A new species of Coomanius Fleutiaux, 1924 (Coleoptera: Eucnemidae: Macraulacinae: Nematodini) from Southeast Asia Author Otto, Robert L. W 4806 Chrissie Circle Shawano, WI 54166, USA text Insecta Mundi 2021 2021-07-30 2021 877 1 5 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5352372 1942-1354 5352372 42335434-F835-4243-B081-DF4C74CFCCE4 Coomanius badius Otto , new species Fig. 4–7 Differential diagnosis. Chestnut or reddish-brown coloration as well as loosely moniliform antennae with antennomeres IV and V each shorter in relation to VI distinguish the new species from C. lugubris . Type material. Male holotype : SARAWAK : 4th Division; Gn. Mulu NP.” / “Camp 2.5; on trunks” (handwritten) / “near; Coomanius ; det. W. Lucht; 1989” (black-framed white label; “near Coomanius ” handwritten; “1989” handwritten along right side of label) / “Diapodius; J. Muona det. 90” (“Diapodius” and “90” handwritten) / “ HOLOTYPE : Coomanius ; badius ; Otto; Det. R.L. Otto; 2020” (red printed label). Holotype is deposited in BMNH . Paratypes . 3 ♂ , 1 ♀ : LAOS : 1 ♂ , “Umgeb. Paklay” / “Laos 1963” / “ PARATYPE : Coomanius ; badius ; Otto; det. R.L. Otto ; 2020” (yellow printed label) ( JMC ) ; PHILIPPINES : 1 ♀ , “ PHILIPPINES : Mindanao; Lanao del Sur ; Wao; January 2020 ; Ismael Lumawig” / “Collection of the Global; Eucnemid Research Project; ( Robert L. Otto )” (green-framed white label) / “ PARATYPE : Coomanius ; badius ; Otto; det. R.L. Otto; 2020” (yellow printed label) ( GERP ); 2 ♂♂ , “ PHILIPPINES : Central Visayas ; Negros Oriental ; Don Salvador Benedicto ; February 2020 ; Ismael Lumawig ” / “ Collection of the Global ; Eucnemid Research Project ; ( Robert L. Otto )” (green-framed white label) / “ PARATYPE : Coomanius ; badius ; Otto; det. R.L. Otto; 2020” (yellow printed label) ( GERP ). Paratypes are deposited in GERP and JMC . Description. Male holotype : Length 10.0 mm. Width 2.5 mm . Body cylindrical, elongate and tapering towards elytral apex; uniformly dark reddish-brown; antennae dark reddish, except pedicel; pedicel dark reddish-brown; legs dark reddish-brown; head, pronotum and elytra clothed with very short, yellowish, recumbent setae ( Fig. 4 ). Head: Very closely punctate to confluently rugose, subspherical; frons convex, with median groove; surface dull; apical margin of frontoclypeal region feebly trilobed, 2.0 times wider than base; mandibles stout, bidentate, densely punctate and rugose. Antennae ( Fig. 5 ): loosely moniliform to weakly serrate, reaching to hind angles of pronotum; antennomere III shorter than combined lengths of IV and V; antennomeres IV–V each shorter than VI, slightly longer than wide; antennomere VI slightly shorter than VII, slightly longer than wide; antennomeres VII–X subequal, slightly longer than wide; antennomere XI asymmetrically elongate, longer than X. Pronotum: granulose; surface dull; longer than wide, with moderately sharp hind angles; sides gradually wider toward front, apical 1/4 strongly arcuate, hooded over vertex; disc convex, without circular foveae; median groove extends from base to middle; base sinuous. Scutellar shield: dull, rugose, rectangular and distally bifid with median groove. Elytra: striate; interstices slightly elevated; surfaces transversely rugose. Legs: first tarsomere as long as combined lengths of remaining four on mesothoracic and metathoracic tarsi; tibiae rounded in cross section; metathoracic tarsomeres I–III simple; metathoracic tarsomere IV excavate-emarginate; metathoracic tarsomere V elongate, with basally toothed claws. Venter ( Fig. 6 ): finely punctate to rugose, with very short, yellowish recumbent setae; hypomeron simple, without antennal grooves; metathoracic episternum parallel-sided; metathoracic coxal plates medially 3.0–6.0 times wider than laterally. Aedeagus ( Fig. 7 ): basal piece obscured, inserted inside abdomen; remaining genitalia elongate, without secondary lateral lobes; lateral lobes strongly sinuous, constricted at anterior 1/4; lateral tooth present at anterior 1/4; apices of lateral lobe rounded, divergent anterolaterally; median lobe as long as lateral lobe, narrowly bifid. Variations. Three male and one female paratypes were examined, including one Laotian male communicated from J. Muona. The female paratype is 12.5 mm long and 3.0 mm wide, much larger and wider than the holotype . The three male paratypes are 7.5–8.0 mm long and 2.0 mm wide, all being shorter and narrower than the holotype . A median groove on the frons is slightly indicated in all paratypes compared against the holotype . No other exoskeletal differences were observed between these paratypes and the holotype . Figures 4–7. Coomanius badius Otto sp. nov. male holotype (BMNH). 4) Dorsal habitus. 5) Antenna. 6) Ventral habitus. 7) Aedeagus. (Scale: 5, 7 = 1.0 mm; 4, 6 = 5.0 mm.). Distribution. Coomanius badius new species is currently known from the type locality of Sarawak , a Malaysian state on the island of Borneo, a single locale in Laos and two locales in the Philippine Islands . Biology. One specimen was taken on the trunk of an unknown tree species. Larvae and pupae are unknown. Etymology. The specific epithet is derived from the chestnut or reddish-brown coloration of the new species.