The cicada genus Procollina Metcalf, 1952 (Hemiptera: Cicadidae): redescription including fourteen new species, with a key to the species of the subtribe Dazina Kato, 1932 rev. stat., the description of the Aragualnini n. tribe, and one new combination Author Sanborn, Allen F. text Zootaxa 2018 2018-03-07 4389 1 1 65 journal article 30585 10.11646/zootaxa.4389.1.1 68658be2-96b9-49b8-82ca-7046054a16c6 1175-5326 1193702 C3029CC4-6A15-49A4-AAAD-F435D04E81C0 Procollina nigrapilosa n. sp. ( Fig. 9 ) Type material. Holotype . “ GUATEMALA , Zacapa / above la Unión / 16 III 1996 , 1550m. / Col. P. Alarcón1 male ( UDVG ) . Paratypes . “ GUATEMALA , Zacapa / Arriba La Union / 1500 m . 1 V 1992 / H. Castañeda1 male ( UDVG ); “ GUATEMALA , Zacapa / arriba de La Unión / 16 III 1996 , 1550m. / J.C. Schuster , / Bosque nuboso” 1 male ( AFSC ). Etymology. The name is a combination of nigra– (L. piceous) and –pilosa (L. hairy) in reference to the contrasting piceous pile of the dorsal abdomen. Description. Ground color greenish-tawny marked with piceous and castaneous, live or fresh specimens may be greener. FIGURE 9. Procollina nigrapilosa n. sp. : A, holotype male; B, holotype male dorsum; C, holotype male timbal cover; D, holotype male operculum; E, paratype male lateral view of genitalia; F, paratype male posterior view of genitalia. Scale bar: A, 2 cm; B, 5 mm; C–D, 2 mm; E–F, 1 mm. Head: Head greenish-tawny, not as wide as mesonotum, piceous surrounding lateral ocelli connecting, crescent-shaped mark anterolaterad lateral to lateral ocelli continuing as light castaneous mark curving to near anterior of eye, darker in one paratype , reduced to dark spot on anteromedial eye in the other paratype , piceous in anterior and posterior cranial depressions and posterior to anterior cranial depression near posterior of head, piceous tear-shaped mark between medial angle of eye and posterior head, expanding slightly along posterior margin of eye on anterior end, terminating on eye in one paratype , light castaneous marks on medial and anterior lateral ocelli extending posteriorly along either side of posterior epicranial suture, transverse piceous mark extending across epicranial suture in one paratype , castaneous mark extending anteriorly from median ocellus joining with transverse piceous mark on frontoclypeal suture, castaneous spot on suture of vertex near medial supra-antennal plate extending as fascia along suture, reduced to spot in paratypes , supra-antennal plate with castaneous fascia on anterior margin, piceous medial margin in one paratype . Vertex and frons covered with short piceous pile, denser on anterior vertex and lateral frons, with sparse, short silvery pile posterior to eye, long golden pile on ventroposterior eye. Ocelli rosaceous, green in one paratype , eyes castaneous, tawny in one paratype . Ventral head tawny with castaneous spot expanding on anteromedial suture of gena and lorum, castaneous posteromedial margin and fascia on medial margin of lorum, anterolateral margin of lorum piceous or piceous spot on gena at anterolateral curvature of lorum in paratypes . Long golden pile on lorum and gena. Postclypeus greenish-tawny with green apex, transverse castaneous marks on lateral transverse ridges, extending across either side of apex, marks extend along entire transverse ridges in paratypes with medial ends connected by longitudinal fascia on either side of midline in one paratype , thin longitudinal castaneous fascia on dorsal midline that extends across apex, reduced to small triangular spot on dorsum along frontoclypeal suture in one paratype , castaneous spot on posterolateral dorsal margin, and piceous mark along ventroposterior angle, extending into transverse mark across posteroventral margin in paratypes , with eleven transverse grooves, short golden pile on lateral postclypeus. Anteclypeus with castaneous spot on anterolateral margins, extending along anterolateral margin in one paratype , and in the middle of the carina, expanding to posteromedial margin in one paratype , covered with golden pile. Mentum green with lateral castaneous spots near posterior margin, labium green with piceous tip reaching to beyond the middle of sternite I with sparse short and long golden pile. Scape green with distolateral castaneous mark, proximal pedicel green, distal pedicel castaneous, remaining antennal segments piceous, green, piceous and green. Thorax: Dorsal thorax greenish-tawny. Pronotum with light castaneous fascia on either side of midline, darker and expanding laterally to form a triangular anterior margin posterior to anterior prothoracic margin margin in paratypes , slightly widening laterally on posterior before terminating on ambient fissure, posteriorly curved piceous mark on disc extending from middle of paramedian fissure towards lateral fissure, tear-shaped in paratypes , castaneous within paramedian and lateral fissures, mark diverges posteriorly in paramedian fissure of paratypes , piceous in anterior paramedical and lateral