Four new species and new records of Canthysellus from Brazil (Coleoptera: Noteridae) Author Guimarães, Bruno A. C. 1,2) &) &) Laboratório de Entomologia, Departamento de Zoologia, Instituto de Biologia, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Caixa Postal 68044, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, 21941 - 971, Brasil; e-mails: brunoaguilar 0044 @ gmail. com, nferrejr @ gmail. com & 1,2) &) Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas - Zoologia, Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Quinta da Boa Vista, São Cristóvão, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, 20940 - 040, Brasil Author Ferreira-Jr, Nelson 1,2) &) &) Laboratório de Entomologia, Departamento de Zoologia, Instituto de Biologia, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Caixa Postal 68044, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, 21941 - 971, Brasil; e-mails: brunoaguilar 0044 @ gmail. com, nferrejr @ gmail. com text Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 2017 Acta. Ent. Mus. Natl. Pragae 2017-12-31 57 2 521 534 journal article 10.1515/aemnp-2017-0088 0374-1036 5315619 447405A9-868F-4D01-8C0B-E7EE7102AD08 Canthysellus omawe sp. nov. ( Figs 3 , 7a–e , 10 ) Type locality. Brazil , Amazonas State, Barcelos Municipality, Mr. Miranda’s Site, Ukuki Community, Jauari River, 00°48′02.05″N 63°29′24.32″W . Type material. HOLOTYPE : J, ‘ Brazil , Amazonas State , Barcelos Municipality, Mr. Miranda’s Site, Ukuki Community , Jauari River , puddle in the wood, trail to piaçaval, 00°48’02,05”N 63°29’24,32”W , 25.VII.2009 , Pês A. leg.’ ( INPA ) . PARATYPES : BRAZIL : AMAZONAS: Brazil , Amazonas State , Barcelos Municipality , Mr. Miranda’s Site , Ukuki Community , Jauari River , puddle in the wood, trail to piaçaval, 00°48’02,05”N 63°29’24,32”W , 25.VII.2009 , Pês A. leg.’ (13 JJ 10 ♀♀ / DZRJ 6542 ) ; ‘ Brazil , Amazonas State , Barcelos Municipality , Mr. Miranda’s Site , Ukuki Community , Jauari River , puddle on the trail, 00°48’02,05”N 63°29’24,32”W , 24.VII.2009 , Santos A.P.M. & Nessimian J.L. leg.’ (2 JJ 2 ♀♀ / INPA ) ; ‘ Brazil , Amazonas State , Barcelos Municipality , Mr. Miranda’s Site , Ukuki Community , Jauari River , Igarapé 2, on the trail, 00°48’02,05”N 63°29’24,32”W , 25.VII.2009 ’ ( 2♀♀ / INPA ) ; ‘ Brazil , Amazonas State , Barcelos Municipality , Aracá Sierra , Point B 02, puddles with foliage, 00°51’57,82”N 63°28’01,99”W , 23.VII.2009 , Ferreira-Jr.N. leg.’ (1 J / DZRJ 6545 ). Brazil , Amazonas State , Presidente Figueiredo Municipality , Mr. Clemilton’s Site Igarapé , entry through AM 240 , Km 20, 22.X.2008 , Ferreira-Jr. N. leg.’ (1 J / DZRJ 6546 ) ; ‘ Brazil , Amazonas State , Presidente Figueiredo Municipality , Mr. Clóvis’s Site Bathhouse , AM 240 , extension of Km 18, puddle, 18.X.2008 , Ferreira-Jr. N. leg.’ (2 JJ / INPA ) . Diagnosis. Canthysellus omawe sp. nov. can be distinguished from other species in the genus by the following characteristics: medium to large size, 2.95–3.40 mm ; pronotum and elytra evenly covered with scattered shallow punctures ( Fig. 3 ); prosternal process glabrous on disc ( Fig. 10 ); median lobe of aedeagus, in lateral aspect, long and robust with a large dorsal projection just before the apex and apex rounded and globose ( Figs 7a,c ). Description of holotype . Body outline, in dorsal view, oval ( Fig. 3 ), as in C. kukrutkato sp. nov. Color ( Fig. 3 ). Head and pronotum light reddish-brown. Elytra dark brown, each elytron with four pale reddish-brown maculae: one laterally, a second on disc, both just anterior to midlength of elytron, and a third near suture, these