Picobia paludicola sp. n. a new species of quill mite (Acari: Prostigmata: Syringophilidae) from the Aquatic Warbler Acrocephalus paludicola (Passeriformes: Sylviidae) Author Skoracki, Maciej Author Kiljan, Grzegorz text Zootaxa 2002 91 1 6 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.155967 4e205b29-fed0-4ee5-9bb6-0c5ef05b9474 1175­5326 155967 Picobia paludicola Skoracki et Kiljan sp. n. Type material Holotype female, four female (physogastric form) paratypes and four male paratypes from the Aquatic Warbler Acrocephalus paludicola (Vieill., 1817) ( Passeriformes : Sylviidae ); near Swinoujscie, Poland ; October.2001; leg. G. Kiljan. Holotype , two female (physogastric form) paratypes and three male paratypes are deposited at UAM ; two female (physogastric form) paratypes and one male paratype at ZIN . Description Female ( Figs. 1­5 ) . Holotype . Total body length 460. Gnathosoma : Gnathosoma without punctations on ventral side. Apical margin of hypostome smooth and rounded ( Fig. 3 ). Stylophore rounded posteriorly, 155 long. Peritremes M­shaped, each transverse branch with 3­4 chambers, each longitudinal branch with 4­5 chambers; individual chambers of the peritremes well developed ( Fig. 4 ). Cheliceral digit with several teeth on posterior part ( Fig. 5 ). Idiosoma : Propodosomal plate divided longitudinally and not numerously punctated. The bases of setae ve , sci and sce situated on this plate. The length ratio of setae vi : ve : sci : h 1.2­1.3:1:1.4:1.7­2. Setae vi , ve and sci strongly knobbed. The bases of setae vi and ve situated at the same level. Setae sce and d1 subequal. Hysterosomal plate absent. The bases of setae d2 placed closer to l2 than to l1 . Pygidial plate present and punctated, occupying both dorsal and ventral surface posterior end of body. The bases of setae d4 , d5 , l4 , l5 , g , a1 and a 2 set on this plate. The length ratio of setae d4 : l4 1:2; d4 : d5 1:2. Paragenital setae pg1 and pg2 , subequal and placed in the same line. Genital series with one pair of setae, anal series with two pairs of setae. Genital setae thin and hair­like. Cuticular striations as in Figures 1, 2 . Legs : Coxae I­IV well developed, without punctations. Leg setae smooth. Setae sc3 and sc4 subequal. Setae 3c 2.2 times longer than 3b . Seate 3b , 4b , 3c and 4c smooth. Length of setae : vi 115; ve 95; sci 130; h 155; sce 210; l1 175; l2 110; l4 95; d1 230; d2 115; d4 45; d5 180; ic1 30; ic3 30; a1 35; a 2 30­35; g 40­45; sc3 25; sc4 25; pg1 70; pg2 75; pg3 140; 3b 35; 3c 80. Distances between setal bases : vi­vi 40; ve­ve 75; sci­sci 75; h­h 120; d1­d1 30; sce ­ sce 120; vi­ve 20; ve­sci 40; sci­sce 75; sci­d1 55; l1­l1 110; d2­d2 45; l2­l2 80; l1­d2 45; d2­l2 35. Physogastric female : Morphology of gnathosoma , idiosoma and legs as in normal form except for total body length being 710 (in one paratype ). Lengths of setae (in four paratypes ): vi 110­120; ve 90; sci 140; h 180­210; sce 220­ 235; l1 155­175; l2 100­110; d1 235­245; d2 130­140; l4 85; d4 40; a1 30; a2 30; g1 35; ic1 30; ic3 30; pg1 75; pg2 75; pg3 160; 3b 30­45; 3c 100­110. Distances between setal bases : vi­vi 35; ve­ve 80; sci­sci 90; h­h 160; d1­d1 40; scesce 145; vi­ve 25; ve­sci 25; sci­sce 90; sci­d1 70; l1­l1 125; d2­d2 45; l2­l2 125; l1­d2 130; d2­l2 80. FIGURES 1­5. Picobia paludicola sp. n. Female. 1 ­ Dorsal view; 2 ­ Ventral view; 3 ­ Hypostomal apex in ventral view; 4 ­ Peritremes; 5 ­ Cheliceral digit. Male ( Figs 6­10 ): Gnathosoma : Gnathosoma without punctations on ventral side. Apical margin of hypostome smooth and rounded ( Fig. 9 ). Stylophore rounded posteriorly. Peritremes Mshaped, each transverse branch with 3­4 chambers, each longitudinal branch with 4­6 chambers, individual chambers of the peritremes well developed ( Fig. 10 ). Idiosoma : Propodosomal plate divided longitudinaly. The bases of setae ve , sci and sce situated on this plate. Propodosomal plates not numerously punctated. The length ratio of setae vi : ve : sci : h 1:1:1.4:1.6. Setae vi , ve and sci knobbed. The bases of setae vi and ve situated at the same level. Setae sce and d1 subequal. Hysterosomal plate present, divided and punctated, weakly sclerotized, the bases of setae d2 and l 2 set on this plate. Setae l1 2.3 times longer than d2 and l2 . Pygidial plate present, weakly sclerotized, punctated, the bases of setae d4 and l4 placed on this plate. The length ratio d4 : l4 1:7.8. Paragenital setae pg1 2 times longer than pg2 . Cuticular striations as in Figures 6­8 . Legs : Coxae I­II well sclerotized, coxae III­IV poorly sclerotized. Leg setae smooth. Setae sc3 and sc4 subequal. Setae 3c 2 times longer than 3b . Seate 3b , 4b , 3c and 4c smooth. Lengths of setae (in four paratypes ): vi 55 ; ve 55; sci 75; h 90; l1 130; l1 90; l2 40; l4 195; d1 130; d2 40; d4 25; ic3 25; sc3 20; sc4 15; pg1 70; pg2 35; 3b 25­30; 3c 50­55. Distances between setal bases : vi­vi 20; ve­ve 50; sci­sci 55; h­h 100; d1­d1 25; scesce 85; vi­ve 15; ve­sci 20; sci­sce 45; sci­d1 40. .
The name paludicola refers to the specific name of the host ­ Acrocephalus
Differential diagnosis
Picobia paludicola sp. n. is closely related to P. currucae Skoracki et Magowski, 2001 from Lesser Whitethroat Sylvia curruca ( Passeriformes : Sylviidae ) from Poland ( Skoracki & Magowski 2001 ). In females of both these species the apical margin of the hypostome is smooth and rounded; the propodosomal plate is divided longitudinally; setae vi and ve are situated in the same line; a hysterosomal plate is absent; genital setae are thin and hairlike; individual chambers of the peritremes are well developed. Picobia paludicola sp. n. differs from P. currucae by the following characters (females). In P. paludicola sp. n. the length of seta l4 is 95; the lengths of setae d4 and d5 are 45 and 180 respectively; the length ratio of d4 : d5 is 1:4. In P. currucae the length of seta l4 is 50­55; the lengths of setae d4 and d5 are 35­45 and 35 respectively; the length ratio of d4 : d5 is 1:1.