Checklist of aroids (Alismatales, Araceae) from Sabah (Malaysian Borneo) Author Wong, Sin Yeng Author Joling, Jyloerica text Check List 2021 2021-06-17 17 3 931 974 journal article 10.15560/17.3.931 1809-127X Alocasia robusta M.Hotta Figure 2F Material examined. MALAYSIA Pedalaman Keningau , TBC, Mile 21; 05°08′37″N , 116°17′20″E ; 850 m elev.; 22 February 2003 ; Kinahim et al. SP 17856 ( SNP ) Sipitang , Chi Hin waterfall; 05°02′30″N , 115°50′39″E ; 412 m elev.; 23 March 1999 ; R. Kiew & Ali I. , Ruth Kiew 4647 ( SAN ) Pantai Barat Ranau , Mount Tombuyukon , Sub-station Monggis , summit trail to Mount Tombuyukon ; 06°12′50″N , 116°39′20″E ; 400 m elev.; 13 December 2009 ; Yabainus J. KNP 18147 ( SNP ) Tawau Lahad Datu , Tabin Wildlife Reserve ; 05°12′N , 118°38′E ; 150 m elev.; 4 July 2000 ; Kjeldsen K. H. Kjeld- sen 186 ( SAN ) Tawau , Tawau Hills Park ; 04°59′30″N , 117°11′00″E ; 22 April 1992 ; Berhaman et al. SAN 134531 ( SAN ) . Identification. Alocasia robusta is a gigantic arborescent herb with leaf blades strikingly glaucous on the underside. This species resembles A. macrorrhizos , with a rather similar subtriangular ovato-sagittate leaf outline but can be distinguished by the posterior costae with tissue extending into the sinus and the glaucous abaxial side to the blade. The seedlings, even when quite large, have peltate leaves with the undersides glaucous and the whole glabrous (cf. A. sarawakensis ). The inflorescences are very different from those of A. macrorrhizos , both in their clustered arrangement, and the thick marcescent/ deliquescent cataphylls (bits of which often adhere to the open spathe), the ivory horizontally red-marked lower spathe and the thick greyish to purplish limb ( Hay 1998 ). Distribution and ecology. Widespread. Wet but welldrained open disturbed places, roadside, plantations, riverbanks, land slides, and canopy gaps in lowland to lower montane forest.