Nomenclature notes on the genus Salacia L. (Celastraceae) in India Author Jadhav, Durga C. Naoroji Godrej Centre for Plant Research, 431, Lawkim Campus, Shindewadi, Shirwal, Dist. Satara, Maharashtra, India 412 801. Author Prabhugaonkar, Ashish V. Eastern Regional Centre, Botanical Survey of India, Woodland, Laitumkhrah, Shillong 793 003. Author Nandikar, Mayur D. Naoroji Godrej Centre for Plant Research, 431, Lawkim Campus, Shindewadi, Shirwal, Dist. Satara, Maharashtra, India 412 801. text Phytotaxa 2016 2016-06-14 265 2 121 130 journal article 10.11646/phytotaxa.265.2.3 1179-3163 13662647 3 . Salacia floribunda Wight (1838: 134) Type :— MYANMAR , Tanintharyi Region , Mergui , s.d ., Griffith , s.n . [ lectotype , K ( K000687005 , image! Fig. 3 ), designated here; other syntypes : K ( K0007004 , image!), E ( E00179088 , image!), CAL ! ( CAL0000007473 ), MH ! ( sh. no. 10323 )] . FIGURE 3. Selected lectotype for Salacia floribunda Wight (K: Herb Griffith s.n. ; K000687005). Salacia floribunda was described by Wight based on material collected from Mergui by William Griffith. In the protologue no type has been mentioned apart from ‘Mergui:- communicated by Griffith’. In total five collections by Griffith and annotated by Wight were found deposited at E , K , CAL and MH . Two collections from K matching with protologue and are presumably collected from the same locality by Griffith ; one of these is agrees protologue and designated here as lectotype ( K000687005 ), while the other is kept as syntype . Even though the specimens placed at CAL ( CAL0000007473 ), MH ( sh. no 10323 ) and E ( E00179088 ) are collected by Griffith and annotated by Wight , they are ambiguous with protologue and kept as syntypes .