The new genus Ancistrotilla n. gen., with new species from Vanuatu and New Caledonia (Hymenoptera, Mutillidae) Author Brothers, Denis J. School of Life Sciences, University of KwaZulu-Natal (Pietermaritzburg), Private Bag X 01, Scottsville 3209 (South Africa) brothers @ ukzn. ac. za text Zoosystema 2012 2012-06-30 34 2 223 251 journal article 10.5252/z2012n2a2 1638-9387 4547456 C5CEC30D-ED80-4407-A8DB-31E87605BA06 Ancistrotilla aenigmatica n. sp. ( Figs 6 ; 7 ; 10B ) Ephutomorpha caledonica Williams 1945: 416 , pl. XVIII (in part, not ). TYPE MATERIAL. — Holotype : NEW CALEDONIA / Riviere [ sic ] Bleue Prov [incial]. P[ar]k. / km 25.8 Riv [ière]. Bleue road [approx. 22°11’S , 166°44’E ] / 30 Oct [ober] - 3 Nov [ember] 1992, 213 m / ME Erwin , DW Webb ; INHS / Insect collection / 263,135; Malaise Trap / across / forest path; specimen / measured & / photographed / D. J. Brothers ( MNHN EY6695 ). Paratypes ( 62 ♂♂ ): New Caledonia . GrandeTerre, Along stream 13 km by road from Ouégoa on road to mont “Mandjanie” [Mandjélia] [approx. 20°25’S , 164°29’E ], 26.XI. 1992 , 175 feet (D. W. Webb, E. & M. Schlinger) collected in Malaise trap, INHS 209,960 ( 1 ♂ INHS ); same data but INHS 263,159 ( 1 ♂ DJBC ). — 13 km SE Kaala-Gomén 20°46’07”S , 164°27’26”E , 100 m , 20.I.1996 (M. E. Irwin, D. W. Webb), Malaise across road in dry shrub, INHS 209,957 ( 1 ♂ INHS ). — Aoupinié, 21°10’S , 165°19’E , 550 m , sawmill, rainforest, 23.XI.2001 - 1.II.2002 (Burwell, Monteith), Malaise 8932 ( 1 ♂ QM ). — Pindaï Forest, 3 km SW Népoui [approx. 21°22’S , 164°59’E ], 7-13.XI.1992 (D. W. Webb, E. & M. Schlinger), Malaise trap in coastal forest, INHS 263,114-117 ( 4 ♂♂ INHS ); same data but INHS 263,113 ( 1 ♂ measured DJBC ); same data but 13-23. XI.1992 , INHS 263,118-121 ( 4 ♂♂ INHS ). — Ni Vallèe [approx. 21°26’S , 165°29’E ], small stream crossing logging road in La Ni forest on SW face of La Ni Vallèe, 2.XI.1992 , 2300 feet (M. E. Irwin, D. W. Webb), Malaise trap across stream, INHS 263,090 ( 1 ♂ INHS ). — 1 km N Sarraméa 21°38’14”S , 165°51’35”E , 21.I.1996 (M. E. Irwin, D. W. Webb, EI Schlinger), Malaise on forest hillside, INHS 209,958 ( 1 ♂ INHS ). — Rivière Bleue Prov. Pk. [approx. 22°06’S , 166°40’E ], trail to upper Riv. Bleue, 5-16.XI. 1992 , 290 m (D. W. Webb), Malaise trap across forest path INHS 263,102-106 & 109-110 ( 7 ♂♂ INHS ); same data but INHS 263,101 ( 1 ♂ BPBM ); same data but INHS 263,107 ( 1 ♂ ANIC ); same data but INHS 263,111 ( 1 ♂ DJBC ); same data but INHS 263,112 ( 1 ♂ measured DJBC ); same data but 16-19. XI.1992 , INHS 263,108 & 263,147 ( 2 ♂♂ INHS ); same data but 19-28.XI. 1992 , 305 m, INHS 263,139 ( 1 ♂ INHS ); same location but 19-28.XI. 1992 , 950 feet (D. W. Webb), collected in Malaise trap, INHS 209,961 ( 1 ♂ INHS ). — Rivière Bleue Prov. Pk., 35 km NW Yaté [approx. 22°08’S , 166°42’E ], 21.XII.1991 (M. E.Irwin, D. W.Webb), Malaise trap across forest path, INHS 263,158 ( 1 ♂ INHS ). — Rivière Bleue Prov. Pk., 30 km NW Yaté [approx. 22°09’S , 166°44’E ], 270 m , 27.XII.1991 (M. E. Irwin, D. W. Webb), Malaise trap across forest path, INHS 263,130 & 132 ( 2 ♂♂ INHS ); same data but INHS 263,129 & 131 ( 2 ♂♂ DJBC ); same data but 24-27.XII.1991 , no altitude, INHS 263,142-144 ( 3 ♂♂ INHS ). — Rivière Bleue Prov. Pk., km 19.6 Riv. Bleue road [approx. 