fissures, mark continues anterolaterally from anterior paramedian fissure to ambient fissure joining with extension of mark from posterior lateral fissure across disc to encircle lateral disc. Pronotal collar greenish-tawny, transverse castaneous mark across posterior midline in one paratype . Short piceous pile dorsoanteriorly, in lateral ambient fissure and across pronotal collar lateral margin, short silvery pile on dorsum. Mesonotum greenish-tawny, submedian sigilla mottled with castaneous with fascia along parapsidal suture, only castaneous fascia in one paratypes , small castaneous fascia on disc between anterior parapsidal suture and lateral sigilla, small angled fascia between posterior submedian sigilla and lateral sigilla, lateral sigilla mottled with castaneous, thicker fascia curving from posteromedial lateral sigilla to near posterolateral angle, reduced to spot on posterior lateral sigilla and posterior margin in one paratype , mark on disc between submedian sigillae, expanding laterally posterior to submedian sigillae terminating between scutal depressions, fascia reduced and fusing with mark of posterior lateral sigilla and scutal depression in one paratype , scutal depression castaneous. Cruciform elevation and wing groove greenish-tawny. Metanotum greenish-tawny with castaneous medial spot. Silvery pile on anterior parapsidal suture, lateral cruciform elevation and between anterior arms of cruciform elevation, longer and denser on posterolateral margin and middle of posterior margin of wing groove. Piceous pile on anterolateral margin, posterior margin, anterior parapsidal suture, lateral cruciform elevation, medial to anterior arms of cruciform elevation, within wing groove, and on metanotum. Ventral thoracic segments tawny, except castaneous basisternum 2, trochantin 2, basisternum 3 and trochantin 3, with castaneous spots on episternum 2, absent in one paratype , epimeron 2 and episternum 3, covered with long golden pile and sparse, short silvery pile. Wings: Fore wings hyaline with eight apical cells, hind wings hyaline with six apical cells. Venation tawny becoming darker distally, except piceous posterior margin of anal vein 2 + 3, and castaneous node. Costal margin with short, golden spines. Basal cell lightly clouded, infuscated at base and distally across arculus, and infuscation on proximal clavus. Pterostigma present. Infuscation on distal wing veins connecting to infuscation on ambient vein producing L-shaped marks, marks reduced in size in one paratype , marks from radius anterior 1 to median vein 1 connected along ambient vein, longitudinal infuscation near proximal portions of the L-shaped marks within apical cells 2–5, on proximal radius anterior 2, connecting across radial crossvein, on radiomedial crossvein, on median crossvein extending onto distal median vein 1 + 2, proximal median veins 1–3 distal to crossveins, base of median vein 3, at half the distance of median vein 4 between crossvein and ambient vein, on mediocubital crossvein, on proximal cubitus anterior 1, the entirety of cubitus anterior 2, spot at node that extends on distal median vein onto base of ulnar cell 2, on nodal line on junction of median vein and median vein 3 + 4 expanding into ulnar cell 3 and median cell. Infuscation found around entire distal marginal area of fore wing. Basal membrane of fore wing dark gray mottled with red. Venation of hind wing tawny at base becoming darker distally. Anal cell 3 and anal cell 2 along anal vein 3 gray mottled with red, anal cell 1 and 2 along anal vein 2 dark gray mottled with red, golden pile on anal cell 3 posterior margin. Infuscation at base of medial cell, cubital cells 1 and 2, distal anal cell 1, base and along anal veins 2 and 3 and distal margin of anal cell 2. Infuscation along ambient vein from distal radius anterior to apical cell 6 near cubitus anterior 2, cubital cell 1 and cubital cell 2 ambient veins, entire outer wing margin infuscated. Legs: Legs tawny, with castaneous spots on lateral base of coxa, on distal anterior and lateral coxa, anterior trochanters, femora with annular castaneous mark at base and striped with castaneous, proximal longitudinal castaneous fascia in fore tibia, middle and hind tibiae with proximal annular mark, all distal tibiae castaneous. Fore femora proximal spine castaneous with green tip, thin, elongate and adpressed against femur, light castaneous secondary spine triangular, upright, small, upright apical spine piceous. Tarsi tawny with castaneous annular mark near distal terminus, tarsal claws green at base, turning castaneous and finally piceous at tips, tibial spurs and comb castaneous with darker tips. Legs covered with short golden pile, longer on tibiae and tarsi. Operculum: Male operculum greenish-tawny with transverse castaneous line and piceous margin at base and castaneous spot on lateral base, lateral margin angled mediad at base, joining to smoothly rounded lateral and posterior margins, almost reaching to anterior of sternite II. Medial margin