Seven new species of Trichostema (Lamiaceae: Ajugoideae) from the North American Coastal Plain biodiversity hotspot Author Mcclelland, R. Kevan Schoonover 0000-0001-5353-4119 Department of Biology, Elon University, Elon, NC & kschoonovermcclell @ elon. edu; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0001 - 5353 - 4119 Author Weakley, Alan S. 0000-0003-2093-3767 UNC-CH Herbarium (NCU), North Carolina Botanical Garden, and Department of Biology, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC & weakley @ unc. edu; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0003 - 2093 - 3767 Author Poindexter, Derick B. 0000-0002-6446-7107 UNC-CH Herbarium (NCU), North Carolina Botanical Garden, and Department of Biology, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC & poindexter @ unc. edu; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 6446 - 7107 text Phytotaxa 2023 2023-07-18 603 2 95 149 journal article 10.11646/phytotaxa.603.2.1 1179-3163 8157972 Trichostema bridgesii-orzellii K.S. McClell. , sp. nov. ( Figure 14 ) Diagnosis: —Suffrutescent perennial to 1 m tall, morphologically most similar to Trichostema suffrutescens . It differs from T. suffrutescens by its larger size to 1 m tall ( vs. to 60 cm tall), longer fruiting calyces of 5.20–6.14 mm ( vs. 4.76–5.97 mm ), and a geographic restriction to the southern Lake Wales Ridge ( vs. a geographic restriction to the Trail, Mt. Dora, Orlando, and northern Lake Wales Ridges). Type: U.S.A. Florida . Highlands County . Openings in scrub and sandy roadside. Robert Kevan Schoonover, II, Edwin Bridges, and Steve Orzell 120a–h ( holotype NCU !; isotypes FLAS !, GH !, MO !, NCU !, NY !, US !, USF !) . Note : Specimens Robert Kevan Schoonover, II 120a–h represent a single gathering in accordance with Article 8.2 of the ICN ( Turland et al. 2018 ). Suffrutescent perennial to 1 m tall; branching primarily in the lower to middle part of the plant; stem hairs downwardly curved to two, occasionally to three, cells long ( Figure 1g ), with sessile glands; node hairs downwardly curved, rarely spreading, to two, occasionally to three, cells long ( Figure 1g ); leaves widest towards the tip or near the middle, rarely widest towards the base, (0.8–)1.16–1.82(–2.3) × (0.28–)0.44–0.75(–1.04), average of 1.49 × 0.6, cm, (1.53–)2.09– 3.06(–4.67), average of 2.57, times long as wide, base cuneate to attenuate, margin entire, apex rounded to emarginate, rarely obtuse; inflorescence hairs spreading, occasionally downwardly curved, to two, occasionally to three, cells long, with sessile and spreading glands to two, rarely to three, cells long (including gland); bracts widest towards the tip, (2.5–)3.41–5.32(–6.8) × (0.7–)1.13–2(–3), average of 4.36 × 1.57, mm, (1.79–)2.3–3.46(–4.63), average of 2.88, times long as wide, base cuneate to attenuate, margin entire, apex obtuse to rounded, occasionally acute to ±90°, rarely emarginate; fruiting calyx (4.1–)5.2–6.14(–7.3), average of 5.67, mm long; buds purple-black to dark blue-purple, corolla dark blue or blue-purple to blue or blue-purple; anthers dark blue or blue-purple to blue or blue-purple; style bifid, the longer arm 2.5–4.5, rarely as little as 2 or as much as 6, times as long as the shorter; mature nutlets alveolate, (1.4–)1.55–1.78(–1.9), average of 1.67, mm long, hilum (0.4–)0.55–0.73(–0.9), average of 0.64, mm long, (0.27–)0.34–0.43(–0.5), average of 0.38, times the length of the nutlet, alveoli small, ridges mid-sized, occasionally short, rarely tall ( Figure 2h ). Phenology: —Flowers and fruits June to December. Some plants will have a small number of flowers February to May. FIGURE 14 . Holotype specimen of Trichostema bridgesii-orzellii . Photo by R. Kevan Schoonover McClelland. Etymology: —This species is named after Edwin L. Bridges and Steve L. Orzell, who not only provided much assistance in collecting data for this study and co-collected the