Faunistics of oribatid mites (Acari, Oribatida) in dry grassland sites in the Eisack Valley (South Tyrol, Prov. Bolzano, Italy) Author Schatz, Heinrich text Soil Organisms 2018 2018-08-01 90 2 57 70 journal article 10.25674/8vad 2509-9523 10723976 D750DA16-3755-4B69-AA4C-3B3DF2EF07BC Cosmochthonius reticulatus Grandjean, 1947 (Fam. Cosmochthoniidae ): General distribution: southern Palaearctic, Nearctic and Neotropical regions; preferably in dry habitats. First record for South Tyrol, known from Sondrio and South Italy . Eisack valley: Säben, in dry grassland.