22°09’S , 166°45’E ], 18-20.XI. 1992 , 183 m (D. W. Webb), Malaise trap across forest path, INHS 263,140 ( 1 ♂ INHS ); same data but 20-28. XI.1992 , INHS 263,141 ( 1 ♂ INHS ). — Dumbéa River [approx. 22°10’S , 166°27’E ], 28.X.1958 (C. R. Joyce) ( 1 ♂ measured BPBM ); same location but 22- 25.V.1970 (H. E. & M. A. Evans) det. as “ Ephutomorpha senilis (Smith) ” by Petersen ( 1 ♂ MCZ ). — Mt. Koghi [Koghis, 22°10’34”S , 166°30’17”E ], 15.II.1963 (N. L. H. Krauss) ( 1 ♂ measured BPBM ); Mt Koghis, 500 m , 17 km N-NE Nouméa, 5-15.XI.1992 (D. W. Webb), Malaise trap in tropical forest, INHS 263,155 ( 1 ♂ INHS ); same location but 425 m , 8-10.I.1996 (M. E. Irwin, D. W. Webb, EI Schlinger), Malaise across path in rainforest, INHS 209,955 ( 1 ♂ DJBC ). — Rivière Bleue Prov. Pk., km 25.8 Riv. Bleue road [approx. 22°11’S , 166°44’E ], 5-16.XI. 1992 , 213 m (D. W. Webb, E. & M. Schlinger), Malaise trap across forest path, INHS 263,133 ( 1 ♂ BMNH ); same data but 30.X-3.XI.1992 (M. E. Irwin, D. W. Webb), INHS 263,136 ( 1 ♂ INHS ); same data but INHS 263,137 ( 1 ♂ MNHN ); Rivière Bleue [approx. 22°11’S , 166°44’E ], 30.X. 1992 , 213 m (E. & M. Schlinger, D. W. Webb), collected in Malaise trap, INHS 263,156 ( 1 ♂ INHS ). — Pic du Pin, 22°14’S , 166°50’E , 280 m , site 2, rainforest, 23.XII.2004 - 12.I.2005 (Burwell, Wright), Malaise, Photog. Spm PS1101, 12047 ( 1 ♂ QM ). — Chute Madeleine, 22°14’S , 166°52’E , 230 m , maquis, 18.IX-12.XI.2000 (Skevington & Burwell), Malaise, 9970 ( 1 ♂ measured DJBC , 2 ♂♂ QM ). — North side of Mont. Dore, 4 km NW Plum [approx. 22°14’45”S , 166°36’21”E ], 24-27.XII.1991 (M. E. Irwin, D. W. Webb), Malaise trap in dry wash with pools, INHS 263,157 ( 1 ♂ INHS ). — Pic du Grand Kaori, 22°17’S , 166°54’E , 250 m , 21.XI.2001 - 29.I.2002 (G. Monteith), Malaise trap, 8920 ( 1 ♂ measured QM ). — Foret ( sic ) Nord, 22°19’S , 166°55’E , 480 m , site 1, rainforest, 1-22.XII.2004 (Burwell, Wright), Malaise, 11882 ( 1 ♂ QM ). — Cap Ndoua 22°23’S , 166°56’E , 150 m , site 1, rainforest, 21.XII.2004 - 8.I.2005 (Burwell, Wright), Malaise, 12064 ( 1 ♂ measured QM ). — Isle of Pines [approx. 22°37’S , 167°28’E ], 23.X.1940 (F. X. Williams), 1 det. as Ephutomorpha caledonica by Williams ( 2 ♂♂ measured BPBM , 1 ♂ DJBC ); same location but 24.X.1940 (F. X. Williams), det. as Ephutomorpha caledonica by Williams ( 1 ♂ BPBM ). DISTRIBUTION. — New Caledonia : Grande Terre, île des Pins (Fig. 11). ETYMOLOGY. — The specific name is a Latin adjective meaning “mysterious”, referring to the uncertainty surrounding the identity of these males and their sex association(s), see below. DIAGNOSIS. — Male . Integument predominantly dark metallic blue;T6 with mainly black setae, only sparse white apical fringe; S6 entirely black pubescent; no postgenal carina; clypeal tooth with lateral margin straight; third submarginal cell shorter than high, distance between third submarginal cell and wing apex almost 3× length of third submarginal cell; tibial spurs black; pygidium apically flattened with straight transverse apical margin; penis valve with convex dorsal margin, lateroventral lamella extending to same level as inner lamella, both lamellae attaching to apical tooth within ventral quarter, apicodorsal setae on dorsal ⅔ of apical margin. Female . Unknown. DESCRIPTION Male Measurements are for holotype , and range and mean for all 11 specimens indicated above. Length 