Review Of The Nearctic Genera Macrozercon Błaszak, 1976 And Microzercon Błaszak, 1976 (Mesostigmata: Zerconidae) Author Ujvári, Zs. text Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 2013 2013-11-15 59 4 347 389 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5736238 2064-2474 5736238 Microzercon californicus (Sellnick, 1958) ( Figs 27–37 ) Prozercon californicus SellnIck, 1958 a : 126 ; SellnIck 1958 b : 363 . Microzercon californicus : BŁaSzak 1976: 554 . 1980: 547 . Typelocality. USA , California , SantaCruzCounty, BenLomond, redwoodforest. Materialexamined. USA , California , Mt. Tamalpais, 1000 ma.s.l., pineforest, moss from trees and dry-rotten wood, 12.01.1985 , leg. Neiger, M. (HNHM E-Am-090 – 1 female , 1 male ). USA , Oregon , Benton Co. , McGlynn Creek Ravine, moss on bank, 23.01.1977 , leg. Russel, L. (slideCNCAZ0394 – 1 female , earlieridentifiedas’ Microzercon sp. ’) ; USA , Oregon , Benton Co. , Marys Peak , log with moss, 05.12.1976 , leg. Russel, L. (slide CNCAZ 0613 – 1 female ) ; USA , California , P.O., SanDiego , 3 mi. S. Laguna , pineduffandgrass, 27.03.1961 , leg. Lindquist, E. E. (slideCNCAZ0722 – 1 female ) ; USA , California , MontereyCo. , North ForkSanAntonioRiver, 0.7 mi. IndianAgr. Sta. , Madroneduff , 29.09.1961 , leg. Lindquist, E. E. (slide CNCAZ 0725 – 1 female ) . Diagnosis of female. The two opisthonotal J setal rows situated on an elevatedcentralridge. Centralandsubmarginalsetaeofpodonotumand opisthonotumsmoothandneedle-like, marginalsetaedenselypilose, brushlike. Glandspo3 situatedinposition gds4 , lateraltolineconnectings4 ands5. GlandsPo2 inposition gdS2 , onlineS2 andS3, Po3 inposition gdJ2 , posterolateraltoJ2. Opisthonotumcoveredbyreticulatepattern, withsmallpitsin thecrossingpoints. Lateraldorsalcavitiesweaklydeveloped, centralcavities large, wellsclerotized, withaxesconvergingposteriroly. Posterolateraltipsof peritrematalshieldsfusedwithventrianalshieldonlevelofsetaeR3–4. Descriptionoffemale. Lengthofidiosoma: 348 μm (339–360 μm); width: 293 μm (280–306 μm) (n = 5). Dorsal side ( Fig. 27 ). Podonotum with 20 pairs of setae, j1–6, z2–6, s1–6, r2 and r4–5 inserteddorsally, r1 andr3 insertedventrally, onperitrematalshields. Setaej1–2, z3, s2, r2, s3, r4–5 ands6 moderatelylong, brush-like, denselypilose. Setaes1 andz2 shorter, pilose. Other podonotal setae short, smooth and needle-like. Setae s5 situated between level of z5 andz6. Glands gds1 (po1) situatedposteriortoinsertionsofs1; gdj4 (po2) situatedonline connecting j4 and s4; gds4 (po3) lateral to line connecting s4 and s5. The whole surface of podonotalshieldcoveredbyscalespossessinglacyposteriormargin, exceptasmallarea oftheposterocentralsurface, whichcoveredbyreticulateornamentation, withsmallpits inthecrossingpoints. Opisthonotumwith 22 pairsofsetae: J1–5, Z1–5 andS1–5, marginalR-serieswith sevenpairsofsetae. SetaeJ1–5, Z1–4 andS2–5 similarinappearance, moderatelylong, smooth, pointed. SetaeJ1–5 constitutenearlyparallellines, eachreachingornearlyreachinginsertionsofthefollowingoneoftheseries. SetaeZ4 shiftedtowardstheJ-series, situated on line connecting J4 and S5. Setae S2 situated anterior to S3. Setae Z5, S1 and all the R-setaemoderatelylong, brush-like, denselypilose. S2–4 notreachingedgesofopisthonotum, the tips of S5 expanding beyond the margins of the shield. Length of opisthonotal setaeanddistancesbetweentheirinsertionsasinTable 4. Glands gdZ1 (Po1) situatedanteromedialtoinsertionsofZ1; gdS2 (Po2) situatedonlineconnectingS2 andS3, nearS3; gdJ2 (Po3) posterolateral to J2; gdS5 (Po4) on line connecting Z5 and S5, anteromedial to