iridescent, with distinct dark brown elongate stigma. Veins brown. Macrotrichiae on distal veins very scarce, nearly missing. Venation: humeral vein at same level as arculus, Sc very long, reaching wing margin distinctly beyond branching point of R2+3 and R4, sc-r at branching point of R2+3 and R4. Rs long and nearly straight, slightly arched at base. Free end of R1 elongate, R2 3 x its own length before apex of R1. R3 and R4 diverging, cell r3 with long stem, which slightly exceeds m-cu in length. Cross-vein r-m distinct, transverse, at base of discal cell. Discal cell twice as long as wide. Cross-vein m-cu at ~ 1/4 of discal cell length. Anal vein long, slightly concave at middle, apex far beyond the level of Rs base. Anal angle wide, posterior margin widely rounded. Stem of halter orange-yellow, knob dark brown. Length of male halter 2.0-2.1 mm, that of female 2.1 mm. Coxa gray covered with dense long erect setae, trochanter brown dusted with gray. Fore and middle femora of male yellow before middle, brown to dark brown beyond middle, posterior femur dark brown with ~ 1/3 yellow at base. Femur of female dark brown with only ~ 1/4 yellow at base, yellow area subequal on all legs. Tibia brown with narrowly yellowish base and dark brown apex. Tibia of fore leg with single apical spur, tibiae of middle and hind pairs of legs with two apical spurs each. Tarsal segments brown to dark brown. Male femur I: 7.0 mm long, II: 8.5-9.3 mm, III: 14.0-15.0 mm, tibia I: 12.5 mm, II: 10.0-10.1 mm, III: 13.8-14.5 mm, tarsus I: 14.3 mm, II: 6.3 mm, III: 9.0 mm. Female femur I: 8.5 mm long, II: 10.0 mm, III: 13.5 mm, tibia I: 11.0 mm, II: 9.5 mm, III: 14.0 mm, tarsus I: 11.5 mm, II: 9.2 mm. Claw orange with dark brown apex bearing subbasal spine. Abdomen . Tergites dark brown with dense cover of gray pruinosity, dusting less intense along middle and posterior margin, covered with long erect yellowish setae. Basal tergite with brownish orange frontal margin, remaining tergites narrowly gray along posterior margin. Lateral margins brownish orange. Second tergite with two distinct pairs of transverse sutures, remaining tergites with second pair less distinct. Sternites dark brown dusted with gray, narrowly orange laterally, each with paired transverse suture at base. Male terminalia (Fig. 44 ) dark brown, narrower than pregenital segments. Epandrium wider than longer, posterior margin concave. Gonocoxite elongate, nearly 3 x as long as width at base, dorsal surface with oblique narrow membranous suture. Two pairs of long narrow gonostyli. Outer gonostylus sclerotized, long, parallel-sided, apex distinctly narrowed and spine-shaped. Inner gonostylus elongate, fleshy and setose, nearly parallel-sided, distal part smoothly narrows to blunt apex. Paramere (Fig. 40 ) bifid, U-shaped, with long narrow branches widely separate at base. Aedeagus simple, short, and straight, bifid at apex. Anterior apodeme long and narrow, with small lateral lobes on each side, extending forward beyond frontal margin of lateral lobe of aedeagal sheath. Female pregenital segment (Fig. 45 ) and ovipositor (Fig. 46 ) orange. Tenth tergite elongate. Cercus slightly darker at base, nearly straight, rounded apex, distal part slightly raised upwards, very apex pale. Hypovalva long, parallel-sided at ~ 2/3 from base, distal part widened and setose, reaching to ~ 1/3 of cercus. Figures 40-46. Hexatoma (Eriocera) serenensis Podenas, sp. nov. 40 aedeagal complex, dorsal view, paratype 41 holotype, male, dorsal view 42 head and thorax, dorsal view, holotype, male 43 male wing, paratype 44 male genitalia, dorsal view, paratype 45 female, lateral view, paratype 46 ovipositor, lateral view, paratype. Scale bars: 0.1 mm ( 40 ); 1.0 mm ( 41-46 ). Elevation range. Slightly above 600 m. Period of activity. Mid-July. Habitat. Unknown. Distribution. North Korea, Seren Mountains. Remarks. Hexatoma serenensis sp. nov. is most similar to H. superba Savchenko, 1976, which is described and known only from Kunashir Island, Russia (Table 2 ). Hexatoma serenensis sp. nov. is also similar to H. aequinigra from Eastern Siberia, but female of H. aequinigra has dense and long pubescence on head and thorax, when that is short and scarce in H. serenensis sp. nov., femur of H. aequinigra female yellow with just distal sixth or less blackened, when femur of H. serenensis sp. nov. yellow only at ~ 1/4 from base. Distal wing veins with macrotrichiae nearly missing in H. serenensis sp. nov. and H. superba , but abundant in H. aequinigra . In general, female of H. serenensis sp. nov. looks closer to female of H. superba , male to H. aequinigra . Unfortunately male terminalia of H. superba aren't described or illustrated, male of H. aequinigra unknown, thus comparison of structure of male terminalia isn't possible at the moment. Table 2. Comparison of Hexatoma aequinigra , H. superba , and H. serenensis sp. nov.
Character H. aequinigra H. superba H. serenensis sp. nov.
Pubescence of female head dense and long scarce and medium-long medium-long
Vertical tubercle reddish on either side of midline of vertical tubercle same color as rest of the head, brownish gray dark brown, rest of the head gray
Male antenna - slightly more than twice as long as body 3.5 x as long as body
Pubescence of thorax dense and long scarce and medium-long dense and long
Area separating medial prescutal stripes slightly wider than the stripes distinctly narrower than stripes as wide as stripes
Lateral margin of prescutum suffused with pale brown with additional dark spot uniformly pale gray
Femur yellow, tip narrowly blackened basal 1/3 brownish yellow basal 1/2 brownish yellow
Cell m1 as long as its stem as long as 1/2 of its stem as long as its stem
Abdominal tergites female dark brown with yellowish brown lateral margin male uniformly dark brown male dark brown with brownish orange lateral margin
Female body length (mm) 33 26-27 23.5
Macrotrichiae on distal wing veins abundant missing missing