Two new freshwater gobiid species of Rhinogobius Gill, 1859 (Teleostei: Gobiidae) from Taiwan
Chen, I-Shiung
Institute of Marine Biology, National Taiwan Ocean University, Keelung, 202301, Taiwan, R. O. C. & Center of Excellence for the Oceans, National Taiwan Ocean University, Keelung, 202301, Taiwan, R. O. C.
Yeh, Ming-Fon
Taiwan Biodiversity Research Institute, 1 Min-Sheng E. Road, Jiji, Nantou 552, Taiwan, R. O. C.
journal article
Diagnostic key of 13 nominal species of
Gill, 1859
1a Infraorbital papillae row
with transverse extension; predorsal region with large ctenoid scales; pelvic fin large and elliptical.............................................................................
R. similis
Gill, 1859
1b Infraorbital papillae row
as typically linear, longitudinal pattern; predorsal region naked or merely with small cycloid scales; pelvic fin small and roundedf...................................................................... 2
2a Vertebral count 27; no preopercular canal.................................................................. 3
2b Vertebral count 26; preopercular canal present.............................................................. 6
3a Second dorsal fin modally I/9; anal fin modally I/8; snout with two broad, lateral stripes (posterior one orange in male)..........................................................................
R. yangminshanensis
et al.
, 2022
3b Second dorsal fin modally I/8; anal fin modally I/7; snout with one lateral orange to brownish red, brown curve turning vertically........................................................................................... 4
4a Pectoral fin rays modally 17; longitudinal scale series modally 33.........................
R. baborinisanensis
n. sp.
4b Pectoral fin rays modally less than 17; longitudinal scale series modally 28–29.................................... 5
5a Pectoral fin rays modally 15; predorsal scale series usually 14–15; the black blotch on first dorsal fin large and its height about 1/2 length of second dorsal spine in male.............................................
R. macromaculatus
n. sp.
5b Pectoral fin rays modally 16; predorsal scale series modally 11; the black blotch on first dorsal fin small and its height about 1/4 length of second dorsal spine in male...................................
R. rubromaculatus
Lee & Chang, 1996
6a Scale rows between origin of first dorsal fin and pectoral fin 6–8; abdomen median naked before anus........................................................................................
R. maculafasciatus
Chen & Shao, 1996
6b Scale rows between origin of first dorsal fin and pectoral fin 9–15; abdomen median with small cycloid scales before anus..... 7
7a Second dorsal fin and caudal fin pale......................................................................... 8
7b Second dorsal fin and caudal fin with some rows of spots..................................................... 9
8a Row
with 7–8 papillae; lateral body uniformly unmarked.............................
R. candidianus
(Regan, 1908)
8b Row
with 12–13 papillae; lateral midline of trunk with 5–6 deep gray bloches.....
R. nantaiensis
Aonuma & Chen, 1996
9a Cheek with brownish red wavy lines...............................................
R. formosanus
Oshima, 1919
9b Cheek with orange or brown, blackish brown spots......................................................... 10
10a Lateral midline of trunk with vertical deep brown or grayish brown blotches; caudal fin base with a blackish brown curve..................................................................................................... 11
10b Lateral midline of trunk in lacking conspicuous blotches; caudal fin with two well separate deep brown bars........... 12
11a Pectoral fin rays 21–23; longitudinal scale rows 36–39; prepelvic area naked............
R. gigas
Aonuma & Chen, 1996
11b Pectoral fin rays 19–21; longitudinal scale rows 32–35; prepelvic area with small cycloid scales..........................................................................................
R. lanyuensis
Chen, Miller & Fang, 1998
12a Pectoral fin rays modally 18; median fin black; cheek with 100–120 very tiny black spots......................................................................................................
R. delicatus
Chen & Shao, 1996
12b Pectoral fin rays always 19–20; median fin pale brown; cheek with 15–30 red or brownish red small spots....................................................................................
R. henchuenensis
Chen & Shao, 1996