8.9 (5.8-10.1, mean 8.4) mm. Integument mostly metallic dark blue; T1 with narrow pale integumental band posteriorly; T2 dark purplish blue to dark purple; T3-6, S2-7 and hypopygium dark purplish blue, becoming scarcely metallic posteriorly; antenna, mouthparts, tegula, tibial spurs, tarsi and pygidium black to very dark brown. Pubescence mainly whitish but with several interspersed dark setae on dorsum of head, dark on scutum, tegula, T2 except anterolaterally,T4-6, S2 except anteriorly, S4-6 and hypopygium; decumbent white setae forming dense apical fringes on T2-3, sparse apical fringe on T6, covering T7 except for pygidial plate, and forming apical fringes laterally on S2-3. Head. Broadly transverse, 1.84× (1.67-1.85, mean 1.74) as wide as long, 0.97× (0.92-1.02, mean 0.97) as wide as mesosoma, densely and finely punctatereticulate, with semi-decumbent simple and long shaggy erect brachyplumose setae, erect plumose setae behind eye and on scape and median area of clypeus. Eye strongly protruding, frons width 0.54× (0.54-0.57, mean 0.56) head width. Sides behind head converging and rounded, merging with posterior margin; head length behind eye 0.48× (0.45-0.58, mean 0.53) eye length. Vertex convex, ocellar triangle scarcely elevated. Ocelli moderate, median ocellus 0.08× (0.08-0.09, mean 0.08) width of head, closely spaced, interocellar distance 1.14× (1.10-1.63, mean 1.31) width of median ocellus; interocellar distance 0.33× (0.32-0.47, mean 0.38) ocell-ocular distance. Occipital carina distinct dorsally, ending ventrally at about mid level of occipital depression. Postgenal carina absent. Genal carina absent. Antennal tubercles shining but sparsely and finely punctate, slightly separated basally. Antennal scrobe deep, well delimited laterally, not reaching eye margin, with small transverse tooth dorsomesally and separate prominent obtuse dorsally-convex lamella lateroventral to this at dorsal extremity of lateral marginal ridge. Clypeus deeply depressed dorsolateral to median abruptly margined projecting flattened almost semicircular punctate area, ventral margin convex with large obliquely horizontal acute tooth on each side of midline, tooth basally broad with lateral margin straight. Malar space 0.59× (0.52-0.69, mean 0.62) basal height of mandible. Proboscidial fossa slightly longer than smooth postgenal bridge. Scape strongly bicarinate anteroventrally, dorsal carina restricted to apical ⅔. Pedicel 0.95× (0.83-1.00, mean 0.95) as long as wide, 0.87× (0.83-1.10, mean 0.91) as long as first flagellomere; first flagellomere 0.92× (0.77-1.00, mean 0.90) as long as wide, 0.92× (0.77-0.92, mean 0.87) as long as second flagellomere. Mandible in dorsal/anterior view evenly curved, weakly tapering, with moderate longitudinal carina dorsally, bidentate apically, subapical tooth well developed, with strong projecting rounded basal tooth ventrally; height across basal tooth 0.82× (0.69-0.83, mean 0.75) mandibular basal height, height immediately beyond basal tooth 0.50× (0.44-0.53, mean 0.48) height across tooth, basal tooth length 1.27× (1.10-1.27, mean 1.17) mandibular basal height. FIG. 6. — Ancistrotilla aenigmatica n. gen., n. sp. ♂: A , habitus, dorsal view; B , habitus, lateral view; C , head, dorsal view; D , head, anterior view; E , metasoma, dorsal view; F , T5, T6 and pygidium, dorsal view. Scale bars: 1 mm. Mesosoma. 