The cicadas of Argentina with new records, a new genus and fifteen new species (Hemiptera: Cicadoidea: Cicadidae) Author Sanborn, Allen F. Author Heath, Maxine S. text Zootaxa 2014 2014-11-11 3883 1 1 94 journal article 1175-5326 4951252 48A4C0DF-00B7-45C6-8D10-5BFE40A251EE Proarna alalonga Sanborn & Heath , sp. n. ( Figure 2 ) Proarna alalonga nom. nud. Sanborn et al. 2011a , p. 4 , Table 1 . Type material.— ARGENTINA . HOLOTYPE : male ( INHS ) , Salta / 3.5 km So. of Grl. / Enrique Masconi / 11 Jan. 1988 . Heath– / Sanborn–Noriega Coll. // Doesn’t match / P. dactyliophora / type” . PARATYPES : one male ( MSHC ) same data as holotype but no comparison label ; one male ( MSHC ) Salta / Grl. Enrique Masconi / 11–I–1988 / Heath–Sanborn–Noriega Coll.” ; one male ( AFSC ) Salta / Manuel Elordi / 10 Jan. 1988 / Heath- Sanborn-Noriega Coll.” ; two femaleSalta Prov. / Dto. Orán , Aguas Blancas / 20–I–2004 / Coll. N. Vannucci ” ( AFSC ) . Etymology. The species is named for its proportionately long forewing in comparison to other members of the genus. Diagnosis.— The new species is similar in size to P. dactyliophora Berg, 1879 , P. hilaris ( Germar, 1834 ) and P. palisoti (Metcalf, 1963) . Both P. hilaris and P. paliosoti are restricted to the Caribbean basin. The new species has longer (about 23.2 mm vs 19.5 mm ) and wider (about 7.3 mm vs 6.2 mm ) forewings than P. dactyliophora . The markings in P. dactyliophora are much more elaborate than in the new species; the lateral pronotal margin is smoothly arched in the new species but has a notch in P. dactyliophora ; the anterior extension of the timbal cover is longer and the dorsomedial margin is angulate in P. dactyliophora but smoothly curved in the new species; the postclypeus has a light central mark near the apex on an otherwise unicolorous postclypeus in the new species but has a dark central stripe and light lateral areas ventrally in P. dactyliophora ; the lateral abdomen begins to taper to the posterior terminus at the sixth abdominal segment in the new species but at the third abdominal segment in P. dactyliophora ; the male opercula almost meet medially in the new species but are well separated in P. dactyliophora ; and the lateral lobes of the uncus are longer and the dorsal extension of the terminal medial uncal lobes are larger in the new species. Description Coloration .—Ground color of head and thorax greenish and tawny, tawny only in some paratypes , marked with piceous; abdomen ferruginous marked with piceous. Head .—Not as wide as mesonotum (about 0.97X) with piceous mark surrounding ocelli extending from frontoclypeal suture to hind margin with ground color spot on posterior epicranial suture. Piceous mark extending laterally across middle of vertex from anterior arm of epicranial suture to eye then expanding along margin of eye anteriorly to gena and posteriorly past eye angle where it forms a tapering line to posterior cranial depression. Ocelli rosaceous, eyes dark tawny, ochraceous in some paratypes . Postclypeus fuscous with 11 transverse grooves, greenish mark medially on dorsal surface extending to middle of ventral surface in central sulcus, expanded in over most of the medial postclypeus in one paratype , rounded anteriorly, ventral surface flattened, short silvery pile between transverse grooves and within central sulcus. Anteclypeus fuscous, green triangular mark on anterior midline, medial posterior third green, with long silvery pile laterally. Rostrum greenish with piceous tip reaching to middle of sternite I. Gena and lorum fuscous with long silvery pile. Scape and pedicel piceous, proximal three quarters of first flagellum fuscous, remaining flagellar segments tawny, greenish in some paratypes . Head covered with short, silvery pile, longer posterior to eye. Thorax .—Pronotum ground color with fuscous longitudinal bands on either side of midline, expanding to widest point midway between anterior margin and paramedian fissure before contracting, expanding at junction of anterior margin in most paratypes , fusing anteriorly and posteriorly forming a greenish mark along midline, continuing to posterior margin of pronotal collar as width reduces slightly, reduced to a pair of anterior spots on either side of midline and medial posterior spot in one paratype . Sinuate fuscous mark extending from middle of paramedian fissure onto disc. Fuscous spot between posterior lateral fissure and ambient fissure, extending into lateral fissure. Paramedian and lateral fissures with fuscous marks of various lengths in paratypes . Mesonotum with fuscous submedian sigilla, medial lateral sigilla arching to midline and expanding posterolaterally to wing groove outlining parapsidal suture, fusing and continuing along midline to posterior margin, reduced to a thin line across cruciform elevation. Mark complete along midline in some paratypes eliminating the spot between posterior portions of submedial sigillae. Scutal depression piceous. Wing groove piceous. Metanotum ground color in the middle, fuscous anteriorly and posteriorly. Ventral thoracic plates fuscous except lighter medial epimeron 2, and posterior trochantin 2 and 3, anepisternum 2 or katepimeron 2 green in some paratypes . Thorax covered with short, silvery pile. Forewing and hind wings .