Taxonomic revision of the Onchidiidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Pulmonata) from the Tropical Eastern Pacific
Dayrat, Benoît
Zimmermann, Sara
Raposa, Melissa
Journal of Natural History
15 - 16
journal article
Onchidella steindachneri
Semper, 1885
Figures 1
Onchidium steindachneri
Semper 1885: 280
, plate XIX, figs 7–8, plate XXI, fig. 15, plate XXIII, fig. 14.
Onchidella steindachneri
Stearns 1894: 384
, plate LI, figs 4–5. —
Watson 1925: 304
. —
Hoffmann 1928: 38–44
, 70, 94–95, plate 2, figs 3, 5–6, plate 3, figs 4, 7. —
Labbé 1934: 241
Type material
ZMB 39.038
one specimen
∼ 25/
10 mm
preserved [leg. and collecting date unknown]. Type locality:
Inseln. Type material condition: the original description was based on
two syntypes
, but there seems to be only one of them held at the
, which was dissected and cut in pieces prior to the present study (so the size indicated above is tentative)
Additional material examined and dissected
A total of 95 non-type specimens were examined, 29 of which were dissected to study their internal anatomy. Examined specimens were collected from 12 localities on six of the
Galapagos Islands
, four islands being new records (see
Galapagos Islands
Isla Cristóbal
[Chatham Island],
11 May 1852
21 specimens
28/20 to 20/
12 mm
preserved [leg.
Eugenie Expedition
, station 838], identified as
Onchidella steindachneri
[unknown identifier], (
SMNH 103166
) [
one specimen
dissected here: 25/10 (#1); the jar contains pieces of possibly four additional specimens dissected prior to the present study; those specimens are the vouchers of
Hoffmann’s (1928)
description of
Galapagos Islands
Santa Cruz
Academy Bay
, 1934,
three specimens
23/18 to 20/16 (#1) mm preserved [leg.
], identified as
Onchidella steindachneri
[unknown identifier], (
SMNH 103167
Galapagos Islands
Santa Cruz
Academy Bay
, 1934,
two specimens
24/17 and 16/15 (#1) mm preserved [leg.
], identified as
Onchidella steindachneri
[unknown identifier], (
SMNH 103168
south Pacific
Galapagos Islands
Sulivan Bay
James Island
24 July 1938
one specimen
13 mm
preserved [leg. unknown], identified as
[unknown identifier], (
NMNH 574530
) [dissected];
south Pacific
Galapagos Islands
Elizabeth Bay
Albemarle Island
26 July 1938
two specimens
25/10 (#1) and 25/
20 mm
preserved [leg. unknown], identified as
[unknown identifier], (
NMNH 574379
Galapagos Islands
, W coast of
Isla Santa Cruz
, opposite
Guy Fawkes Island
, “Venice” cove,
19 February 1964
three specimens
13/7 to 10/9 (#1) mm preserved [leg.
D.P. Abbott
J.W. Durham
], identified as
Onchidella steindachneri
B. Roth
CASIZ 017922
Galapagos Islands
Isla Santa Cruz
Academy Bay
February 1964
nine specimens
45/25 to 15/
11 mm
preserved [leg.
A.G. Smith
], identified as
Onchidella steindachneri
A.G. Smith
CASIZ 078745
) [
four specimens
dissected: 45/25 (#2), 30/24 (#5), 20/17 (#4), 18/16 (#3) and 15/11 (#1)]
Galapagos Islands
Isla Pinta
[Abingdon Island], SW coast,
25 May 1964
three specimens
16/14 (#1) to 13/11 (#2) mm preserved [leg.
D.Q. Cavagnaro
], identified as
Onchidella steindachneri
A.G. Smith
CASIZ 078743
Galapagos Islands
Isla Pinzon
[Duncan Island],
7 June 1932
two specimens
12/11 (#1) and 13/
10 mm
preserved [leg.
F. Taiga
], identified as
L. Borock
CASIZ 077057
Galapagos Islands
Isla San Salvadore
[James Island], N end
James Bay
2 February 1967
seven specimens
18/15 to 11/
10 mm
preserved [leg.
I. Wiggins
], identified as
[unknown identifier], (
CASIZ 079303
) [
four specimens
dissected: 18/15 (#1), 16/12 (#4), 12/10 (#2) and 11/10 (#3)]
Galapagos Islands
Isla Santa Cruz
Academy Bay
18 July 1906
four specimens
18/23 (#1) to 18/15 (#2) mm preserved [leg.