1.46× (1.42-1.55, mean 1.47) as long as wide; densely and finely punctate except micropunctate and longitudinally briefly striate on metepimeron above endophragmal pit, smooth on dorsal ⁵⁄₆ of metepisternum, and reticulate on propodeum; with long shaggy semi-decumbent simple and erect mainly brachyplumose setae. Pronotal dorsal face (excluding anterior collar) with anterior margin slightly convex, rounded, epaulet a prominent ovate tuft of fine erect setae; humeral angle rounded; lateral margin straight; posterodorsal margin broadly V-shaped. Tegula 0.54× (0.51-0.57, mean 0.54) as long as scutum, broadly ovate, not reaching median level of scuto-scutellar suture, convex but very weakly recurved posteriorly, smooth and glabrous except finely punctate and setose along anterior and mesal margins. Mesoscutum without notaulus, parapsis an almost indistinguishable very short line; posterolateral corner forming a slight flattish lobe discontinuous with axilla. Scutellum flattish; axilla produced as a flattened horizontal flange, forming a rounded tooth posteriorly. Metanotum simple, transverse. Propodeum evenly convex, disk and declivity merging in lateral view but margin between dorsal/posterior and lateral faces abrupt. Metasternal process broadly tridentate but apex strongly emarginate, shorter than metacoxal height. Wings. Infuscated, darkest apical to cells, becoming paler basally. Forewing with moderate ovate sclerotised pterostigma; marginal cell fairly short, 2.08× (1.96-2.55, mean 2.25) as long as high, truncate apically with distinct spurlike vein posteriorly (sometimes scarcely evident); three closed submarginal cells, third submarginal cell 0.88× (0.79-1.03, mean 0.93) as long as high; distance between third submarginal cell and wing apex 2.72× (2.64-3.47, mean 2.83) length of third submarginal cell. Legs. Mid- and hind tibiae without dorsal spines; each subapically with distinct secretory pore near base of inner apical spur; apical spurs longitudinally concave dorsally, margins microserrate, densely clothed with microsetae. Metacoxa with weak longitudinal carina on inner margin ending well before small apical lamellate tooth; inner metatibial spur 1.71× (1.44-1.77, mean 1.62) as long as outer spur, 0.94× (0.88-1.00, mean 0.94) as long as metabasitarsus. Metasoma. 1.00× (0.91-1.00, mean 0.97) as wide as mesosoma. T1 finely and densely punctate but sparsely so anteromedially, 1.23× (1.14-1.35, mean 1.24) as long as wide, 0.43× (0.42-0.48, mean 0.46) width of T2, evenly expanded from base, strongly convex posteriorly, not constricted but almost parallel-sided apically, with erect slender brachyplumose setae and sparse posterior fringe of decumbent slender simple setae; anterior auricle prominent, broadly dentate.T2 0.90× (0.84-0.94, mean 0.88) as long as wide in dorsal view, finely and moderately punctate, interspaces distinct, with erect and semi-decumbent simple setae, a few erect brachyplumose setae anterolaterally; felt line narrow and long, 0.42× (0.35-0.49, mean 0.41) lateral length of T2. T3-6 very finely and densely punctate, surface shining, with erect and semi-decumbent simple setae. T7 mostly finely and densely punctate with semi-decumbent simple setae, apical pygidial area very finely and densely punctate, flattened, with straight lateral and apical marginal carinae. Sterna