Pseudonemesia tabiskey, a new species of Pseudonemesia Caporiacco 1955 and new ultramorphological data for the Microstigmatinae (Araneae: Microstigmatidae)
Rafael Prezzi Indicatti
Osvaldo Villarreal M.
Journal of Natural History
journal article
Pseudonemesia tabiskey
sp. nov.
Figures 1
, 12)
Type material
490) from
La Cristalina
, near Boconó,
9° 21'21
2510 m
above sea level
December 2006
March 2007
, O.
Figure 1.
Pseudonemesia tabiskey
sp. nov.
(a–eι gι h) Male holotype. (aιe) palpal tibiaι cymbium and bulbι prolateral and retrolateral viewι respectively; (b–d) male palpal bulbι prolateralι dorsal and retrolateral viewsι respectively. (f) Female paratypeι spermathecaι dorsal view. (gι h) Male holotypeι tibia and metatarsi Iι retrolateral and ventral viewsι respectively. Scale bars: (a–f) = 0.25 mm; (gι h) = 0.5 mm.
Villarreal M.
P. Delfín
N. Mendoza
J. Gil
with the same data as holotype, female and male (
491); one male (
the man with ten feathers
. It is a Cuica term to describe the leader of the people, who guided them in peace or war and had the principal rule in important decisions. He was selected from among the priest
s sons.
Figure 2.
Pseudonemesia tabiskey
sp. nov.
ι male (IBSP 115438). (aι b) Male palpal bulbι prolateral view; (c) palpal tibiaι cymbium and bulbι prolateral view; (d–f) cymbium; (d–e) dorsal view; (f) prolateral view.
Pseudonemesia tabiskey
sp. nov.
differs from
P. parva
P. kochalkai
by the clavate setae on dorsal and lateral sides of the abdomen (
Figures 6
(a,b), 7(a,b), 9(b,c)). In addition, males of
Pseudonemesia tabiskey
sp. nov.
differ from the other two species of the genus by the presence of one short and apically rounded spine located retrolaterally on tibia I (
Figures 1
(g,h), 3(a
c), 6(f)).
Male (
Carapace light brown with three longitudinal dark brown bands, one on each lateral side for length and one central only from eye tubercle to fovea (
Figure 6
(a)); legs yellowish dark with one subapical light brown mottles on femur I
II; femur III
IV with two, one sub-basal and one sub-apical; one basal light brown mottles on tibia, metatarsi and tarsi I
IV (
Figure 6
(a)). Cephalic and thoracic region with equal heights and more raised than eye tubercle. Abdomen dorsally dark brown (
Figure 6
(a,b)) and ventrally light yellow. Anterior and posterior book-lung apertures very small and rounded (
Figures 6
(c), 9(a)). Scaly cuticle flattened and highest at their distal ends on dorsal and lateral segments of all legs and palp (
Figures 2
f), 3(a,b,d), 6(a,f)). Total length 2.73. Carapace 1.35 long, 1.20 wide. Abdomen 1.20 long, 0.73 wide. Fovea very narrow 0.12 and recurved (
Figure 6
(a)). Clypeus narrow, 0.05. Anterior eye row straight and posterior recurved (
Figure 6
(a)). Eye sizes: AME 0.11, ALE 0.08, PME 0.05 and PLE 0.07. Overall shape of eye group trapezoidal, wider than long. Chelicerae with nine teeth in one row on promargin, with
15 basal smaller teeth. Rastellum absent (
Figures 6
(d), 8(a)). Cheliceral tumescence absent. Labium 0.13 long, 0.27 wide, without cuspule (
