A foundation monograph of Ipomoea (Convolvulaceae) in the New World Author Wood, John R. I. Author Munoz-Rodriguez, Pablo Author Williams, Bethany R. M. Author Scotland, Robert W. text PhytoKeys 2020 143 1 823 http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/phytokeys.143.32821 journal article http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/phytokeys.143.32821 1314-2003-143-1 F6F11A6EE4FF5A1885CEA2B60AE965A5 161. Ipomoea caloneura Meisn. in Martius et al. , Fl. Brasil. 7 : 281. 1869. (Meisner 1869: 281) Ipomoea blanchetii var. pubescens Meisn. in Martius et al. , Fl. Brasil. 7 : 280. 1869. (Meisner 1869: 280). No type cited, presumably BRAZIL. Mato Grosso, Cuiaba , L. Riedel [818] (lectotype NY00319160, designated here; isolectotype LE01025974). Ipomoea tapirapoanensis Hoehne, Arq. Bot. Estado Sao Paulo, new ser. 1: 38. 1938. (Hoehne 1938: 38). Type. BRAZIL. Mato Grosso, Tapirapoa[n], F.C. Hoehne 1668 (isotype R!). Type. BRAZIL. Goias , W.J. Burchell 6582 (holotype BR0000006972875, isotype K). Description. Trailing or climbing perennial, stems thinly pilose. Leaves petiolate, 2-6 x 2.5-8 cm, base cordate with rounded auricles, margin somewhat undulate, 3-lobed to about half way, lobes acute to shortly acuminate, central lobe elliptic, narrowed at base, laterals broadly ovate, both surfaces pilose, abaxially paler; petioles 1.5-3 cm, pilose. Inflorescence of mostly 3-5-flowered axillary cymes; peduncles 3(-11) cm, glabrous or thinly pilose; bracteoles linear-lanceolate, 2-4 mm; secondary peduncles 1-4.5 cm; pedicels 6-20 mm, glabrous or, rarely, thinly pilose; sepals unequal, coriaceous, convex, glabrous, margins scarious, when fresh pale green, shiny; outer sepals 6-7 x 4 mm, elliptic, obtuse, inner 10-11 mm, obovate, obtuse; corolla 6-7 cm long, funnel-shaped, pale pink with dark centre, glabrous, limb c. 5 cm diam., lobed. Capsules 7-8 x 6 mm, ovoid, glabrous, rostrate; seeds 4-5 x 2.5 mm pale brown, glabrous apart from lanate angles with hairs c. 10 mm long. Illustration. Figure 93 . Figure 93. Ipomoea caloneura . A habit with (left) capsule and seed B outer sepal C inner sepal D corolla opened up to show stamens E ovary and style F capsule G seed. Drawn by Rosemary Wise A-E from Wood & Soto 27916; F, G from Wood & Soto 27430. Distribution. An uncommon plant of the Cerrado biome in Bolivia and Brazil, growing in campo cerrado and on granite rock outcrops. BRAZIL. Goias : the type. Mato Grosso : Espinheiros, near Cuiaba , C.A.M. Lindman 3013 (S); Chapada dos Guimares, Cuiaba , F. Mereles 2493 (FCQ), 2524 (FCQ). Tocantins : Palmeiropolis, J.B. Pereira & G.A. Moreira 65 (CEN). BOLIVIA. Santa Cruz : Velasco: Las Mechitas, R. Guillen et al. 311 (FTG, LPB, USZ); km 69, Santa Rosa-Piso Firme, J.R.I. Wood & D. Soto 27430 (K, LPB, USZ); Cerro Pelao, J.R.I. Wood & D. Soto 27916 (OXF, K, LPB, USZ). Note. Very similar to Ipomoea blanchetii and I. cheirophylla differing in the pilose stem and leaves. The leaves are always 3-lobed with much broader segments than in I. cheirophylla . In designating a lectotype of Ipomoea blanchetii var. pubescens , we have chosen the NY specimen as it appears to have a label in Meisner's handwriting annotating it as "β pubescens nob. (6./1./68.)". Both this specimen and the one at LE are so poor that they are difficult to identify certainly but the location and pubescent indumentum suggest strongly that it is Ipomoea caloneura . • Species 162-165 are characterised by the presence of stellate hairs. These are completely absent in a few forms of Ipomoea bonariensis and are hard to find in Species 164-165.