three markings appearing as an arched and interrupted transverse band; finally a fourth short transverse macula on distal third. Ventral surface light reddish-brown. Head. Surface smooth and shiny. Antennae and palpi similar to those in C. kukrutkato sp. nov. Thorax. Pronotum shiny, evenly covered with scattered shallow punctures and with transversal row of punctures bearing long and slender setae in anterior margin. Prosternum with dense, evenly distributed, transverse tuft of six stiff setae at middle of discal surface; line of setae discontinuous medially, extending beyond lateral margins of prosternal process. Prosternal process glabrous on disc, with lateral submargins and apex sparsely covered by short and stout setae, distinctly spaced and evenly distributed ( Fig. 10 ). Noterid platform completely covered by short and stout setae distinctly spaced and evenly distributed. Elytron shiny, evenly covered with scattered shallow punctures and with three longitudinal rows of punctures bearing long and slender setae ( Fig. 3 ). Metatibia with series of twelve evenly spaced spiniform setae at posteroventral margin. Metatarsomere I with similar row of five setae on posteroventral margin. Abdomen. Ventral surface as in C. kukrutkato sp. nov. Aedeagus. Median lobe in lateral aspect long and robust, with ventral margin curved; large dorsal projection just before apex and apex rounded and globose ( Figs 7a,c ); left side with a long carina arising basally and ceasing apically, constituting the major part of left side ( Figs 7a–c ); in dorsal aspect, straight with apex slightly curved ( Fig. 7b ). Left lateral lobe, in lateral aspect, elongate and slender with a dense series of setae along apical half of dorsal margin; setae distinctly extending beyond dorsal margin ( Fig. 7d ). Right lateral lobe, in lateral aspect, slender and rounded ventrally ( Fig. 7e ). Figs 9–10. Prosternum, meso- and metaventrum and noterid platform (metacoxae) of Canthysellus , depicting distribution of setae. 9 – C. buqueti (Laporte, 1835) ; 10 – C. omawe sp. nov. Scale bar = 0.5 mm. Variation. Almost no variation was observed in the prominence of the maculae. Some specimens had a lighter coloration than that of the type specimens. The number of stiff setae on the prosternal disc ranges from four to six in total. The setation on the lateral submargins of prosternal process is greatly reduced on many specimens. The number of setae on metatibia and metatarsomere I ranges from twelve to fourteen and five to seven, respectively. Measurements. Holotype : TL = 3.20 mm ; MW = 1.80 mm ; HW = 0.95 mm ; EW = 0.55 mm ; PntB = 0.05 mm ; AntVII = 0.05 mm . Paratypes : TL = 2.95–3.40 mm (JJ = 3.05–3.15 mm ; ♀♀ = 2.95–3.40 mm ); MW = 1.65–1.85 mm ; HW = 0.85–1.00 mm; EW = 0.50–0.55 mm ; PntB = 0.05–0.10 mm ; AntVII = 0.05 mm . Taxonomic notes. Canthysellus omawe sp. nov. and C. yawari sp. nov. are very similar species and together they may represent a distinct lineage inside Canthysellus . They strongly diverge from the other known species of Canthysellus by their pronotum and elytra being evenly covered with scattered punctures, the glabrous prosternal process ( Fig. 10 ) and their aedeagal features ( Figs 7a–e and 8a–e ). Etymology. The specific name refers to Yanomâmi’s ancestral hero ‘Omawe’, in honor of the indigenous people present in the area of origin of the holotype . It is a noun in the nominative singular standing in apposition. Geographic distribution. So far Canthysellus omawe sp. nov. is known only from the Barcelos and the Presidente Figueiredo Municipalities in the Brazilian state of Amazonas .