type specimens, but who also have had a long and impactful career studying the ecology and floristics of Florida , particularly of fire-maintained habitats. Several of their studies have focused on the Bombing Range Ridge and southern Lake Wales Ridge where this species is endemic. Their work has not only improved our understanding of the seasonality of fire and of fire ecology overall, but also has uncovered several new plant taxa that are Florida endemics. As such, it is fitting to name this species in their honor. The common name Bridge’s and Orzell’s Bluecurls is given to this species for the same reasons. The names of the two men “usually stand independently,” so a hyphenated epithet with each name in the genitive is used ( Turland et al. 2018 ). Habitat and distribution: Trichostema bridgesii-orzellii occurs in scrub and sandhills; 5–100 meters; USA : Florida : Lake, Highlands, Orange, Osceola, and Polk Counties. ( Figure 15 ) FIGURE 15 . Approximate known range of Trichostema bridgesii-orzellii based on field data and herbarium records (solid line). The northern and western extent of this species is unknown due to extensive habitat loss and limited sampling, but given biogeographic patterns in other organisms, it is likely restricted to the Lake Wales Ridge (hashed line). Conservation status: —Based on the data collected for this study, this species should be recognized at a G2 ranking (NatureServe 2020). Notes: —This species is cryptic when compared to T. suffrutescens based solely on herbarium material. In the field it can be distinguished by its more robust size and the difference in the scent of its oils. Analysis of the volatile oils of these two species may help better define this difference, as has been done in the similarly distributed mint genus Dicerandra ( McCormick et al. 1993 ) . Trichostema bridgesii-orzellii occurs primarily on the Lake Wales and Bombing Range Ridges in Florida . The geographic split between this species and T. suffrutescens is unclear due to extensive habitat loss and the limitation which that imposed on sampling. Increased sampling of genetic and morphologic data from populations along the Lake Wales Ridge may help clarify the differences between these two taxa. Additional specimens examined ( paratypes ): U.S.A. Florida , Highlands County : Lake June-In-Winter Scrub State Park : N . end of park along fire lane, 22 October 2003 , Bishop LJ 0155 ( USF !); Archbold Biological Station , 10 miles south of Lake Placid , 7 September 1945 , Brass 15598 ( FLAS !, US !); Sandleblanket Lakes opposite Perry Road , off Avon Park Cutoff leaving I 27. On the western boundary of the preserve and adjacent citrus plantation, 25 November 2002 , Brockington & Edwards 113 ( FLAS !); Sec. 07, R 29E, T34 S ( Lake Arbuckle SW quad), 27.536946 N , 81.456847 W , 18 February 1986 , Christman 101 ( FTG !); Lake Jackson Northwest Scrub ( High 69)., 28 February 1987 , Christman & Beck 1324 ( FLAS !); NE Lake June in Winter Scrub ( High 80), 7 May 1986 , Christman & Dorman 575 ( FLAS !); Highlands Hammock State Park : Burn zone H-54 NE ; along SE park boundary; E 1/2, SE /4, NE 1/4, NE 1/4, SE 1/4, S4, T35S, R28E, 27.461984 N , 81.516059 W , 8 June 1994 , Cole HH 0052 ( USF !); on north side of Lake Annie , off of rte. 70 just west of Old State Road 8., 3 September 1981 , Correll & Correll 52393 ( FTG !, USF !); Lake Placid. , 13 September 1963 , Craighead s.n. ( USF !); east of Sebring , 14 April 1948 , Garrett s.n. ( NCSC !); 2.75 mi N of Fla 70 on Placid View Rd. , 3.5 mi SSE of Lake Placid. , 8 October 1978 , Hansen & Hansen 4835 ( USF !); Placid View Drive Scrub (High 62), 4 March 1986 , Huck & Christman 3638 ( FLAS !); West Lake Istokpoga Scrub (High 58)., 5 March 1986 , Huck & Christman 3660 ( FLAS !); East of Grassy Lake Scrub ( High 47)., 27.259416 N , 81.308549 W , 5 March 1986 , Huck & Christman 3712 ( FLAS !, USF !); Archbold