Figure 6
(d)). Cuspule on maxillae absent (
Figures 6
(d), 8(b)). Modified comb-shaped setae on prolateral maxillary border (
Figure 8
(b,d)). Serrula poorly developed with widely separated teeth and greatly flattened (
Figure 8
(c)). Sternum rounded 0.50 long, 0.70 wide (
Figure 6
(d)), domed. Sternal sigilla inconspicuous (
Figure 6
(d)). Palp measurements: femur 0.75/patella 0.50/tibia 0.52/cymbium 0.45/total 2.22; spination: femur d0-1-1-1-1-1-1, v0-1r-1r-2-2, tibia d0-1-0-0-0,
p-0-1r-2-1p-1-2, cymbium d2ap, p0-0- 0-1-0-0 (
Figure 2
f)). Leg measurements: I: femur 1.20/patella 0.72/tibia 0.75/metatarsus 0.70/tarsus 0.40/total 3.77; II: 1.00/0.60/0.72/0.60/0.40/3.32; III: 0.90/0.50/0.55/0.82/0.50/3.27; IV: 1.27/0.60/1.12/1.30/0.54/4.83; spination: I: femur d0-1-1-1-1-1-1-0, v0-0-0-0-1r-0-1r, tibia v0-1r-1r-(1 = clasping spine,
Figures 1
(g,h), 6(f)) -1p-0, metatarsus
ap; II: femur d0-1-1-1-1- 1-1,
p-1p-0-2-0-2, tibia v0-1r-0-1r-0-2ap, metatarsus v0-1r-1p-1r-0-2ap; III: femur d1-2-1- 1p-1-1r-1-2-0,
p-1p-2-1p-2, p1ap, patella d1-0-0, p0-0-1-0, r0-1-0, tibia d2-0-0-1-0, v0-1p- 1r-0-3ap, p0-1-0, metatarsus d0-0-1p-1r-1-1-1r-1p-0, v0-1r-0-2-0-0-3ap; IV: femur d0-1-1-0-1- 1-2-1, patella p0-1-0, r0-1-0, tibia d1r-1-0-0-1-0-1-0, v0-1p-0-1r-0-3ap, p0-1-0-0-0-1-0, r0-0-1- 0-0-0-1-0, metatarsus d0-1-0-0-0-1p-1r-1-1r-1p, v0-1r-1p-0-1r-0-3ap. Abdomen with four longitudinal erect clavate setal bands: two on dorsum with eight setae on each and one on each lateral with nine setae (two anterior longer). Clavate setae with sclerotized insertions on a mound (
Figures 6
(b), 9(b)). Abdomen with anterior shiny brown scutum (
Figure 6
(b)). Tarsi I
IV not flexible. Scopulae absent on all tarsi (
Figures 3
(a), 4(a)).
with two rows of 5
6 teeth on tarsi I; 4
5 on tarsi II, 1, 3; 5, 3 on tarsi III and 3, 4; 5, 2 on tarsi IV.
well developed on all legs (
Figure 4
(a,b)). Tarsal organ rounded, elevated with 4
5 concentric ridges (
Figure 5
(a,b)). Trichobothrial bases corrugated, rounded and elevated (
Figure 5
(c,d)). Four spinnerets: two
vestigial entire 0.05 long, without spigots (
Figures 6
(e), 9(f)) and two PLS: basal, median and apical (domed) segments 0.09, 0.08, 0.06 long, respectively (
Figures 6
(e), 9(d)). PLS with one spigot on apex of medial article and five on apical (
Figure 9
(d,e)). Palpal tibia excavation and tegulum (
Figure 2
(a,b)) with low grooves. Palpal bulb oval with very short, blunt embolus, curved to ventral side (
Figures 1
e), 2(a,b)).
Figure 3.
Pseudonemesia tabiskey
sp. nov.
ι male (IBSP 115438). (a) Leg Iι retrolateral view; (bι c) tibia Iι detail of modified setae; (d) tibia Iι scaly cuticle.
Figure 4.
Pseudonemesia tabiskey
sp. nov.
ι male leg I (IBSP 115438). (a–d) Tarsi I; (aι b) retrolateral view; (c) frontal view; (d) tarsi Iι dorsal view.
Figure 5.
Pseudonemesia tabiskey
sp. nov.
ι male leg I (IBSP 115438). (aι b) Tarsal organ; (a) dorsal view; (b) retrolateral view; (cι d) trichobothrial base; (c) dorsal view; (d) retrolateral view.
