Three new species of longhorned beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) with notes on additional taxa Author Nearns, Eugenio H. National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C. 20560, U. S. A. Author Swift, Ian P. California State Collection of Arthropods, 3294 Meadowview Road, Sacramento, CA 95832 U. S. A. Author Santos-Silva, Antonio Museu de Zoologia, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil. text Zootaxa 2023 2023-01-12 5228 2 137 156 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.5228.2.3 1175-5326 7532249 E3FA5ED0-A556-41BA-81D9-4FF1CAED6117 Eranina dariae sp. nov. Figures 30–33 Description. Holotype female. Integument mostly reddish brown; palpi pale yellow; labrum yellowish brown except reddish-brown margins; margins and apex of mandibles dark brown; dorsal surface of scape blackish and remaining surface orangish brown; pedicel orangish brown; antennomere III orangish brown except dark brown apex; antennomeres IV–VII pale yellow except dark brown apex; antennomere VIII dark reddish brown basally, dark brown on remaining surface; antennomeres IX–X dark brown; antennomere XI dark brown except yellowish apex. Legs orangish brown, slightly yellower on some areas. Head. Frons minutely, densely punctate, with coarse punctures interspersed (coarse punctures absent close to clypeus); with yellowish-white pubescence not obscuring integument on sides of area between eyes, almost glabrous centrally, glabrous toward clypeus, and dense yellowish-brown pubescence toward antennal tubercles (yellower depending on light intensity); with a few long, erect yellowish-brown setae close to eyes and moderately sparse, long, erect yellowish-brown setae on area with dense pubescence. Antennal tubercles and area between them and upper eye lobes with dense yellowish-brown pubescence (yellower depending on light intensity), except yellowish-white pubescence on narrow central area, and long, erect, sparse yellowish-brown setae interspersed, especially laterally; remaining surface of vertex coarsely, sparsely punctate laterally, smooth centrally, with yellowish-white pubescence partially obscuring integument laterally, glabrous centrally. Area behind eyes coarsely, sparsely punctate, except smooth area close to prothorax; with yellowish-white pubescence, dense on a longitudinal band about middle, curved toward lower eye lobe close to genae, less dense on a narrow band close to eye, glabrous on a longitudinal between these two pubescent bands, from posterior third of upper eye lobe to after middle of lower eye lobe, glabrous close to prothorax. Genae densely, minutely punctate, with a few fine punctures interspersed; with moderately dense yellowish-white pubescence close to eye, glabrous on apex, almost glabrous frontally between these two areas, with yellowish-white pubescence laterally; with a few long, erect yellowish-brown setae interspersed laterally. Gulamentum smooth, glabrous. Wide central area of postclypeus with short, decumbent, very sparse yellowish-white setae, except sides with longer, bristly yellowish-brown setae. Sides of postclypeus glabrous. Labrum coplanar with anteclypeus at posterior third, inclined at anterior 2/3; with long, erect yellowish-brown setae laterally. Distance between upper eye lobes 0.25 times distance between outer margins of eyes; in frontal view, distance between lower eye lobes 0.58 times distance between outer margins of eyes. Antennae 1.8 times elytral length, reaching elytral apex at basal quarter of antennomere VIII. Scape slender, cylindrical, slightly widened toward apex; with whitish pubescence not obscuring integument, sparser ventrally, and long, erect yellowish-brown setae ventrally. Pedicel and antennomeres III–VII with whitish pubescence not obscuring integument, distinctly sparer on dark area of III–VII, and long, erect, both dark and yellowish-brown setae ventrally (gradually shorter and sparser toward VII); antennomeres VIII–XI mostly with whitish pubescence not obscuring integument dorsally and laterally, gradually denser and bristly toward XI, with yellowish-brown setae interspersed, especially on apex of XI, dark brown, bristly ventrally; antennomere VIII with a few long, erect dark setae ventrally. Antennal formula based on length of antennomere III: scape = 0.65; pedicel = 0.12; IV = 0.55; V = 0.42; VI = 0.37; VII = 0.35; VIII = 0.27; IX = 0.25; X = 0.22; XI = 0.25. Thorax. Prothorax wider than long, slightly rounded centrally. Pronotum coarsely, abundantly punctate, except finely, sparsely punctate narrow area close to anterior margin; with dense pale yellow pubescence (more yellowish-brown centrally), except area close to anterior margin with whitish pubescence, denser laterally, sparse on wide central area, and one semicircular whitish pubescent area on each side close to posterior margin; with long, erect, moderately abundant pale yellow setae interspersed. Sides of prothorax with dense pale yellow pubescence centrally close to pronotum, and