Biological Station , Lake Wales Ridge , Venus ., 27.177347 N , 81.35264 W , 1 November 2012 , Kupihea s.n. ( NCU !); on terrace overlooking Lake June , just north of Jct. Temple Terrace , on Hwy #27, 25 February 1961 , Lakela 23776 ( USF !); Vicinity of Avon Lakes. , 30 March 1970 , Lakela 32010 ( USF !); Highlands Hammock State Park , 27.463808 N , 81.51718333 W , 14 October 2018 , McClelland 201 ( NCU !); Archbold Biological Station , 27.135097 N , 81.35855833 W , 15 October 2018 , McClelland 202 ( NCU !); Archbold Biological Station , 27.134633 N , 81.35923056 W , 15 October 2018 , McClelland 203a ( NCU !); Archbold Biological Station , 27.134633 N , 81.35923056 W , 15 October 2018 , McClelland 203b ( NCU !); Archbold Biological Station , 27.134633 N , 81.35923056 W , 15 October 2018 , McClelland 203c ( NCU !); Highlands Hammock State Park , 27.433950 N , 81.51862222 W , 7 August 2017 , McClelland & Schoonover 94 ( NCU !); Sec. 34. E . Of Botanical Garden , Sebring , 6 August 1934 , McFarlin 8349 ( FLAS !); Lake Jackson ; Sebring , 6 September 1934 , McFarlin 9402 ( GA !); ca. 1.2 air mi N of Co Rd 700A ( Arbuckle Creek Rd ) at a point ca. 1.5 mi E of int Co Rd 17A, ca. 3 air mi NE of Sebring , 27.538889 N , 81.407222 W , 9 November 1990 , Orzell & Bridges 15809 ( FTG !, USF !); ca 0.4 air mi E of Echo Springs Rd at a point ca 0.5 air mi S from jct. of Long Cypress Cut on Avon Park Air Force Range. NEQ, SEQ, SEQ, Sec 30, T 33S, R31 E ; Lake Arbuckle 7.5’ Quad ., 27.57555556 N , 81.25222222 W , 28 November 2012 , Orzell & Bridges 26611 ( NCU !); ca. 0.5 mi N of Arbuckle Creek Road at a point 1.0 mi E of Powerline Road and 2.1 mi E of jct FL 17 ( Old US 27) on N side of Sebring ; SWQ, SWQ, Sec 10, T 34S, R29 E , Lake Arbuckle SW 7.5’ Quad ; Carter Creek Unit of Lake Wales Ridge Wildlife and Environmental Area ., 27.53027778 N , 81.41333333 W , 28 November 2012 , Orzell & Bridges 26613 ( NCU !); Crossing of Fla. Rte 17 and Atlantic Coast Line Railroad , south-east of Sebring , 26 June 1962 , Ray, Jr. , & Lakela 11064 ( USF !); About four miles north of Lake Placid. , 7 October 1960 , Ray, Jr. , Lakela & Patman 10396 ( FLAS !, NCU !, USF !); Sebring , 6 mi. S of along Rt. 27, 28 August 1953 , Sargent 6491 ( GA !, NCSC !); Avon Park Air Force Range , 27.549492 N , 81.257875 W , 11 November 2017 , Schoonover, II , Bridges & Orzell 117a ( NCU !); Avon Park Air Force Range , 27.549492 N , 81.257875 W , 11 November 2017 , Schoonover, II , Bridges & Orzell 117d ( NCU !); Avon Park Air Force Range , 27.572656 N , 81.25540278 W , 11 November 2017 , Schoonover, II , Bridges & Orzell 118b ( NCU !); Avon Park Air Force Range , 27.572656 N , 81.25540278 W , 11 November 2017 , Schoonover, II , Bridges & Orzell 118l ( NCU !); Avon Park Air Force Range , 27.572656 N , 81.25540278 W , 12 November 2017 , Schoonover, II , Bridges & Orzell 120e ( NCU !); Avon Park Air Force Range , 27.572656 N , 81.25540278 W , 12 November 2017 , Schoonover, II , Bridges & Orzell 120f ( NCU !); Avon Park Air Force Range , 27.549492 N , 81.257875 W , 11 November 2017 , Schoonover, II , Bridges & Orzell 117b,c,e,f ( RKSM !); Avon Park Air Force Range , 27.572656 N , 81.25540278 W , 11 November 2017 , Schoonover, II , Bridges & Orzell 118a,c-k ( RKSM !); Avon Park Air Force Range , 27.572656 N , 81.25540278 W , 12 November 2017 , Schoonover , II, Bridges & Orzell 120a-d,g,h ( RKSM !); Carter Creek Management Area , 27.529344 N , 81.412975 W , 7 August 2017 , Schoonover, II , Schoonover & Orzell 96 ( NCU !); 30 miles south of Sebring alog route 27., 25 August 1951 , Webster 4207 ( NCSC !, US !); [ Highlands County , Florida ], 8 September 1958 , Welch s.n. ( NCU !); Lake County : SW of jct Phil C . Peters Rd ( Avalon Claypit Rd ) and Spyglass Hill Rd , ca. 0.1 mi W of Orange Co line, ca. 5 air mi SE of Clermont , 28.491389 N , 81.659722 W , 28 October 1991 , Orzell & Bridges 18729 ( FTG !); Osceola