Female (
Coloration, book-lung apertures and cuticle as in male. Total length 4.00. Carapace 1.58 long, 1.36 wide. Abdomen 2.10 long, 0.86 wide. Fovea very narrow 0.16 and recurved. Clypeus narrow, 0.06. Anterior eye row straight and posterior recurved. Eye sizes: AME 0.06, ALE 0.09, PME 0.05 and PLE 0.08. Overall shape of eye group trapezoidal, wider than long. Chelicerae with nine teeth in one row on promargin, with 16 basal smaller teeth. Rastellum absent. Labium 0.13 long, 0.35 wide, without cuspule. Cuspule on maxillae absent. Serrula as in male. Sternum rounded 0.74 long, 0.70 wide, domed. Sternal sigilla inconspicuous. Palp measurements: femur 0.82/patella 0.64/tibia 0.60/tarsi 0.72/total 2.78; spination: femur d0-1-0-1-1-1-1, v0-0-0- 1r-0-2, tibia
p-0-2-0-2ap, tarsus p0-1-0. Leg measurements: I: femur 1.10/patella 0.70/ tibia 0.72/metatarsus 0.64/tarsus 0.45/total 3.61; II: 1.02/0.70/0.66/0.64/0.46/3.48; III: 0.86/ 0.52/0.62/0.80/0.50/3.30; IV: 1.40/0.72/1.14/1.48/0.62/5.36; spination: I: femur d0-1-1-1-0- 1-1-1-1-1, v0-0-0-1r-0-0-1r, tibia v0-1r-0-1r-0-0, metatarsus v0-1r-1r-0-2ap; II: femur d0-1- 1-1-1-1-1, v0-0-0-1r-0, tibia v0-1r-0-1r-0-3ap, metatarsus v0-1r-0-1r-0-0-2ap; III: femur d0- 1-0-1-1-1,
p-1p-0-1p-0-0, patella d1-1-0, r0-1-0, tibia d2-0-0-1-0, v0-1p-1r-0-0-3ap, p0- 1-0, metatarsus d0-0-2-0-0-1r-2, v0-1r-0-0-2-0-0-3ap; IV: femur d0-1-0-0-1-1-1-1r-1, v0-0- 0-1p-0, patella d1-0-0-0-0, p0-1-0, r0-1-0, tibia d1r-1p-0-0-0-1-1-0, v0-1p-0-0-1r-0-0-0-3ap, p0-1-0-0-0-1-0-0, r0-1-0-0-0-1-0, metatarsus d0-1-1r-0-0-1p-0-1r-0-1p-0-2-0, v0-1-1p-0-2- 1-0-0-3ap. Clavate setae and scutum on abdomen as in male. Palp with one row with nine prolateral teeth. Tarsi I
IV not flexible. Scopulae absent on all tarsi.
with two rows of 9
10 teeth on tarsi I; 6
7 on tarsi II, 3
4 on tarsi III and 1, 5; 5, 3 on tarsi IV.
well developed on all legs. Trichobothria and tarsal organ as in male. Four spinnerets: two
vestigial entire 0.06 long, without spigots (
Figure 7
(a,b)) and two PLS: basal, median and apical (domed) segments 0.15, 0.12, 0.07 long, respectively (
Figure 7
(a,b)). Two bifid spermathecae (
Figure 1
Figure 6.
Pseudonemesia tabiskey
sp. nov.
ι male holotype. (a) Bodyι dorsal view; (b) clavate setae on abdomenι dorsal view; (c) anterior and posterior book-lung aperturesι ventral view; (d) cheliceraeι maxillae and sternumι ventral view; (e) posterior lateral and median spinneretsι ventral view; (f) tibia Iι retrolateral view. Scale bars = 0.5 mm.
Figure 7.
Pseudonemesia tabiskey
sp. nov.
ι female paratypeι posterior lateral and median spinnerets. (a) Lateral view; (b) ventral view. Scale bars = 0.25 mm.
Figure 8.
Pseudonemesia tabiskey
sp. nov.
ι male (IBSP 115438)ι ventral view. (a) Chelicerae; (b) maxilla (arrow indicate modified setae); (c) serrula; (d) detail of modified setae on maxilla.
Figure 9.
Pseudonemesia tabiskey
sp. nov.
ι male (IBSP 115438). (a) Anterior and posterior book-lung aperturesι ventral view; (bι c) clavate setae on abdomenι lateral view; (dι e) posterior lateral spinneret; (d) frontal view; (e) detail of spigots; (f) posterior median spinneretsι ventral view.
Figure 10.
(aι b) Collecting site of
Pseudonemesia tabiskey
sp. nov.
ι La Cristalinaι Boconóι Trujilloι Venezuela. Photos: José Gil.
Figure 11.
sp.ι male from Amazonasι Venezuela. (a) Palpal bulb and cymbiumι retrolateral view; (b) spinneretsι ventral view. Scale bars = 0.25 mm.
Males (
= 4): total length 2.73
4.85; carapace 1.35
1.50; abdomen 1.20
1.35. The height of pars thoracica can range from slightly more elevated than pars cephalica (almost equal height) to more elevated, as in
Raven and Platnick (1981, fig. 51)
Additional material examined
Only one male used on SEM with the same data as holotype (
The specimens were collected using pitfall traps. The containers were partially filled with a saturated saltwater solution, left in place for 5
7 days at
2500 m
asl. All specimens came from a transitional forest between Andean rainforest (
1800 m
asl) and the paramo vegetation (>
2700 m
asl) (
Figure 10
(a,b)). The average temperature was about 15
17°C and the annual rainfall, measured nearby, was>
900 mm
. Other mygalomorph spiders collected in this area were
sp. (Dipluridae) and
sp. (Cyrtaucheniidae).
Figure 12.
Map showing the known records of
Known only from the type locality, in Venezuelan Andes: Trujillo state (
Figure 12