yellowish-white pubescence not obscuring integument on remaining surface. Prosternum coarsely, shallowly punctate; with sparse whitish pubescence, slightly longer and more abundant laterally. Prosternal process with sparse whitish pubescence; narrowest area 0.22 times procoxal width. Mesoventrite and mesepimeron with sparse whitish pubescence; mesanepisternum with dense pale yellow pubescence. Metanepisternum and sides of posterior 2/3 of metaventrite with dense pale yellow pubescence (shorter and sparser on part of anterior third of metanepisternum); remaining surface of metaventrite with yellowish-white pubescence not obscuring integument, distinctly sparser toward central region. Scutellum with whitish pubescence not obscuring integument. Elytra. Coarsely, abundantly punctate on anterior half, punctures gradually sparser and shallower on posterior half; with abundant yellowish-white pubescence not obscuring integument, slightly denser and more whitish on part of sutural region, except longitudinal yellowish-brown pubescent band on sides of dorsal surface, from base to posterior quarter, longitudinal yellowish-brown pubescent band close to epipleural margin, from middle to apex, with is entirely covered with yellowish-brown pubescence; with long, erect yellowish-brown setae interspersed throughout; apices rounded together. Legs. Femora with whitish pubescence not obscuring integument, denser on metafemora, and long, erect setae of same color interspersed. Protibiae with bristly yellowish pubescence ventrally, almost absent on remaining surface, and long, erect, sparse setae of same color interspersed; mesotibiae with bristly yellowish pubescence dorsally, distinctly sparser on remaining surface, except posterior quarter of ventral surface, and long, erect setae of same color interspersed; metatibiae with sparse yellowish pubescence, slightly more abundant on posterior quarter of ventral surface, and long, erect setae of same color interspersed. Metatarsomere I shorter than II–III together. Abdomen. Ventrites with whitish pubescence laterally, dense on ventrites 3–4 and basal third of 5, and both short and long whitish setae not obscuring integument centrally; sides of ventrite 1 partially with pale yellow pubescence. Dimensions (mm) . Total length, 6.15; prothoracic length, 1.10; anterior prothoracic width, 1.30; posterior prothoracic width, 1.35; maximum prothoracic width, 1.50; humeral width, 2.00; elytral length, 4.35. Only the holotype was measured. Type material. Holotype female from FRENCH GUIANA : Amazone Nature Lodge , Kaw Rd. 6, 4.550330 , -52.170310 , 11-23.VIII.2017 , Morris & Wappes leg. (FSCA, formerly RFMC ) . ParatypesFRENCH GUIANA : Rte. Apatou, PK 25+5, UV lights, 1 male , 21.VII.2012 , J.L. Giuglaris leg. ( JLGC ); Matiti, ZA Wayabo , interception trap , 1 male , 22.VI.2013 , J.L. Giuglaris leg. ( JLGC ) . Etymology. We are pleased to name this species for the wonderful Madame Daria Simanska (Six Thousand Islands podcast and YouTube channel, Heraklion, Crete , Greece ), for her friendship, creativity, and brilliant sense of humor. The epithet is a noun in the genitive case. FIGURES 30–33. Eranina dariae sp. nov. , holotype female: 30) Dorsal habitus; 31) Ventral habitus; 32) Lateral habitus; 33) Head, frontal view. Remarks. Martins & Galileo (2014) separated Eranina Monné, 2005 from Apagomerina Gilmour, 1962 , as follows (translated): “Antennomere III with long, erect, and sparse setae throughout,” leading to Eranina ; “Antennomere III with long and erect setae only on inner side,” leading to Apagomerina . However, this feature is variable in the species currently included in both genera. Still according to them, the sides of prothorax in Eranina have a very discreet gibbosity or no gibbosity, while in Apagomerina , the sides have a gibbosity centrally. However, there are species in both genera with the sides of the prothorax identical or nearly so (without distinct gibbosity). Therefore, it is not possible to provide a reliable feature separating Eranina from Apagomerina . It will be necessary to undertake a full revision of these genera to find or not a feature allowing separating them. As the new species does not have the sides of the prothorax with distinct gibbosity, we are provisionally including it in Eranina . Eranina dariae sp. nov. is similar to E. hovorei Galileo & Martins, 2008 , a species lacking distinct erect setae on dorsal surface of the antennomere III, but differs as follows especially by the elytra with longitudinal yellowish-brown pubescent band dorsally, without transverse yellowish-brown pubescent band centrally. In E. hovorei , the elytra have no longitudinal yellowish-brown pubescent band, and have wide and transverse yellowish-brown pubescent band centrally. It is also similar to E. leuconoe (Bates, 1881) , but differs by the presence of longitudinal pubescent band on the elytra (absent in E. leuconoe ), and outer apical angle of the elytra rounded (with short spine in E. leuconoe ).