Revision of Molopsis Schatzmayr (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Pterostichini), with descriptions of four new species Author Lohaj, Roman Author Guéorguiev, Borislav Author Dubault, Gérard Author Lassalle, Bernard text Zootaxa 2012 3185 1 35 journal article 45494 10.5281/zenodo.279988 4baaaf6e-292b-4c53-97e2-40dc856e5b46 1175-5326 279988 Tapinopterus (Pseudomolopsis) rebellis ( Reiche & Saulcy, 1855 ) s.l. (Figs. 1–2, 25, 45, 55, 80, 95, 110, 124, 138, 144, 154) Material examined. 24 specimens . Type material. Holotype 3 of Pterostichus rebellis v. Kumanensis , Morea Cumani Brenske (p)/ rebellis , v. Kumanensis m.(h)/coll. Reitter (p)/ Holotypus (p) 1884 Pterostichus rebellis v. Kumanensis Reitter (h) (red label)/ (Fig. 2) ( HNHM ). Other material examined. Peloponnesos: 3 33 1 Ƥ, GREECE (Peloponissos) (Arkadia) Taygetos Geb., Langadapaβ 1000 m , bei Abzweigung Kokkinilakka (Gesiebe an Platanen in schmalem Bachtal), 28.IV.1999 Ingo Wolf (Fig. 1) (cDW); 3 33 2 Ƥ, Mt. TAYGETE 1300, Péloponnése, Gréce V.94 , G.Dubault, B.Lassalle (cGD, cBL); 1 3, Mt. TAYGETE 1300, Péloponnése, Gréce 17.05.93 , G.Dubault (cGD); 1 3, “Rte KALAMATA-Sparte km 28 1000, Péloponnése, Gréce , 20.10.99 , G.Dubault” (cGD); 1 Ƥ, GRECE Péloponnése, Taygéte Forét, Au dessus d´Anogia, 7.V.2001 , G. Ledoux (cGD); 1 3, TAYGETE, Péloponnése Gréce , X.00 G.Dubault (cGD); 4 33 1 Ƥ, KOSMAS, Péloponnése Gréce , X.00 G.Dubault, B.Lassalle (cGD, cBL); 1 Ƥ, Kalamata GR, Oxihori, Taygétes, 1300m , 26/IV/2000 , Péloponnése, Gréce , B.Lassalle (cBL); 1 3, Morea Cumani Brenske ( HNHM ); 2 33, Grece ( ZISP ); 2 33, N37°47´ EO21°44´, Griechenland Pelop Umg. Koumani 630 m Lompe 1.4.1997 (cDW). Taxonomic notes. In the course of this work, we came to the conclusion that Tapinopterus rebellis s.l. is not closely related to the known species of Molopsis , which form a distinct monophyletic complex. Diagnostic features that distinguish these groups of Tapinopterus are: 1/ general shape of the pronotum; 2/ length of the antennae; 3/ puncturation of the abdominal sterna; 4/ setation of the hind coxa; 5/ structure of the aedeagus; 6/ structure of the ovipositor. Our results were confirmed by the subsequent study of Italian authors and species of Tapinopterus rebellis s.l. will be placed to the new genus Pseudomolopsis (Giachino et al , in press). Distribution. Greece : Peloponnesos. PLATE 13. Sterna VIII (ventral view) (Figs. 144–150) of Tapinopterus species. Fig. 144. Tapinopterus ( Pseudomolopsis ) rebellis ( Greece , Taygetos, Anogia); Fig. 145. T . ( Molopsis ) molopiformis ( Turkey , Boz daġ); Fig. 146. T . ( Molopsis ) phrygius ( Turkey , Davraz daġ); Fig. 147. T . ( Molopsis ) molopinus ( Turkey , Uludaġ); Fig. 148. T . ( Molopsis ) chaudoiri sp. nov. ( paratype Gök daġ); Fig. 149. T . ( Molopsis ) relegatus sp. nov. ( holotype ); Fig. 150. T . ( Molopsis ) wiedemanni ( Turkey , Bolu, Kartalkaya). Scale bar: 0.5 mm.