A revision of the Malagasy species of Homalium sect. Blackwellia (Salicaceae) Author Applequist, Wendy L. text Candollea 2018 2018-11-05 73 2 221 244 journal article 20537 10.15553/c2018v732a7 4c48979e-961e-4f52-aea5-35622edab76f 2235-3658 5724607 8. Homalium longiracemosum Appleq. , spec. nova ( Fig. 3 ). Holotypus : MADAGASCAR . Prov. Toliara: Anosy Rég ., Distr. Taolagnaro , Cne Mahatalaky , Fkt. Sainte Luce , forêt littorale d’Analavinaky , située à l’W du village d’Ambandrika au bord de la riv. de Rianabo , 24°43'21"S 47°00'44"E , 143 m , 24.XI.2009 , post-fl., Rakotovao 4714 ( MO-6481608! ; isotype : TAN ). Homalium longiracemosum Appleq. is distinguished from other Malagasy species of Homalium sect. Blackwellia in having leaves mostly narrowly lanceolate to narrowly elliptical, 7.3–15 × 2.6–3.9 cm with petiole (6.5–) 9–18 mm , racemose inflorescences 9–25 cm long, and pubescent sepal glands. Tree to 18 m , 45 cm dbh; young twigs glabrous. Leaves narrowly oblanceolate to narrowly elliptical (obovate-elliptical), 7.3–15 × 2.6–3.9 cm ; petiole (6.5–) 9–18 mm ; base convex to cuneate; apex short-acuminate to cuspidate (acute); margins shallowly repand, undulate or crenate-serrulate, with glands elongated, prominent at tooth apices; adaxial surface drying dark brown, abaxial surface medium brown. Inflorescences racemose, lateral, 9–25 cm , short-pubescent; flowers pedicellate with pedicels 0.5–2(–3.5) mm; bracts linear to narrowly oblong, c. 1.5–2 mm . Flowers 6-merous; calyx tube funnelform, sparsely short-pubescent to glabrate; sepals narrowly oblanceolate (to narrowly oblong) with acute apex, 1.8– 3.8 mm ; petals narrowly lanceolate to narrowly oblong with acute apex, 2.5– 3.8 mm ; sepals and petals yellowish green, accrescent, moderately longer than calyx tube, in fruit ascending (partly and irregularly reflexed), ciliate with straight well-separated hairs, both surfaces glabrous or glabrate; sepal glands shortpubescent; filaments 1.6–2.5 mm , glabrous; ovary moderately pubescent with thick straight hairs; styles 4, c. 1.6 mm , basally pubescent. Candollea 73, 2018 Homalium sect. Blackwellia (Salicaceae) in Madagascar – 233 Fig. 2. – Homalium fortunatii Appleq. A. Flowering branch; B. Flowers. [ Randrianasolo et al. 1358, TAN] [Drawing: R.L. Andriamiarisoa] Fig. 3. – Homalium longiracemosum Appleq. A. Flowering branch; B. Flowers. [ Rakotovao 4714, TAN] [Drawing: R.L. Andriamiarisoa] Vernacular name. – “Varikanda” (Rakotovao 4714). Distribution, ecology and conservation status. – The two known collections of H. longiracemosum are from a small region in extreme southeastern Madagascar , where they occur in lowaltitude humid forest. Though both are indicated in TROPICOS (2018) to be from the protected area of Tsitongambarika, the very small Area of Occupancy ( 8 km ²), with two populations in very close proximity, supports a conservation status of “Vulnerable” [VU D2]. Notes. – Homalium longiracemosum is distinguished from other species of sect. Blackwellia with pubescent sepal glands and racemose inflorescences by its long, narrow, long-petioled leaves and long sturdy racemes. Both known specimens, which were collected around the same time but from two different localities, evince an unusually high level of insect damage. Paratypus . MADAGASCAR . Prov. Toliara : Taolagnaro , Mahatalaky , Farafara Vatanibe , forêt humide à haute futaie à l’W du village de Malama , au bord de la grande riv. Belomotse , 24°51'02"S 47°00'20"E , 135 m , 14–18.XI.2009 , fl., Rakotovao et al. 4513 ( MO ).