The Stoppani Collection of Large Bivalves (Bivalvia, Megalodontida) from the Upper Triassic of Lombardy, Italy
Teruzzi, Giorgio
Natural History Sciences
journal article
Dicerocardium ragazzonii
Stoppani, 1860
Four plaster reconstructions of complete internal moulds, and a reconstruction of the right valve. It is believed that the moulds are hypothetical reconstructions based on fragmented specimens. In fact, Stoppani underlined the incompleteness of the specimen at his disposal, and only fragments of internal moulds are illustrate. None of the plaster moulds corresponds with the figures in Tabs. 53-55.
MSNM i28042 -
Fig. 7
Plaster reconstruction of an internal mould with elongated umbonal region.
MSNM i28039 -
Fig. 8
Plaster reconstruction of an internal mould complete with both valves; it is a probably a hypothetical reconstruction of the form with extremely elongated, horn-shaped umbones of which fragmentary moulds are figured at. T. 55, figs. 1-5, with stippled lines indicating the missing parts. This reconstruction was not illustrated by Stoppani.
MSNM i28038 -
Fig. 9
Hypothetical plaster reconstruction of an original right valve. It fits well with the previously described internal mould (MSNM i28039). It was not illustrated by Stoppani, and differs from the reconstruction given by Stoppani in T. 54, fig. 4 of a left valve, because it does not depict the external striped ornamentation.
MSNM i28030, MSNM i28041 -
Fig. 10
To copies of the same hypothetical plaster reconstruction of an internal mould. This reconstruction differs from MSNM i28042 and 28039, in that the umbonal area is shorter and broader; however, the hinge is similar.