County : Disney World West Entrance Scrub ( Osce 08). Sec. 01, T 25S, R27 E ( Intercession City Quad )., 28.345352 N , 81.562369 W , 24 September 1987 , Christman & Stout 1873 ( FLAS !); on W side of Armadillo Ave , at intersection of Goodman Rd , ca. 0.9 mi S of Oak Island Rd , just W of Davenport Creek Swamp , ca. 2.5 air mi SE of US 27/US 192 jct; P. O. Wall , 28.318889 N , 81.65 W , 28 October 1991 , Orzell & Bridges 18693 ( FTG !, USF !); About 4 miles northwest of Loughman. , 14 October 1960 , Ray, Jr. , Lakela & Patman 10466 ( DUKE !, NCU !, USF !); Polk County : 3.5 mi S of Frostproof , 1.6 mi N of jct US 98 S /27S on US 27 A next to Hickory Lake ., 20 October 1978 , Arcuri & Crewz 825 ( USF !); along Fla . 580, 5 miles east of Haines City , 20 November 1969 , Baltzell 1464 ( FLAS !); North Lake Marion Scrub ( Polk 36). Sec 33, 29 & 28, T 27S, R28 E ( Dundee Quad ). NE Lake Marion ., 28.091741 N , 81.516184 W , 27 February 1986 , Christman 103 ( FLAS !); West Wahneta Scrub ( Polk 53). Sec 19, T 29S, R26 E ( Eloise Quad )., 27.945631 N , 81.751193 W , 27 March 1986 , Christman 250 ( FLAS !); Boy Scout Camp ( Polk 68). Sec. 06, T 29S, R29E., 27.990767 N , 81.455695 W , 15 February 1987 , Christman & Beck 1246 ( FLAS !); Pittsburg Scrub ( Polk 59). Sec. 34, T 32S, R28 E ( Frostproof Quad)., 27.653679 N , 81.506322 W , 29 September 1986 , Christman & Dorman 858 ( FLAS !); Wolfold Scrub ( Polk 60). Sec 8, T 31S, R27 E ( Alturus Quad )., 27.799252 N , 81.637507 W , 10 October 1986 , Christman & Dorman 1016 ( FLAS !); Tiger Creek Preserve. Wakeford Road Sandpines, 6 November 1987 , Christman , Morrison , Buckner & Dorman 2002 ( FLAS !); 5.5 mi. E . of Fla . 580 S , 7 October 1963 , Conard s.n. ( FLAS !); 1/ 4 mi. S of Canal Road on Rocky Point Road ; T 29S, R28 E , Sect. 5, 27.994642 N , 81.536715 W , 22 June 1988 , Delaney 1817 ( USF !); ca. 4.5 mi. SSE of Frostproof. T 32S, R28 E , Sect. 14, SW 1/4, 27.697072 N , 81.490127 W , 5 August 1987 , Hansen , Wunderlin & Delaney 11362 ( USF !); NW of Lake Wales ( Polk 04). Lake Wales Quad T 29S R27E S34, across from Station WIPC and adjacent to Grassy Lake ., 27.917381 N , 81.602354 W , 3 October 1986 , Huck 4321 ( FLAS !); Flaming Arrow Scrub ( Polk 21). Hesperides quad. Sec 5, T 30S, R29 E . Off Route 60, take Boy Scout Rd North ., 27.90251 N , 81.440503 W , 15 October 1986 , Huck 4507 ( USF !); NW of Snell Creek , take dirt road opposite Miss Mary Ann Road off 580 N for.9- 2.9 mi. , 7 October 1986 , Huck & Bissett 4364 ( FLAS !); Catfish Creek State Park , 27.983403 N , 81.49451111 W , 8 August 2017 , McClelland & Schoonover 97 ( NCU !); Lake Wales Ridge State Forest , 27.669856 N , 81.4083 W , 7 August 2017 , McClelland , Schoonover & Orzell 95 ( NCU !); ca. 2.6 mi north on Old School Bus Road from FL 64, in Arbuckle Unit of Lake Wales Ridge State Forest ; NWQ, SEQ, NEQ, Sec. 21, T32S, R29E; Lake Arbucke 7.5’ Quad ., 27.68527778 N , 81.41972222 W , 28 November 2012 , Orzell & Bridges 26612 ( NCU !); on N side of US 27A,. 8 mi. E of US 27., 21 March 1979 , Richardson & Crewz 736 (USF !); Avon Park Air Force Range , 27.710475 N , 81.38609444 W , 11 November 2017 , Schoonover, II , Bridges & Orzell 119a ( NCU !); Avon Park Air Force Range , 27.710475 N , 81.38609444 W , 11 November 2017 , Schoonover, II , Bridges & Orzell 119b ( NCU !); Common but rather localized in western part of preserve; Saddleblanket Lake Preserve, south of Avon Park cutoff road, west of US 27, 26 December 2001 , Sorrie 10828 ( NCU !); on S side of Bravo Rd. , ca. 1.2 mi NE of Frostproof Rd. ; Avon Park AFR; Lake Arbuckle NE 7.5’ Quad , 22 November 1996 , van Hoek 801 A ( FLAS !, USF !); n. side of Fla . 17, 1.7 mi. ne.e. of junct. With U.S. 27, 2.5 mi. s. of Frostproof , S 17, T32S, R28 E , 4 November 1966 , Ward 6041 ( FLAS !, GA !); northeast of Lake Wales near the Bok Tower , 14 August 1950 , Wilbur & Webster 2630 ( NCSC !, US !) .