Order Carnivora Author Wilson, Don E. Author Reeder, DeeAnn text 2005 The Johns Hopkins University Press Baltimore Mammal Species of the World: a Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3 rd Edition), Volume 1 532 628 book chapter 0-8018-8221-4 10.5281/zenodo.7316519 Viverra zibetha Linnaeus 1758 Viverra zibetha Linnaeus 1758 , Syst. Nat., 10th ed., Vol. 1: 44 . Type Locality: "Indiis", subsequently restricted by Thomas (1911 a :137) to "Bengal" . Vernacular Names: Large Indian Civet . Subspecies: : Subspecies Viverra zibetha subsp. zibetha Linnaeus 1758 Subspecies Viverra zibetha subsp. ashtoni Swinhoe 1864 Subspecies Viverra zibetha subsp. hainana Wang and Xu 1983 Subspecies Viverra zibetha subsp. picta Wroughton 1915 Subspecies Viverra zibetha subsp. pruinosus Wroughton 1917 Distribution: Burma , Cambodia , China ( Anhui , Shaanxi , Zhejiang and Jiangsu ), India , Indonesia , Laos , Western Malaysia , Nepal , Thailand , and Vietnam . Conservation: CITES – Appendix III ( India ); IUCN – Lower Risk (lc). Discussion: See Walston and Veron (2001) for inclusion of V. tainguensis here. Synonyms allocated according to Pocock (1933 a ) and Ellerman and Morrison-Scott (1951) .