—Hyaline. Costa , radius and subcostal vein greenish with fuscous markings at base and at node, remaining veins ochraceous proximally, all veins becoming fuscous distally at mid-level of ulnar cells. Fuscous along nodal line, fuscous spot on arculus and base of cubitus posterior + anal vein 1, piceous posterior margin of anal vein 2 + 3 and piceous spot at base. Infuscation on proximal and distal radius anterior 2, medial, radiomedial and radial crossveins, and on ambient vein in apical cells 3–8. A small infuscation spot is found in the left forewing apical cell 2 of the holotype and apical cell 4 of the right forewing of one paratype is significantly shortened. Basal membrane grayish white. Hind wing venation greenish and ochraceous, except piceous anal veins 2 and 3. Vanal fold, anal cell 3, anal cell 2 along anal veins 2 and 3, anal cell 1 along anal vein 2, cubital cell 2 along proximal half of cubitus posterior and base of costal and medial cells grayish. Legs .—Coxae ochraceous striped with fuscous. Trochanter ochraceous, fore trochanter with fuscous mark ventrally. Fore femur ochraceous striped with fuscous with proximal and distal fuscous annuli, with piceous primary spine against angled, larger, upright piceous secondary spine, and small, distal tertiary spine. Middle and hind femora ochraceous striped with fuscous, ringed with fuscous near distal end. Fore and middle tibiae fuscous anteriorly and in distal half, hind tibia fuscous only anteriorly, fuscous band in middle of hind tibiae in some paratypes , tibial spurs and comb castaneous. Proximal half of tarsi greenish, distal half fuscous, fuscous area reduced or absent in some paratypes , pretarsal claw fuscous with darker tips. FIGURE 2. Proarna alalonga Sanborn & Heath sp. n. ( A) Holotype male and paratype female habitus. (B) Holotype male dorsum. (C) Holotype male timbal cover. (D) Holotype male operculum. (E) Paratype female operculum. (F) Holotype male lateral view of genitalia. (G) Holotype male posterior view of genitalia. (H) Paratype female lateral view of genitalia. (I) Paratype female ventral view of genitalia. Scale for A = 2 cm, B–E = 2 mm, and F–I = 1 mm. Operculum .—Male operculum ochraceous with fuscous spot on lateral base and fuscous mark along meracanthus, fuscous marks connected in some paratypes , covered in silvery pile, reaching to anterior margin of sternite II. Lateral margin curved into rounded posterior margin, medial margin rounded not meeting medially, anteromedial margin curving anteriorly to base. Female operculum ochraceous, fuscous at base, straight lateral and posterior margins connected by curving margin, medial margin at level of meracanthus, covered with short silvery pile, reaching to middle of sternite II. Meracanthus ochraceous. Abdomen .—Dorsal tergites tawny with greenish medial posterior, fuscous marks on either side of midline not reaching posterior margin, lateral tergite 2 on timbal cover and margin to timbal cavity fuscous, fuscous spots on lateral tergites 3–7 becoming larger in posterior segments. Timbal cover incomplete exposing timbal anteriorly and dorsally, fuscous dorsally, greenish ventrally. Posterior timbal cavity with slightly curved margin, to rounded, triangular apex of timbal cover. Timbal with four ribs and two spots, silvery pile dorsally, more dense laterally and in some paratypes . Sternites fuscous with white spiracles. Epipleurites fuscous. Silvery pile on sternites, additional longer pile on sternite VIII. Male genitalia .—Pygofer fuscous darker along dorsal and posterior margins, with greenish tawny dorsal margin and laterodorsal spot, dorsal beak absent, anal styles tawny ringed with fuscous. Median uncus lobe tawny, short, terminus rounded, bent posteriorly at approximate right angle. Lateral uncus lobes longer, flattened distally, bent anteriorly at approximate right angle when viewed from side, narrowed at angle, lateral side expanded with curved margin, medial side straight bent anterolaterally to rounded apex. Aedeagus castaneous with tawny membrane and castaneous curved spine at terminus. Female genitalia .—Sternite VII fuscous, lateral posterior margins rounded connected to V-shaped medial notch with a transverse region. Abdominal segment 9 fuscous anteriorly and ventrally, greenish tawny posteriorly, with fuscous extension to posterior margin at level of stigma, fuscous dorsal beak and greenish tawny extension along dorsal midline to middle of segment, lateral posterior margins sinuate, covered in long and short silvery pile. Anal styles fuscous, as long as dorsal beak. Gonocoxite IX piceous, ovipositor sheath piceous with long white pile near tip. Gonapophysis IX castaneous. Ovipositor sheath extending slightly beyond tip of dorsal beak. Measurements (mm).— N = 4 males or 2 females , mean (range). Length of body: male 15.8 (14.6–17.0), female 18.9 (18.5–19.3); length of forewing: male 21.9 (21.1–22.6), female 25.7 (24.5–26.9); width of forewing: male 7.0 (6.7–7.35), female 7.85 (7.7–8.0); length of head: male 2.25 (2.2–2.3), female 2.4; width of head including eyes: male 5.14 (4.95–5.3), female 5.8; width of pronotum including suprahumeral plates: male 6.4 (6.1–6.7), female 7.55 (7.5–7.6); width of mesonotum: male 5.3 (5.2–5.4), female 6.35 (6.3–6.4). Notes. Proarna alalonga sp. n. is from the Yunga floristic provinces ( Sanborn et al. 2011a ).