fairly sparsely punctate with semi-decumbent simple setae and erect simple setae, erect plumose setae on S1 and anteriorly on S2. S1 with distinct simple longitudinal carina.S 2 in lateral view strongly convex anteriorly, weakly concave posteriorly; with well-developed but short felt line, 0.31× (0.24-0.31, mean 0.27) as long as felt line on T2. S7 partially exposed, apparently about 0.2× as long as S6, almost entirely smooth. Hypopygium about as long as wide, sparsely punctate, flattened, posterior margin with prominent acute tooth on each side near midline. FIG. 7. — Ancistrotilla aenigmatica n. gen., n. sp. , ♂ genitalia: A , B , dorsal view; C , D , ventral view; E , F , penis valve, outer lateral view; G , H , right half without basal ring and penis valve, inner lateral view. Scale bars: 0.5 mm. Genitalia. Paramere elongate, slender, laterally obliquely flattened,acute,apex weakly curved dorsad, basilateral setae strong and reaching beyond about ⁄₄ length of paramere. Parapenial lobe well developed, apically hooklike and strongly curved mesad, apex slightly bulbous. Cuspis divided near base, paracuspis a short lobe, ventral lobe cylindrical; digitus elongated and laterally flattened, much shorter than cuspis. Penis valve in lateral view with dorsal margin strongly convex but briefly emarginate near each end; anteroventral arm strongly narrowed from base, anterior apex narrowly acute; lateroventral lamella apically obliquely narrowed, almost reaching apex of tooth, ventrally coincident in level with inner lamella or somewhat ventral to it; several small setae apically along at least dorsal half of apical margin; in dorsal view anteroventral arm apically parallel-sided. Female Unknown. REMARKS I have examined several of the male specimens collected by Williams (1945) with females of A . caledonica n. comb. , and have been unable to find any consistent differences between them and specimens collected at the same time and place as the female holotype of A. bleuensis n. gen., n. sp. , although there is a tendency for the Williams specimens to have slightly smaller and more distantly spaced ocelli than most of those from Rivière Bleue. Although measurements of all available specimens for this character alone suggested two groups, one with interocellar distance 1.37-1.64× (mean 1.47, SD 0.07, n 35) width of median ocellus and the other with interocellar distance 1.06-1.29× (mean 1.19, SD0.06, n 27) width of median ocellus, the apparent gap between them (0.08) is minimal and I have not been able to find any other correlated characters which might support these groups; the distributions also overlap almost entirely, with specimens from both putative groups being found at the same localities throughout Grande Terre. This led me to describe A. aenigmatica n. gen., n. sp. as a separate species, since I could not reasonably associate specific specimens with particular female forms. It remains possible, however, that the male specimens listed above may represent a mixed series, or that the two female forms may represent extremes of variability in a single species (something impossible to evaluate because of the paucity of specimens). Resolution of these questions must await more widespread sampling, specially of females which are seldom collected using the most popular survey methods involving Malaise traps.