W.H. Oschner
], identified as
Onchidella steindachneri
A.G. Smith
, (
CASIZ 078749
Galapagos Islands
Isla Santa Cruz
[Indefatigable Island],
Dove Roads
, 1905–1906,
37 specimens
26/22 to 12/
14 mm
preserved [leg.
W.H. Oschner
], identified as
[unknown identifier], (
CASIZ 078354
) [
10 specimens
dissected: 26/22 (#1), 20/23 (#7), 20/21 (#8), 20/18 (#10), 19/24 (#4), 18/15 (#2), 16/21 (#5), 13/15 (#6), 13/10 (#3), and 12/14 (#9)]
Endemic to the
Galapagos Islands
: San Cristobal (
Hoffmann 1928
; present study); Santa Maria (= Charles Island;
Stearns 1894
(= Albemarle;
Stearns 1894
; present study); San Salvadore (present study); Pinzon (present study); Santa Cruz (present study); Pinta (present study).
Semper (1885)
O. steindachneri
from the
Galapagos Islands
, without citing any specific island.
Watson (1925)
Labbé (1934)
only mentioned
O. steindachneri
from the
, without new material.
Intertidal. On rocks.
Remarks on the original description
The dorsal colour of the
two syntypes
was described as blackish-greenish, and the ventral surface as yellowish. Semper also described some of the internal anatomy, especially the reproductive system: the insertion of the retractor muscle is at the very end of the visceral cavity, near the anus; also, the vas deferens was described as highly convoluted; finally, there is no penial accessory gland. The drawings of the rachidian and lateral teeth are poorly informative.
Description of new specimens
Several anatomical systems of
O. steindachneri
are similar to
O. binneyi
(nervous system, pallial organs, digestive system except for the radular formulae, and the posterior genital organs). Their written description is not provided here again, although some organs, which have not – or only poorly – been illustrated, are illustrated here. Given that the only
available has been completely destroyed, the description below is exclusively based on non-type specimens.
External Morphology
Figures 1
). Dorsal notum of live animals blackish. In preserved animals, dorsal colour from dark grey or bluish to dark brownish; centre of notum light tan in most individuals; hyponotum and pedal sole whitish.
Size from 45/25 (
078745) to 10/
9 mm
017922). Body high, not flattened. Hyponotum horizontal. Dorsal notum oval, longer than wide. In most individuals, entire surface of dorsal notum granular with papillae of various sizes (usually <
2 mm
high). However, notum of some individuals with smooth centre (e.g.
103166). Margin of notum is not smooth: characterized by digitiform warts of various sizes up to
2 mm
long. In large individuals, many marginal warts much larger (up to
4 mm
long) and subdivided (one main, central wart with several, smaller digitiform warts). Papillae with dorsal eyes absent. Dorsal gills absent.
In most individuals, total width of hyponotum (left and right sides added) superior to width of pedal sole (H> S): left side of hyponotum, pedal sole, and right side of the hyponotum of equal width. However, exceptionally, pedal sole wider than left and right hyponotum added (e.g., left hyponotum/pedal sole/right hyponotum as 5/10/4 and 4/10/
3 mm
078745). On hyponotum, hyponotal line around pedal sole separating hyponotum into inner area (close to foot) and outer area. Distance between hyponotal line and pedal sole varies from one fifth to one third of width of
ventral view,
103167 #1; (E) posterior (female) genital organs,
103167 #1; (F) posterior (female) genital organs,
103167 #1. Scale bar: A,
5 mm
; B,
4 mm
; C, 3.3 mm; D,
2 mm
; E,
2 mm
; F, 1.7 mm. Abbreviations: bm, buccal mass; cr, crop; dd, deferent duct; dg, digestive gland; e, oesophagus; fgm, female gland mass; hd, hermaphroditic duct; hg, hermaphroditic gland; hl, hyponotal line; i, intestine; lrpc, left reno-pulmonary complex; mgg, marginal gland; mo, male opening; ol, oral lobe; ov, oviduct; pgo, pedal gland opening; ppg, peripodal groove; rs, receptaculum seminis; sp, spermatheca; st, stomach; st2, stomach chamber #2; vg, vaginal gland.
Figure 13. External morphology and internal anatomy of
Onchidella steindachneri
, Galapagos Islands: (A) anterior region, ventral view, SMNH 103167 #1; (B) dorsal papillae and marginal warts, CASIZ 078745 #1; (C) visceral cavity, dorsal view, CASIZ 078354 #2; (D) stomach,
hyponotum (hyponotal line closer to pedal sole than to hyponotum margin). Openings (pneumostome, male opening and eye tentacles) are within smooth area delimited by hyponotal line.
