Review Of The Nearctic Genera Macrozercon Błaszak, 1976 And Microzercon Błaszak, 1976 (Mesostigmata: Zerconidae) Author Ujvári, Zs. text Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 2013 2013-11-15 59 4 347 389 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5736238 2064-2474 5736238 Macrozercon washingtonicus sp. n. ( Figs 15–26 ) Type material. Holotype : female – USA , Washington , Wenatchee county , Pinetum , small pond, leaf litter, 18.09.1978 , leg. Jermy , T . ( HNHM E-Am-080) . Paratypes : 7 females , 5 males , 1 deutonymph – locality and date as for the holotype ( HNHM E-Am-080) . Diagnosisoffemale. Mostcentralandsubmarginalpodonotalsetae smoothorfinelyserrate. MarginalsetaeS1 andR1–2 elongate, brush-like, R3–7 short, smooth, bristle-like. GlandsPo2 situatedinposition gdS2 , online connectingS2 andS3, Po3 situatedinposition gdJ3 , posterolateraltoJ3. Anterocentralandlateralsurfaceofpodonotumcoveredbyscalespossessing lacyposteriormargin. Peritremesnearlystraight, withasmalldilationnear stigmata. Descriptionoffemale. Lengthofidiosoma: 462 μm (451–483 μm); width: 376 μm (355–398 μm) (n = 8). Dorsal side ( Fig. 15 ). Podonotum with 20 pairs of setae, j1–6, z2–6, s1–6, r2 and r4–5 inserteddorsally, r1 andr3 insertedventrally, onperitrematalshields. Setaej1, z3, r2, s3, r4–5 ands6 elongate, brush-like, denselypilose. Setaej2, j6, z6, s2 ands4–5 shorter, finely serrate. Otherpodonotalsetaeshort, smoothandneedle-like. Setaes5 situatednearlevel ofz6. Glands gds1 (po1) situatedmedialoranteromedialtoinsertionsofs1; gdj4 (po2) situated on line connecting j4 and z4, near z4; gds4 (po3) on line connecting s4 and s5. Anterocentralandlateralsurfaceofpodonotalshieldcoveredbyscalespossessinglacyposterior margin, posterocentralpodonotalsurfacesmooth. Opisthonotumwith 22 pairsofsetae: J1–5, Z1–5 andS1–5, marginalR-serieswith sevenpairsofsetae. SetaeJ1–5, Z1–4 andS2–3 similarinappearance, moderatelylong, pointed, denselypilose ( Fig. 19 ). SetaeJ1–5 andZ1–4 constitutenearlyparallellines. Setae S2 situatedanteriortoS3. SetaeZ5 andS4–5 elongate, apicallybroadening, brush-like. S2–3 notreachingedgesofopisthonotum, S4–5 expandingbeyondthemarginsoftheshield. SetaeS1 andR1–2 similarinappearance, brush-like, longerthantherestofR-setae. R3–7 short, smooth, bristle-like, R3 maybefinelybarbed. Lengthofopisthonotalsetaeanddis- tancesbetweentheirinsertionsasinTable 2. Glands gdZ1 (Po1) situatedanteromedialto insertionsofZ1; gdS2 (Po2) situatedonlineconnectingS2 andS3; gdJ3 (Po3) posterolateral toJ3; gdS5 (Po4) onlineconnectingZ5 andS5, anteriororanteromedialtoinsertionsofJv5. Marginalserrationmoderatelydeep, obtuse. Opisthonotalsurfacesmooth, onlysomeoval musclescarscanbeseenmedialtoZ1–3. Posterodorsalcavitiesuniform, well-sclerotized, saddlelike, withundulateinnermargin. Lateralpairofcavitiessituatedanteriortocentral pair, belowinsertionsofJ5 andZ4, withaxesslightlyconverginganteriorly. Centralpair with axes parallel to that of the body. Figs 15–18. Macrozercon washingtonicus sp. n. : 15 = dorsal view of female, 16 = ventral view of female, 17 = ventral view of male, 18 = dorsal view of deutonymph. Figs 19–26. Macrozercon washingtonicus sp. n. : 19 = setae J4 of female, 20 = peritreme of female, 21 = peritreme of male, 22 = ventral view of gnathosoma, female, 23–24 = epistomes of female, 25 = epistome of male, 26 = epistome of deutonymph. Ventralside ( Fig. 16 ). Slitbetweenperitrematalshieldsanddorsalshieldsnarrow. PeritrematalshieldstruncateonlevelofS1, possessingfinereticulationoflongitudinalsutures. Peritremesnearlystraight, withasmalldilationnearstigmata ( Fig. 20 ). Peritrematal setaer1 short, smoothandbristle-like, r3 abouttwiceaslongasr1, finelyserrate. Tritoster- numwithtwoslender, apicallybifurcate, marginallypiloselaciniae, tritosternalbasevaselike. Sternalshield 76 μmlongand 53 μmwideatthelevelofsetaest2, withfinelycurved posteriormargin, withweaklyconspicuousreticulateornamentation. Sternalsetaesmooth andneedle-like. Glands gv1 situatedposteromedialtosetaest3. Genitalshieldtypicalfor thefamily, withafewsutures, genitalsetaesmoothandneedle-like. Glands gv2 present, withasingleopeningsurroundedbysmalladgenitalsclerites. Ventrianalshieldwide, expandedtoanterolateraldirection, fittingtothemargins, reachingbeyondlevelofposterior edgesofperitrematalshields. Anterioredgeoftheshieldsplitbytwoanterolateral, nearly