Odonata (Insecta) from Different States of North Eastern India Author A. R. Lahiri text Oriental Insects 1979 13 119 132 journal article http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3516933 90339e7e-e883-4877-8a2c-fdda8d271281 3516933 15. Potamarcha congener (Rambur) Libellula obscura Rambur, 1842, Hist, Nat. Ins. Nevropteres: 64 ( nom. preocc. ). Libellula congener Rambur, 1842 , Hist. N at. Ins. Nevropteres: 70. Potamarcha obscura ( Rambur ): Karsch, 1890, Berlin Ent. Z e it., 33: 371; Fraser, 1935, Fauna British India, Odonata , 3: 289. Potamarcha congener ( Rambur ): Selys, 1891, Anal. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat., 20: 221; Lieftinck, 1971 , Ent. Scand. Suppl, 1: 202. Specimen examined: India : Manipur : Imphal roadside , 4 km off Morch , 1200 m , 1 , 19.i.1976 , A . R. Lahiri . Distribution: India; Ceylon; Nepal; Malaysia and parts of Indonesia.