Pedal sole surrounded by two grooves on left and right sides. Left groove shallow. Peripodial groove present on right side, from buccal area (pedal gland opening) to posterior openings (anus and female opening). Anus posterior, median, close to pedal sole. Exceptionally, anus slightly on right side (
078749 #2 and #9). Posterior female genital opening is very close to anus. Position of pneumostome on the hyponotum relative to notum margin and lateral side of the pedal sole varies among and within lots. Pneumostome can be: at an equal distance between pedal sole and hyponotal margin (e.g.
078745 #2 and #3); one third closer to sole than hyponotal margin (e.g.,
078749 #2 and #9) or very close to anus, almost touching it (e.g.
078354, two spms). Pneumostome generally close to median line, but slightly to right, occasionally median (e.g.
103166, three spms;
574379, two spms). Head bears pair of retractile, ocular tentacles, with eyes at tip. In all preserved specimens, ocular tentacles deeply retracted inside body. Left and right oral lobes distinct, not fused medially, superior to mouth but inferior to ocular tentacles. Opening of pedal gland median, inferior to mouth. Male genital opening on the right lateral side of right oral lobe.
Marginal glands
Figures 13
). Marginal glands are similar to those found in
O. binneyi
. However, between eight and fourteen glands on each side. Glands about
1 mm
in diameter, although some smaller glands occasionally found in between larger glands.
Digestive system
Figures 13
). Radular maximum size 10/
4 mm
, when flattened. Radular formulae vary among individuals (
Table 1
). From 66 to 121 rows, and from 63 to 114 teeth per half row.
Reproductive system
Figs 13
). No accessory penial gland. No distinct penis inside penial sheath. No distinct, conspicuous papilla at distal end of deferens duct. Penial sheath covered internally by thick folds. Length of penial sheath up to
15 mm
in large specimens. No accessory caecum filled with white concretions opening into penial sheath. Deferent duct highly convoluted and coiled. In most specimens, many loops that can hardly be counted. Number of loops varies among individuals: young, small specimens generally with deferent duct with fewer loops; deferent duct never straight and short. Diameter of deferent duct more or less constant (∼ 300 µm maximum). Retractor muscle anchors where deferent duct enters penial sheath and runs to the end of visceral cavity to insert near posterior openings (female opening and anus). Length of retractor muscle depends on size of penial sheath (long if short penial sheath and short if long penial sheath). However, retractor muscle inserts at posterior end of visceral cavity in all specimens dissected.
Prior to the present study, only
six specimens
O. steindachneri
had been dissected: two by
Semper (1885)
and four by
Hoffmann (1928)
Stearns (1894)
only described the external morphology. The present study, based on
29 specimens
dissected (for
95 specimens
examined in total) from 12 localities from six of the
Galapagos Islands
, provides us with the first opportunity to address the intra-specific variation of some of the characters. In particular, the variation of the male copulatory organs, which clearly distinguish
O. steindachneri
from other species in the north-eastern Pacific, is described here for the first time: the deferent duct is highly coiled, and, although the number of loops may vary among individuals, the deferent duct is never straight. Also, the variation of the radular formula is now better known: 66/121 × 63/114-1-63/114 (neither Semper nor Hoffmann gave specific radular formulae).
Figure 14. Marginal glands of
Onchidella steindachneri
, Galapagos Islands: (A) gland within body wall, SMNH 103167 #1; (B) CASIZ 078354 #2; (C) transversal cut, CASIZ 078354 #2; (D) transversal cut, CASIZ 078745 #2; (E) transversal cut, detail, CASIZ 078745 #2. Scale bars: A, 200 µm; B, 1 mm; C, 0.5 mm; D, 0.5 mm; E, 250 µm.
Figure 15. Radular teeth of
Onchidella steindachneri
, Galapagos Islands: (A) entire radula, CASIZ 017922 #1; (B) rachidian tooth, CASIZ 078354 #1; (C) Left lateral teeth, superior view, CASIZ 078354 #1, arrow indicates small cusp on outer, lateral expansion of base of lateral tooth; (D) Right lateral teeth, hook and lateral denticle, inferior view, CASIZ 078745 #4, left arrow indicates small cusp on outer, lateral expansion of base of lateral tooth, and right arrow indicates triangular structure supporting flattened, dorsal hook. Scale bars: A, 1 mm; B, 10 µm; C, 20 µm; D, 20 µm.
Overall, the taxonomy of
O. steindachneri
is not problematic. It is a species that clearly differs from other
from the north-eastern Pacific and for which only one name has ever been proposed in the literature. As for its supra-specific relationships, it clearly does not belong to
, as originally proposed by Semper, who actually only used one generic name for all onchidiids, with the exception of one species which he classified in