rounded, extending to middle of hind trochanter. Meracanthus pointed, greenish-tawny with castaneous spot on base and piceous margin, not reaching to middle of operculum. Opercula with long golden pile radiating from edge, short golden pile on opercular surface. Abdomen: Abdominal tergite 1 greenish medially and anterolaterally, tawny posteriorly with castaneous spots on laterally on tergites 3–8, tergites 2–7 with castaneous lateral spots, tergites covered with long silvery and long piceous pile, piceous pile medially on tergites, proportion expanding laterally in distal tergites, piceous pile dorsolaterally on tergites 2–8 shifting laterally in posterior tergites, and lateral tergites 1 and 3–8, piceous pile separated by silvery pile giving the appearance of curved silver fascia on the dorsolateral surface. Timbal cover recurved exposing timbal, with piceous pile on dorsolateral surface. Timbal with two long ribs, dark spot on timbal plate. Sternites tawny with transverse castaneous mark on anterior margin in sternites III–VII, sternites III–VI with transverse medial piceous mark on posterior margin in one paratype and castaneous spots on lateral sternite II in the other paratype , male sternites III–VII translucent, sternite VIII U-shaped, radiating long golden pile. Epipleurites tawny with castaneous posteromedial spot. Long golden pile radiating from sternites. Spiracles white. Genitalia: Male pygofer with tawny dorsal and lateral surfaces, with castaneous fascia curving from lateral base almost to posterior margin, castaneous anteriorly extending in a triangular pattern to and including dorsal beak, covered with sparse, short and long, golden pile laterally and on ventral margin, short piceous pile on dorsolateral surfaces along castaneous mark, with rounded distal shoulder, dorsal beak roughly triangular. Pygofer basal lobe indistinct, pygofer upper lobes tawny, elongated with medial margin producing curved terminus, adpressed laterally to pygofer. Anal styles and anal tube light castaneous. Median uncus lobe castaneous, short, roughly triangular, surrounded by lateral uncus lobes. Lateral uncus lobes ochraceous, wrapping around sides of median uncus lobe meeting along midline posterior to median uncus lobe where they recurve slightly and form a semicircular terminus and branching off at an approximate right angle when viewed laterally curling under terminus to form a support for the distal aedeagus, basal lateral uncus lobes angulate forming an enclosure around aedeagus base. Aedeagus tubular, dark castaneous, pseudoparameres white with short golden pile. Female is unknown. Measurements (mm). N = 3 males , mean (range). Length of body: male 26.87 (25.7–28.1); length of fore wing: male 35.27 (33.8–36.6); width of fore wing: male 11.57 (10.8–12.0); length of head: male 3.37 (3.2–3.6); width of head including eyes: male 6.87 (6.7–7.0); width of pronotum including suprahumeral plates: male 10.80 (9.8–11.5); width of mesonotum: male 8.13 (7.4–8.5). Diagnosis. Procollina nigrapilosa n. sp. can be distinguished from P. biolleyi , P. obesa , P. ustulata n. sp. and P. webbi n. sp. by the bronzing of the fore wing in these species. Similarly, P. guatemalensis n. sp. , P. mayaensis n. sp. and P. ulnamaculata n. sp. can be distinguished by the spots in the fore wing ulnar cells 2 and 3 not found in this new species. Procollina parva n. sp. can be distinguished by its head being as wide or wider than the mesonotum and P. minima n. sp. can be distinguished by its small body size and radiomedial crossvein being highly angled with respect to the radial crossvein. The distal fore wing medial veins lack infuscation between the proximal vein divergence and the distal L-shaped infuscation in P. convexa n. sp. , P. mesomaculata n. sp. , P. nuevoleonensis n. sp. , P. tamaulipasensis n. sp. which are spotted in this new species. The infuscation in the hind wing margin of P. nigrapilosa n. sp. distinguishes P. medea which lacks this infuscation. Procollina queretaroensis can be distinguished by its smaller body size (body length less than 23 mm ). The anterior postclypeus extends anteriorly along the midline when viewed from above in P. nicaraguaensis n. sp. but forms a smoothly curved surface with the supra-antennal plates in this new species. The lateral uncus lobes form semicircle when viewed from above, the apex of the uncus is flat when viewed from the side, the rostrum does not reach the middle of sternite I, and the fore femora secondary spine height is barely the thickness of the adpressed primary spine in P. hondurensis n. sp. while the lateral uncus lobes have sides angled medially with a semicirclar apex when viewed from above, the apex of the uncus curves downward when viewed from the side, the rostrum almost reaches the posterior of sternite I, and the fore femora secondary spine height is about twice the thickness of adpressed primary spine in P. nigrapilosa n. sp. Distribution. The species is known only from the type series collected in Guatemala .