insertionsofJv5. Marginalserrationdeep, obtuse. Opisthonotalsurfacecoveredbyreticulate pattern, withsmallpitsinthecrossingpoints. Lateraldorsalcavitiesweaklydeveloped, centralcavitieslarge, wellsclerotized, withaxesconvergingposteriroly. Ventralside ( Fig. 28 ). Peritrematalandventrianalshieldsfusedwithbodymargins. Posterolateraltipsofperitrematalshieldsfusedwithlateralpartsofventrianalshieldon levelofsetaeR3–4, abentincisionbetweenthetwoshieldsrunningtowardsthebody margins. Peritrematalshieldsornamentedbyfinereticulationoflongitudinalsutures. Peri- tremesfinelycurved, withasmalldilationnearstigmata ( Figs 30–31 ). Peritrematalsetae r1 andr3 short, smoothandbristle-like. Tritosternumwithtwoslender, apicallytrifurcate, marginallypiloselaciniae, tritosternalbaseproximallysubrectangular ( Fig. 32 ). Sternal shield 56 μmlongand 34 μmwideatthelevelofsetaest2, withstraightposteriormargin, withoutornamentation. Sternalsetaesmoothandneedle-like. Glands gv1 situatedposteromedialtosetaest3. Genitalshieldtypicalforthefamily, withoutornamentation, genital setaesmoothandneedle-like. Glands gv2 present, withasingleopeningontinyadgenital sclerites. Ventrianalshieldwithshort, smoothandneedle-likepreanalsetae, setaeZv1 absent. Adanal setae and postanal seta 1.5–2 times longer than preanal setae, smooth. Setae Jv5 moderatelylong, brush-like, denselypilose. Analvalveswithvestigialeuanalsetae. Figs 27–29. Microzercon californicus (Sellnick, 1958) : 27 = dorsal view of female, 28 = ventral view of female, 29 = ventral view of male. Figs 30–37. Microzercon californicus (Sellnick, 1958) : 30–31 = peritremes of female, 32 = tritosternum of female, 33 = gnathosoma of female, 34 = chelicera of female, 35–37 = epistomes of female. Table 4. Lengths of opisthonotal setae and the distances between their bases in J-, Z- and S-rowsof Microzerconcalifornicus (Sellnick, 1958) (measurementsasmean, inμm). (F = female; M = male)
J1 27 22 Z1 19 16 S1 23 19
J1–J2 36 29 Z1–Z2 20 16 S1–S2 30 24
J2 27 22 Z2 21 17 S2 21 17
J2–J3 29 24 Z2–Z3 52 42 S2–S3 34 28
J3 26 21 Z3 20 16 S3 21 17
J3–J4 27 22 Z3–Z4 46 38 S3–S4 37 30
J4 23 19 Z4 20 16 S4 21 17
J4–J5 23 19 Z4–Z5 45 36 S4–5 45 37
J5 20 17 Z5 31 25 S5 21 17
Glands gv3 situatedanterolateraltoadanalsetae. Anteriorsurfaceofventrianalshieldcov- eredbytile-likepatterntolevelofJv3–Zv3–Zv4. Gnathosoma ( Fig. 33 ). Situationofhypostomalandsubcapitularsetaetypicalforthe family. Setae h1 elongate, apically tapering, smooth. Setae h2 shorter than h1, h3 half as longash2, eachsmooth. Setaeh4 aslongash2, proximallyserrate. Corniculihorn-like, internalmalaewithapairofbifurcateanterocentralbranchesandwithserratemargins. Chelicerae ( Fig. 34 ) relativelyslender, fixeddigitwith 6–7 teeth, movabledigitwith 4–5 teeth. Epistome of Prozercon - type ( Figs 35–37 ). Descriptionofmale ( Fig. 29 ). Lengthofidiosoma: 285 μm; width: 231 μm (n = 1). Chaetotaxy, adenotaxyandsculpturalpatternofdorsal, ventrianalandperitrematal shieldsbasicallysimilartothoseoffemale. Lengthofopisthonotalsetaeanddistances betweentheirinsertionsasinTable 4. Peritrematalshieldsfusedwithanterolateralpartsof ventrianalshield, onlyapairofhorizontalincisionscanbeobservedrunningtowardssetaeR2. Sternigenitalshielddivided, thefirstpairofsternalsetae (st1) sittingonaseparate pieceofsclerotizedarea, therestofsternalsetaeandgenitalopeningsituatedonthepos- teriorsclerotizedareaofthesternigenitalregion, whichendsonlevelofposteriormargin of coxae IV. Setae st5 absent. Sternal setae st3 situated on level of anterior edge of genital opening. Analvalveswithvestigialeuanalsetae. Eachcharactersofgnathosomasimilarto thoseoffemale, butterminalpartoffixeddigitofcheliceraebifurcate.