Checklist And Bibliography Of The Amphisbaenia Of The World Author GANS, CARL text Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 2005 2005-03-08 2005 289 1 130 journal article 10.1206/0003-0090(2005)289<0001:CABOTA>2.0.CO;2 0003-0090 5361528 Monopeltis schoutedeni Witte Monopeltis schoutedeni Witte, 1933b: 170 . TYPE LOCALITY : ‘‘ Kunungu’ ’, Congo . Holotype : RGMC 8766. DISCUSSION OF FORM: Loveridge (1941: 420) , Witte (1954: 997). RANGE: Middle Congo and Lac Léopold II districts, Democratic Republic of Congo .