Whiteflies (Sternorrhyncha, Aleyrodidae) colonising ferns (Pteridophyta: Filicopsida), with descriptions of two new Trialeurodes and one new Metabemisia species from south­east Asia Author Martin, Jon H. Author Camus, Josephine M. text Zootaxa 2001 2001-07-27 2 1 19 journal article http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4618039 b3122d5a-e561-44f9-9ebf-51e644cfd0ac 1175­5326 4618039 Filicaleyrodes williamsi ( Trehan, 1938 ) DISTRIBUTION. Only known from glasshouse colonies in Britain and Hungary . The origin of this species is uncertain, given the geographically disjunct distribution of F. bosseri and the undescribed species, below. HOST PLANTS. Aspleniaceae : Asplenium proliferum ; Blechnaceae : Blechnum brasiliensis , B. gibbum ; Dryopteridaceae : Tectaria confluens , Cyrtomium falcatum , Tectaria aurita ; Oleandraceae : Oleandra africana ; Schizaeaceae : Anemia sp.; Thelypteridaceae : Metathelypteris flaccida . COMMENTS. The quoted host records are attributable to Trehan ( 1938 ) and Visnya ( 1941 ) .