Eight New Species Of Ligophorus Euzet & Suriano, 1977 (Monogenea: Ancyrocephalidae) From Mugilids Off Peninsular Malaysia Author Lim, O. Y. M. Soo L. H. S. text Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 2012 2012-08-31 60 2 241 264 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.13256712 2345-7600 13256712 Ligophorus careyensis , new species ( Fig. 12A–G ) Type-host . Liza subviridis Valenciennes Type-locality . Off Carey Island , Banting , Malaysia ( 2°51'N , 101°22'E ) Type-specimens . Holotype : NHMUK 2012.7 .2.28 Paratypes : 1 paratype NHMUK 2012.7 . 2.29 in the Natural History Museum , London ; 1 paratype ZRC .PAR.07 in the Raffles Museum of Biodiversity Research , National University of Singapore ; 25 paratypes MZUM (P)2012.944(P)–968(P) in the University of Malaya collection . Material studied . 28 specimens studied; 20 specimens measured. Etymology . — This species is named after Carey Island, the type locality. Description. — Body elongate, 612 (353–825) × 118 (70–218) (n = 20), pharynx size, 37 (33–45) × 37 (30–49) (n = 20). Head-organs, eye-spots and alimentary system as in L. navjotsodhii , new species . Haptor well demarcated, size 93 (62–136) × 118 (73–184) (n = 20); 14 larval type marginal hooks, similar, length 11 (9–13) (n = 20); two pairs of anchors; 2 dorsal anchors, inner length 35 (31–39) (n = 20), outer length 33 (27–37) (n = 20), inner root 14 (11–18) (n = 20), outer root 7 (5–12) (n = 20), point 6 (3–10) (n = 20); 2 ventral anchors, inner length 36 (30–39) (n = 20), outer length 40 (32–44) (n = 20), inner root 14 (10–17) (n = 20), outer root 10 (6–13) (n = 20), point 7 (5–9) (n = 20); 2 connecting bars: V-shaped dorsal bar, 37 (33–42) × 5 (3–6) (n = 20); ventral bar inverted V, 41 (34–45) × 8 (6–10) (n = 20), AMP consists of two membranous lateral pieces and flat median piece, distance between membranous lateral pieces, 9 (6–11) (n = 20). Soft anatomical male reproductive system as in L. navjotsodhii , new species . Copulatory organ consists of copulatory tube, length 94 (78–111) (n = 20) with bilobed initial part, ornamented on bigger lobe, two opposing accessory pieces; an elongate groove piece, 25 (20–31) (n = 20) and similar length non-groove piece with distal fork. Soft anatomical female reproductive system as in L. navjotsodhii , new species , sclerotised vaginal opening, median, at level of recurved portion of ovary, vaginal tube thin, sclerotised, 36 (32–40) (n = 10), leading to ovoid seminal receptacle. Differential diagnosis . L. careyensis , new species is distinctly grouped from the other seven species in the PCA scatterplot ( Fig. 2 ) in having the longest copulatory tube and ornamented bilobed initial part ( Fig. 12F ). From the NT analyses, L. careyensis , new species is similar to L. navjotsodhii , new species in the structure of the anchors, accessory piece and AMP, to L. chelatus , new species in the anchors, bars and accessory piece, to L. minimus and L. parvicirrus in the anchors, bars and AMP and to L. heteronchus , L. imitans , L. llewellyni , L. macrocolpos , L. mediterraneus , L. pilengas , L. saladensis , and L. uruguayense in the structure of the anchors and AMP ( Table 2 ). However L. careyensis , new species differs from all the aforementioned species in having two opposing accessory pieces with a forklike distal end on its non-grooved piece and a long copulatory tube with an ornamented bilobed initial part ( Fig. 12F ).