verticalincisionsexpandingtolevelofsetaeR3–4. Ventrianalshieldwithshort, smooth andneedle-likepreanalandadanalsetae, setaeZv1 absent. Postanalseta 1.5–2 timeslonger thanpreanalandadanalsetae, distallypilose. SetaeZv3 positionedonlevelofZv4. Setae Jv5 moderatelylong, brush-like, pilose. Analvalveswithvestigialeuanalsetae. Glands gv3 situatedlateraltoadanalsetae. Anteriorsurfaceofventrianalshieldcoveredbytile-like patterntolevelofJv3–Zv3–Zv4. Gnathosoma ( Fig. 22 ). Situationofhypostomalandsubcapitularsetaetypicalforthe family. Setae h1 elongate, apically tapering, smooth. Setae h2-3 shorter than h1, smooth, h4 aslongash2, proximallyserrate. Corniculihorn-like, internalmalaewithapairofbifur- cateanterocentralbranchesandwithserratemargins. Cheliceraemoderatelythick, fixed digitwith 6 teeth, movabledigitwith 4–5 teeth. Epistomeof Prozercon - type ( Figs 23–24 ). Descriptionofmale ( Figs 17 , 21 ). Lengthofidiosoma: 366 μm (355–376 μm); width: 296 μm (290–306 μm) (n = 5). Chaetotaxy, adenotaxy and sculptural pattern of dorsal, ven- trianalandperitrematalshieldsbasicallysimilartothoseoffemale. Lengthofopisthonotal setaeanddistancesbetweentheirinsertionsasinTable 2. Peritrematalshieldsfusedwith anterolateralpartsofventrianalshield, onlyapairofhorizontalincisionscanbeobserved runningtowardssetaeS1. Peritremesstraight, withoutanydilation. Sternigenitalshield undivided, bearingfourpairsofsmoothandneedle-likesetae, setaest5 absent. Sternalse- taest3 situatedonlevelofanteriorhalfofgenitalopening. Eachcharactersofgnathosoma similartothoseoffemale ( Fig. 25 ), butterminalpartoffixeddigitofcheliceraebifurcate. Table 2. Lengths of opisthonotal setae and the distances between their bases in J-, Z- and S-rows of Macrozercon washingtonicus sp. n. (measurements as mean, in μm). (F = female; M = male; DN = deutonymph).
J1 41 32 25 Z1 38 30 23 S1 36 28 29
J1–J2 42 33 28 Z1–Z2 33 26 29 S1–S2 49 38 28
J2 42 33 26 Z2 41 32 26 S2 35 27 27
J2–J3 42 32 26 Z2–Z3 45 35 30 S2–S3 46 35 35
J3 42 33 27 Z3 39 30 25 S3 38 30 28
J3–J4 28 21 25 Z3–Z4 33 26 30 S3–S4 44 34 37
J4 32 25 24 Z4 38 29 22 S4 53 41 42
J4–J5 14 11 35 Z4–Z5 123 96 78 S4–5 54 42 40
J5 38 30 24 Z5 46 36 37 S5 50 39 43
Descriptionofdeutonymph ( Fig. 18 ). Lengthofidiosoma: 355 μm; width: 290 μm (n = 1). Dorsalchaetotaxy, adenotaxyandappearanceofposterodorsalcavitiesbasicallysimilarto thoseofadults, exceptpositionofsetaeJ5, whichshiftedposterior, neartheanterolateral edgeofcentraldorsalcavities, thussetaeJ4 notreachinginsertionsofJ5. Furthermore podonotal setae z4 finely serrate. Length of opisthonotal setae and distances between their insertionsasinTable 2. Dorsalornamentationsimilartothatofadults, butlessexpressed. Eachcharactersofgnathosomasimilartothoseofadultfemale ( Fig. 26 ). Table 3. Distinguishingcharactersof Macrozercon species. , with 1–3 smallNearlystraight, asmalldilabranchesrunningtowardstionnearstigmata theinneredgeofperitrematal shields
Characters Macrozercon praecipuus Macrozercon sp. n.
Appearance of setae j3–5, z2, andz4–5 Moderately long (26–44 μm), Short (15–18 μm), smooth, denselypiloseneedle–like
AppearanceofsetaeModeratelylong (41–45 μm), j2, j6, z6 ands4–5 denselypilose Shortormoderatelylong (18–31 μm), finelyserrate
Length of J–setae 45–60 μm 31–40 μm
AppearanceofsetaeShort (17–23 μm), curved, Short (8–12 μm), smooth,
R3–7 serrate, pointedbristle–like
Position of Po2 Below line connecting S2 and Z2 On line connecting S2 and S3
PositionofPo3 Inposition gdJ2 Inposition gdJ3
PodonotalpatternAnterocentralsurfacecoveredAnterocentralandlateral byscalespossessingspinysurfacecoveredbyscalespos- posteriormarginsessinglacyposteriormargin
Incisionsofventri- ExpandingtolevelofsetaeExpandingtolevelofsetaeR3
Anterolateralexpan-NearlyreachingposteriorReachingbeyondlevelof sionofventrianaledgesofperitrematalshieldsposterioredgesofperitremshieldatalshields
Appearanceof gv2 WithtwoopeningsWithasingleopening
AppearanceofDividedbehindlevelofsetaeUndivided sternigenitalshieldst4 of male
AppearanceandPeritrematalandventrianalPeritrematalandventrianal relativepositionofshieldsnotfusedwitheachshieldsfusedwitheachother,
peritrematalandother, theverticalincisionoftheverticalincisionobserved ventrianalshieldsofventrianalshieldreachinglevelinfemaleabsent male of setae R1
Etymology. ThespeciesisnamedafterWashington, thestatewhereitwascollected. Differentialdiagnosis. Thetwoknown Macrozercon speciescanbedistinguishedaccordingtoTable 3.