Revision of the fungus-farming ant genus Sericomyrmex Mayr (Hymenoptera, Formicidae, Myrmicinae)
Jesovnik, Ana
Schultz, Ted R.
journal article
Sericomyrmex saramama
sp. n.
Figures 53, 54(Worker); Figure 53(Queen); Figure 55(Larva); Figure 35 (Map)
Type material.
Holotype worker: PERU: Madre de Dios, Tambopata Reserve, -12.8187, -69.3636, 224m, A.
, AJ120729-03, primary forest, nest on forest trail. (MHNL: 1w, USNMENT00924064). Paratypes: same data as holotype (USNM: 1q, USNMENT00924065; 1w, USNMENT00924070) (MZSP: 1w, USNMENT00924068; 1w, USNMENT00924069) (MCZ: 1w, USNMENT00924071; 1w, USNMENT00924080), (CASC: 1w, USNMENT00924072; 1w, USNMENT00924073) (MHNG, 1w, USNMENT00924074) (BMNH: 1w, USNMENT00924077) (MSNG: 1w, USNMENT00924078; 1w, USNMENT00924079).
S. saramama
worker diagnosis.
Small species; mandibles dorsally smooth and glossy; frontal lobe triangular, weakly directed anterad, with short posterior margin; frontal carina complete; eye without white layer; mesosomal tubercles low; gaster with lateral carinae moderately developed, dorsal carinae weakly to strongly developed.
S. saramama
worker description.
Measurements in mm, range (holotype): HWe 0.9-1.13 (1) HW 0.9-1.13 (0.98) HW1 0.6-1.05 (0.93) HW2 0.9-1.16 (1.02) HW3 0.53-0.76 (0.65) IFW1 0.58-0.78 (0.65) IFW2 0.22-0.35 (0.31) HL1 0.84-1.1 (0.96) HL2 0.78-0.98 (0.87) SL 0.65-0.8 (0.72) EL 0.11-0.18 (0.16) Om 7-9 (8) WL 1.12-1.4 (1.3) PL 0.22-0.38 (0.28) PPL 0.19-0.3 (0.25) GL 0.78-0.98 (0.86) HFL 0.95-1.2 (1.13) PW 0.54-0.74 (0.65) CI 97-109 (104) FLI 61-82 (65) SI 68-78 (72) OI 12-17 (16) CEI 7-12 (9) [N=25]
Pilosity. Pubescence dense, lighter than integument, appressed to decumbent. Hairs curved, darker in color at base, appressed to suberect, mostly decumbent.
Head. In full-face view slightly broader than long (CI=103
3), posterior corner smoothly rounded to acute, lateral margin of head slightly convex, posterior cephalic emargination distinct (CEI=10
2), gradually impressed. Vertexal impression usually distinct, frontal tumuli faint. Mandible with 7-8 teeth, dorsally smooth and glossy, finely transversely striate only along masticatory margin. Eye medium-sized (OI =15
1), slightly convex, without white layer, 7-9 ommatidia across largest diameter. Frontal lobe moderately wide (FLI=67
3), triangular, weakly directed anterad, posterior margin shorter than medial. Frontal carina not very robust, usually complete, reaching posterior cephalic corner. Antennal scape moderately long (SI=72
3), sometimes almost reaching posterior cephalic corner.
Mesosoma. Mesosomal tubercles low and obtuse. Propodeal carinae low, rarely with posterodorsal denticles.
. Petiole with two low, reduced dorsal denticles; node of postpetiole with two faint, short dorsal carinae, both best seen in dorsolateral view. First gastral tergite with lateral carinae relatively weak, dorsal carinae from barely visible to well developed.
S. saramama
queen description.
