A taxonomic revision of Monolepta pallidula species group in Taiwan (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae) Author Lee, Chi-Feng text Zootaxa 2009 2170 15 27 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.189193 706d7455-d4c5-48fd-aa29-a6ac33f909df 1175-5326 189193 Monolepta sauteri Chûjô, 1935 Monolepta sauteri Chûjô, 1935 : 173 ; Chûjô, 1938 : 144 ; Chûjô, 1962 : 134 ; Chûjô, 1963b : 394 ; Kimoto, 1965 : 488 ; Kimoto, 1966 : 31 ; Kimoto, 1969 : 49 ; Kimoto, 1987 : 189 ; Kimoto, 1989 : 255 ; Kimoto, 1991 : 15 ; Takizawa et al., 1995 : 11 . Description. Total length: males: 7.0– 7.6 mm (O: 7.37 mm ; n= 6); females: 6.5–8.1 mm (O: 7.22 mm ; n= 6). General color yellowish-brown ( Figs. 7–8 ); antenna blackish-brown but two or three basal antennomeres yellowish-brown; clypeus, labium, and mandibles black; metasternum and metepisternum brown; tibia and tarsi black; scutellum, basal margin, suture of elytron black; black basal margin extending laterally into basal 2/5 of lateral margin. Antennomeres 4–10 about 4.0 times longer than broad at apex ( Fig. 29 ); length of second to third antennomere 0.68–0.82 (O: 0.76); length of third to fourth antennomere 0.41–0.53 (O: 0.47) ( Fig. 28 ). Pronotal length to width 0.67–0.75 (O: 0.72). Maximal width of elytra to length of elytra 0.63–0.69 (O: 0.65). Length of basi-metatarsus to metatibia 0.47–0.53 (O: 0.50). Male genitalia ( Fig. 27 ). Median lobe broad, sub-parallel; apex truncate; with a median longitudinal groove on tectum, extending to base of median lobe, weakly sclerotized inside groove. Tectum narrow and short, about 0.35x as long as median lobe, parallel-sided. Ventral surface well sclerotized, with a groove from apex to apical 1/3. Endophallus with dorsal spiculae near dorsal groove; median spiculae articulated with five pairs of curved sclerites; two ventral spiculae consisting of dense and small teeth. Female genitalia. Spermathecal cornu ( Fig. 30 ) slender, moderately curved; middle part long, medially curved, abruptly narrowed near cornu; nodulus slender, indistinctly delimited from middle part; proximal spermathecal duct long, larger near nodulus, loosely and apically coiled. Dorsal part of bursa-sclerites ( Fig. 31 ) with one erected process, apex consisting of two rows of teeth; ventral part ( Fig. 32 ) very slender, with one row of teeth at apex. Type material examined. Holotype 3, Kuraru (= Kenting National Park, Pingtung), FORMOSA , 15.V.1933 , leg. Y. Miwa (2328) ( TARI ); allotype (2329) and 8 paratypes (43, 4ƤƤ), same data as holotype (2579, 2842-2843 , 2863-2867 ) ( TARI ), one paratype with same data deposited at the DEI . Specimens examined. 43, Kuraru (= Kenting National Park, Pingtung), 15.VI.1933 , leg. Y. Miwa; 1Ƥ, same locality and collector, 21–25.VII.1932 ; 2ƤƤ, same locality, 13.VI.1937 , leg. M. Chujo; 2ƤƤ, Chipon (Chihpen, Taitung), 25.III.1935 , leg. M. Chujo; 2ƤƤ, Mizuho (= Juisui, Hualien), 23.III.1935 , leg. M. Chujo; 13, 2ƤƤ (#4440-4442), Taoyuan, Hsiaowulai, 19.IV.2008 , leg. S.-F. Yu; 1Ƥ (#609), Teipei, Hsintien, 29.I.2007 , leg. H.-C. Chen; 1Ƥ (#3640), Pingtung, Shuangliu, 02.II.2008 , leg. S.-F. Yu; 13 (#845), Pingtung, Tahanshan, 22.II.2007 , leg. S.-F. Yu (all in TARI ). Diagnosis. Monolepta sauteri and M. kuroheri differ from M. gracilipes and M. tsoui by the combination of the following characters: the wider antenna ( Figs. 29 , 35 ) (antennomeres 4–10 about 4.0 times longer than broad) in contrast with narrower antenna ( Figs. 13 , 26 ) (antennomeres 4–10 about 5.5–6.2 times longer than broad) in M. gracilipes and M. tsoui ; black lateral margin of elytron abbreviated near apex ( Figs. 8, 10 ). Monolepta sauteri can be distinguished from M. kuroheri by the shorter black lateral margin of the elytra (from base to basal 2/5) ( Fig. 8 ), by contrast with from base to basal 4/ 5 in M. kuroheri ( Fig. 10 ); the less impressed ventral groove of median lobe ( Fig. 27 b), by contrast with the prominent ventral groove in M. kuroheri ( Fig. 33 b); and presence of dorsal endophallic sclerites and one apically articulated median endophallic sclerite, by contrast with absence of the dorsal endophallic sclerites and four separate median endophallic sclerites. Kimoto (1966) indicated that the smaller body and narrowed black margin of the elytron of Monolepta kuroheri can be separated from M. sauteri . Actually both characters are too variable to have diagnostic value. Kimoto and Takizawa (1997) tried to use relative lengths of black lateral margin of the elytron to identify both species but the description is not correct probably because of old specimens. Actually, they can be distinguished by relative lengths of black margin of the elytra mentioned above. Distribution. Taiwan .