Monogenoids (Diplectanidae, Polyonchoinea) from the gills of mojarras (Perciformes, Gerreidae) with the resurrection of Neodiplectanum Mizelle & Blatz, 1941 and the proposal of Darwinoplectanum n. gen. Author Domingues, Marcus V. Author Diamanka, Arfang Author Pariselle, Antoine text Zootaxa 2011 3010 1 19 journal article 46448 10.5281/zenodo.206730 68c9280a-6ee8-4f48-93b0-5aae07f03d28 1175-5326 206730 Neodiplectanum mexicanum ( Mendoza Franco, Roche & Torchin, 2008 ) n. comb. Syn. Diplectanum mexicanum Mendoza Franco, Roche & Torchin, 2008 Diplectanum mexicanum : Mendoza Franco et al . (2008) : 174, figs. 10–17 (descr). Type host. Diapterus rhombeus (Cuvier) . Site. Gills. Type locality. Coast of Campeche State, Mexico ( 18°48’45’’N , 92°03’45’’W ) in the Gulf of Mexico , Mexico ( Mendoza Franco et al . 2008 ). Other record. D . rhombeus from Guaratuba Bay, Municipality of Guaratuba, Paraná, Brazil ( 25°52’19’’S , 48°39’02’’W ) on 25 November 2000 . Material examined. 7 Paratypes USNPC No 100848 ; 9 vouchers, CHIOC 37544a–c, INPA 594a–c, MPEG 000020–000022. Remarks. Diplectanum mexicanum Mendoza Franco, Roche & Torchin, 2008 is transferred to Neodiplectanum as N . mexicanum ( Mendoza Franco, Roche & Torchin, 2008 ) n. comb. because it shows all diagnostic features so far proposed for Neodiplectanum . This species can be distinguished from the other species by possessing a copulatory complex with an elongate accessory piece with bifurcate tip, distally hook-shaped; and dorsal anchors with perpendicular superficial and deep roots.