Review of the Palaearctic genera of Saprininae (Coleoptera: Histeridae)
Lackner, Tomáš
Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae
journal article
Zorius funereus
Schmidt, 1890
Figs. 30
Saprinus funereus
Schmidt, 1890: 82
Saprinus sublaevis
Sahlberg, 1913b: 17
. Synonymized by
: 275
Hypocacculus funereus
: 97
Hypocacculus sublaevis
: 98
Zorius funereus
: 25
, 94, 142;
: 275
; DAHLGREN (1969): 230;
& REICHARDT (1976): 111, 196;
MAZUR (1984)
: 78;
MAZUR (1997)
: 245;
MAZUR (2004)
: 101;
LACKNER (2009b)
121, Figs. 1–10, 18–28.
Type material.
Saprinus funereus
, ‘KAIFA 1 [written] //
/ Kaifa / Reitter [black-framed label, printed] //
/ Schm. typ [written] //
/ Schmidt [double-framed, black and yellow label, written] // Type [brick-red label, printed] // coll. J. Schmidt [printed] //
Saprinus funereus
Schmidt, 1890
/ labeled by ZMHB 2008 [red label, printed] // D08–083 [yellow label, written]’.
, ‘Haifa / Simon [written] // Type [brick-red label, printed] //
Saprinus funereus
Schmidt, 1890
/ labeled by ZMHB 2008 [red label, printed] // D08–081 [yellow label, written]’ (
Additional material examined.
Zekharya, 17.v.[20]02, 1 ♁,
Y. Mandelik
V. Chikatunov
Ramat Gan,
1 spec.
, collector unknown (
Body length: PEL:
3.45–3.50 mm
; APW:
1.20–1.25 mm
; PPW:
2.50–2.60 mm
; EL: 2.00–
2.10 mm
; EW: 2.85–3.00 mm.
Body (
Figs. 747–748
) rectangular oval, convex; cuticle matt, pitch-black, large part of surface microscopically imbricate; legs and mouthparts dark-brown. Antennal scape dark brown, moderately thickened, with three setae; funicle and club lighter, rufopiceous; basal half of club glabrous, apical half with short sensilla intermingled with sparse longer erect sensilla; sensory structures of antennal club (
Fig. 30
) in form of stipe-shaped vesicle situated under circular sensory area on internal distal margin of the ventral side of antennal club.
Mouthparts. Mandibles with rounded outer margin curved inwardly, mandibular apex bluntly pointed; labrum coarsely punctate with two well impressed labral pits; two setae arising from each; terminal labial palpomere elongated, its width about one-fourth its length; mentum sub-trapezoid; anterior margin (
Fig. 141
) medially with a shallow notch; anterior margin with a row moderately long ramose setae; lateral margins with one row of shorter ramose setae; disc of mentum imbricate, with sparse short setae; cardo of maxilla on outer margin with few short setae; stipes triangular, with three longer setae; terminal maxillary palpomere elongated, its width about one-fourth its length.
Clypeus (
Fig. 749
) regularly and densely punctate, rounded laterally; anterior margin elevated; frontal stria well impressed, complete, slightly curved outwardly, interrupted behind eyes; supraorbital stria vaguely impressed (absent?); frontal disc (
Fig. 750
) evenly punctate, punctures separated by their own to twice their own diameter, interspaces imbricate; anterolaterally with two shallow depressions and one rather deep depression in mid-posterior area; eyes flattened, visible from above.
Pronotal sides (
Fig. 747
) evenly arcuate, slightly convergent forward on basal two-thirds, thence moderately convergent apically; apical angles blunt; pronotal foveae absent; marginal pronotal stria well impressed, carinate, on apical tenth slightly distanced from pronotal margin; pronotal disc flattened; laterally coarsely and densely punctate, punctures become fine and sparse medially; pronotal base with a row of deep round punctures; pronotal hypomeron with short amber setae.
Elytral epipleura almost smooth, finely imbricate; marginal epipleural stria complete, well impressed; marginal elytral stria well impressed, in deep round punctures, apically continu- ed as complete (rarely vaguely impressed) apical elytral stria; humeral elytral stria vaguely impressed on basal third; inner subhumeral stria present as medial fragment, occasionally joining humeral elytral stria apically; elytra with four dorsal elytral striae 1–4, about the same length, surpassing three-fourths of elytral length apically, fourth dorsal elytral stria basally connected with complete sutural elytral stria; entire elytral disc with punctation, punctures becoming finer and sparser on basal two-thirds; on apical third punctation becomes denser and larger, interspaces imbricate; extreme apical band of elytra just before the apical stria translucent, reddish.
