Two new species and records of Olophrum laxum species group (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Omaliinae: Anthophagini) from China and Nepal Author Shavrin, Alexey V. text Zootaxa 2018 2018-03-21 4399 2 295 300 journal article 30446 10.11646/zootaxa.4399.2.13 ddf48bd8-a9f9-41b8-83ec-c216eddfc282 1175-5326 1206570 33069CF2-A8E4-49F7-B006-F8CC2A436852 Olophrum schuelkei Shavrin , sp.n. ( Figs. 2 , 5–6 ) Type material examined: Holotype [plastic plate with aedeagus and apical abdominal segment was pinned under the card with the specimen]: ‘ CHINA ( Shaanxi ) | Qin Ling Shan / 107.56E | 33.45N , autoroute km | 93 S Zhouzhi , 108 km | SW Xian , mount. Forest | 1650m /1. - 2.IX. [19]95 [D.] Wrase’ <rectangular label, printed> / ‘Sammlung | M. Schülke | Berlin’ <green rectangular label, printed> / ‘HOLOTYPE | Olophrum | schuelke sp.n. | Shavrin A.V. des. 2017’ (CSC). Paratypes (4 immature specimens): 3 ♀♀: ‘China: Shaanxi: Qin Ling Shan | 108.47 E, 33.51 N, Mountain W | pass at Autoroute km 70. 47 km | S Xian, 2300-2500m , sifted | 26.- 30.08.1995 , leg. M. Schülke’ <rectangular label, printed> / ‘Sammlung | M. Schülke | Berlin’ <green rectangular label, printed> (1 ♀: CS; 2 ♀♀: CSC); 1 ♂: ‘CHINA: S-Gansu [CH12-10] | W-Qinling Shan, 132 km NW Longnan, Lazikou pass, 34°14'32''N, | 103°54'29''E, 3000 m , N-slope, | pasture with shrubs, litter sifted, | 2.VIII.2012 , leg. M. Schülke’ (CSC) <rectangular label, printed>. All paratypes with additional red rectangular printed label: ‘PARATYPE | Olophrum | schuelkei sp.n. | Shavrin A.V. des. 2017’. Description. Measurements (n=5): HW: 0.67–0.73; HL: 0.52–0.57; AL ( holotype ): 1.53; OL: 0.20–0.24; PL: 0.75–0.77; PW: 1.15–1.25; ESL: 1.65–1.80; EW: 1.90–2.00; AW: 1.67–1.90; MTbL ( holotype ): 0.87; MTrL ( holotype ): 0.52 (MTrL 1–4: 0.32; MTrL 5: 0.20); AedL ( holotype ): 0.65; TL: 3.70( holotype )–4.64. Habitus as in Fig. 2 . In external appearance similar to O. pacei Shavrin & Smetana, 2017 . Body of holotype yellow-brown; mouthparts, antennae, lateral and basal portions of pronotum, lateral portions of elytra, legs and paratergites yellow. Head with moderately deep punctation, denser and coarser on median and medio-basal portions, sometimes (three paratypes ) with irregular and sparse punctation between grooves; punctation of pronotum as that in median portion of head but slightly denser and deeper on medioapical portion; punctation of elytra as that in pronotum, coarser and deeper on latero-apical and median portions. Head 1.2 times as wide as long, with distinct occipital line behind ocelli, with moderately deep and short grooves in front of ocelli; surface between postocular ridge and posterior margin of eye as long as two or three nearest facets. Ocelli large, equal to diameter of three nearest punctures; distance between ocelli 1.5 times as long as distance between ocellus and posterior margin of eye. Apical segment of maxillary palp two and half times as long as preceding segment. Measurements of antennomeres ( holotype ): 1: 0.15 × 0.06; 2: 0.13 × 0.05; 3: 0.14 × 0.05; 4: 0.13 × 0.05; 5–6: 0.14 × 0.05; 7–8: 0.14 × 0.06; 9: 0.13 × 0.07; 10: 0.11 × 0.07; 11: 0.18 × 0.08. Pronotum 1.5–1.6 times as wide as long, 1.7 times as wide as head, slightly more narrowed anteriad than posteriad. Metatibia 1.6 times as long as metatarus. Abdomen with pair of small oval tomentose spots in middle of tergite V; intersegmental membranes between tergites IV–VI moderately wide ( paratypes ). Male. Apical margin of abdominal tergite VIII and sternite VIII slightly sinuate. Aedeagus ( Fig. 5 ) with moderately wide basal part slightly narrowed toward widely rounded apex; parameres significantly exceeding apex of median lobe, apical portions of parameres moderately narrow, with three long apical and one preapical setae; internal sac complicated, moderately short. Aedeagus laterally as in Fig. 6 . Female. Apical margins of abdominal tergite VIII and sternite VIII straight or slightly rounded. Comparative notes. Based on the body size, shape of the grooves in front of ocelli, antennomeres and pronotum, and punctation of elytra, O. schuelkei sp.n. is similar to O. pacei Shavrin & Smetana, 2017 , described recently from Emeishan range, Sichuan , from which it differs by the paler coloration, longer antennomeres 4–10, larger and coarser punctation of pronotum, and by the shape of wider aedeagus with significantly longer parameres and shorter internal sac. Distribution. The new species is at present known from three localities in Qin Ling Shan range in Shaanxi and Gansu , China . Bionomics. Specimens were collected at elevations from 1650 to 3000 m a.s.l. by sifting of litter in mountain forest and pasture with shrubs. Etymology. The species is named after my colleague Michael Schülke ( Berlin ), one of the collectors of the type specimens.