Revision of the checkered beetle genus Onychotillus Chapin (Coleoptera: Cleridae: Tillinae) Author Opitz, Weston Division of Plant Industry / Entomology, Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, 1911 SW 34 Street, Gainesville, Florida 32608 - 7100, USA text Insecta Mundi 2022 2022-02-24 2022 913 1 16 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.6391885 1942-1354 6391885 78496742-E381-477E-BAA7-2D14868E6253 Onychotillus lineatus Opitz , new species Figure 14 . Type material. Holotype : Female. Type locality: Dominican Republic , Provincia de Santiago , San José de las Matas , VI-1938 , 1,000–2,000 feet , Darlington ( MCZC ). Diagnosis. The cranium and legs are bicolorous, the pronotum is yellow, the elytra are violaceous. These characteristics will distinguish the members of this species from congeners. Description. Size. Length 5.7 mm ; width 1.7 mm . Form. As in Fig. 14 . Color. Antenna black, pronotum yellow, but pronotal collar slightly brown, legs bicolorous, elytra violaceous. Head. Cranium finely punctate, frons much wider than length of pedicel; EW/FW 15/40. Thorax. Pronotum finely punctate, oblong, expanded at middle 1/2; subapical depression faintly expressed; collar narrow; PW/PL 65/70; elytral punctations striate, striae not reduced near elytral apex; EL/EW 240/110; short elytral setae decumbent, long elytral setae recumbent. Abdomen. Aedeagus not available for study. Distribution. This species is known from the Dominican Republic. Etymology. The specific epithet, lineatus , is a Latin word that translates to “of a line”.