Propygidium (
Fig. 755
) completely exposed, apical half with coarse and dense punctures, basal half covered with much finer and sparser punctation; punctation of pygidium (
Fig. 755
) sparser than that of the propygidium, punctures round, regular, separated by their own to twice their own diameter; becoming sparser and finer apically; interspaces in both cases imbricate.
Anterior margin of median portion of prosternum (
Fig. 752
) evenly rounded; pre-apical foveae absent; prosternal process slightly concave, almost flat, surface between carinal prosternal striae with scattered microscopic punctures, laterally with large deep round punctures, interspaces substrigulate; carinal prosternal striae well impressed, slightly divergent between on prosternal apophysis, subparallel, not united in front; lateral prosternal striae well impressed, carinate, convergent anteriorly and united in front of apices of carinal striae by marginal prosternal stria.
Mesoventrite slightly emarginate medially, discal marginal mesoventral stria well impressed, somewhat weakened medially; disc of mesoventrite with scattered microscopic punctation, interspaces imbricate; meso-metaventral sutural stria vaguely impressed in several deep punctures, inconspicuous; intercoxal disc of metaventrite with fine scattered punctures; area around hind coxa with coarse round punctures; lateral metaventral stria (
Fig. 753
) well impressed, straight, in tiny punctures, stopping short of hind coxa. Lateral disc of metaventrite (
Fig. 753
) with shallow round setiferous punctures; metepisternum with much coarser and denser punctation, on apical third and fused metepimeron punctures sparser and finer; interspaces in both cases finely imbricate, metepisternal stria present along entire metepisternum + fused metepimeron, intermittent.
Figs. 747–756.
Zorius funereus
Schmidt, 1890
, SEM micrographs: 747 – habitus, dorsal view; 748 – ditto, ventral view; 749 – clypeus; 750 – head, dorsal view; 751 – ditto, ventral view; 752 – prosternum; 753 – lateral disc of metaventrite, metepisternum and fused metepimeron; 754 – protibia, dorsal view; 755 – propygidium and pygidium; 756 – metatibia, ventral view.
Figs. 757–765.
Zorius funereus
Schmidt, 1890
, male terminalia: 757 – 8
sternite and tergite, ventral view; 758 – ditto, dorsal view; 759 – ditto, lateral view; 760 – 9
tergite and 10
tergite, dorsal view; 761 – ditto, lateral view; 762 – aedeagus, dorsal view; 763 – ditto, lateral view; 764 – apex of aedeagus, frontal view; 765 – spiculum gastrale, ventral view; 766 – ditto, lateral view.
Intercoxal disc of the first abdominal sternite completely striate laterally; disc with scattered fine punctation, interspaces imbricate; along apical margin row of fine punctures present.
Protibia (
Fig. 754
) flattened and slightly dilated, outer margin with a row of nine moderately large teeth topped with short denticle diminishing in size in proximal direction; setae of outer row rather dense, regular and moderately long; setae of median row similarly dense and regular, shorter than those of outer row; protarsal groove rather deep; anterior protibial stria complete; single, rather long tarsal denticle present apically; protibial spur tiny, bent, growing out from apical protibial margin; apical margin of protibia posteriorly with single tiny apical denticle; outer part of posterior surface of protibia areolate-rugose; distinctly separated from glabrous median part of posterior surface, basally with row of about five minuscule denticles; posterior protibial stria complete, in minuscule sparse setae turning into dense row of about five well sclerotized inner-posterior denticles apically; inner margin with double row of dense short setae, progressively becoming longer apically.
Mesotibia slightly thickened, outer margin with two sparse rows of thin denticles growing in size apically; setae of outer row moderately dense, strongly sclerotized, growing in size in apical direction; setae of median row regular, shorter than those of outer row; posterior mesotibial stria complete; anterior surface of mesotibia imbricate with rather dense minuscule punctures with microscopic setae; anterior mesotibial stria complete, terminating in two tiny denticles; mesotibial spur stout, rather short; apical margin with several short denticles; claws of apical tarsomere shorter than half its length; metatibia (
Fig. 756
) basically similar to mesotibia, but slenderer and longer and denticles of outer margin much sparser than those of mesotibia.
Male genitalia. Eighth sternite (
Figs. 757–758
) longitudinally separated medially, apically with large asetose inflatable membrane (velum); apex of eighth sternite without setae; eighth tergite and eighth sternite not fused laterally (
Fig. 759
). Morphology of 9
tergite (
Figs. 760–761
) typical for the subfamily; spiculum gastrale (
Fig. 765
) expanded on both ends. Basal piece of aedeagus (
Figs. 762–763
) rather short, ratio of its length: length of parameres 1: 3; parameres fused along their basal half; aedeagus curved ventrad (
Fig. 763