Measurements in mm: HWe 1.35 HW 1.4 HW1 1.4 HW2 1.5 HW3 0.95 IFW1 0.93 IFW2 0.38 HL1 1.32 HL2 1.16 SL 0.88 EL 0.22 Om 15 EW 0.11 WL 1.92 PL 0.48 PPL 0.36 GL 1.82 HFL 1.48 PW 1.08 CI 102.27 FLI 68.89 SI 64.81 OI 16 [N=1]
Head. Mandible with 8 teeth, dorsally striate, differing from worker. Preocular carina fading posterior to eye. Eye large, slightly convex, 15 ommatidia across largest diameter. Frontal lobe slightly more robust than in worker.
Mesosoma. Scutum in dorsal view with notauli very reduced, median mesoscutal line absent. Parapsidal lines thin, slightly curved. Scutellum in dorsal view narrowing posteriorly, posterior notch shallow. Propodeal denticles blunt and low, directed posterolaterad.
Metasoma. First gastral tergite with lateral carinae weakly to moderately developed, dorsal carinae absent, anteromedian dorsal groove visible.
S. saramama
S. saramama
larva description.
Setae on dorsal and lateral body surfaces and supra-antennal setae absent. Four genal setae on each side. Mandibular apical tooth divided. Labial denticles absent. First thoracic segment ventrally with multiple multi
spinules, arranged in transverse rows. Numbers of ventral setae: six on each thoracic segment, two on the abdomen (not including anal setae). Single pair of papilliform setae anterior to anal opening.
S. saramama
geographic range.
Colombia, Ecuador, Peru. Map: Figure 35.
S. saramama
S. saramama
can be separated from the similar
S. parvulus
S. opacus
by its larger size, complete frontal carinae, larger eyes that lack a white layer, and frontal lobe shape and size. The queen of
S. saramama
is similar in size to
S. opacus
S. parvulus
queens, but it can be separated from them by its striate mandibles (smooth in
variation includes the dorsal gastral carinae, which are robust in the Peru population but hardly visible in the Ecuador population.
S. saramama
occurs in forested habitats in Peru, Colombia, and Ecuador (Figure 35), but has never been collected in Amazonian Brazil. No other
species has a similar distribution, although the known distribution could easily be an artifact of undersampling.
S. saramama
is the sister species of a clade containing
S. maravalhas
, Brazilian cerrado species that are also rarely collected (Figure 35). Together,
S. saramama
+ (
S. maravalhas
S. scrobifer
) form a clade that is the sister to all remaining
species (Suppl. material 1). Morphologically,
S. saramama
more than its sister species. The fungal cultivar associated with this species, at least where it was collected in Peru, is a member of the diverse clade of generalized higher-attine fungi grown by species of
, but it occupies a long, separate branch from all other higher-attine cultivars (
et al. 2017
S. saramama
grows this cultivar species even when other cultivars are readily available; it was collected at the same locality in which two
S. mayri
and two
S. parvulus
nests were growing a different fungal species, the "
" species, that is widely cultivated by
species across the range of the genus.
S. saramama
This species is named after the Incan goddess of grain, Saramama, because the type locality is in the former Incan Empire (modern-day Peru) and because
is an ant that practices agriculture. The species name is a noun in apposition.
Material examined.
COLOMBIA: Amazonas: PNN Amacayacu, Matamata, -3.6833, -70.25, 150m, 1 Oct 2001, D. Chota; ECUADOR: Orellana: Tiputini, Chorongo trail, -0.6382, -79.8490, 15 Jun 2003, N. M. Gerardo; PERU: Madre de Dios: Tambopata Reserve, -12.81867, -69.36364, 224m, 29 Jul 2012, A.
Figure 53.
S. saramama
worker (USNMENT00924064) and queen (USNMENT00924065); head, profile and dorsal views. Worker: a, c, e. Queen: b, d, f.
Figure 54.
S. saramama
worker (USNMENT01125262), SEM images. a Head, full-face view b mandibles c metasoma, lateral view d eye.
Figure 55.
S. saramama
larva (USNMENT01125266), SEM images. a Lateral view b ventral view c head, frontodorsal view d head, lateral view e mouthparts f anal setae.