A review of the genus Nysson Latreille (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae: Bembicinae: Nyssonini) from India Author Kumar, P. Girish text Records of the Zoological Survey of India 2021 121 2 269 277 journal article 10.26515/rzsi/v121/i2/2021/154391 2581-8686 13186217 1. Nysson dutti Turner 1917. Nysson dutti Turner , 184, . Holotype : , India : Bihar : Chapra ( BMNH ). Diagnosis : Apical flagellar segment slightly curved, longer than the combined length of penultimate two segments together and shorter than the combined length of penultimate three segments together, all the segments except apical and second, broader than long; head finely and closely punctured; mesoscutum and scutellum more strongly punctured than the head; propodeal enclosure with coarse striations; posterolateral propodeal tooth short, acute; metasoma finely punctured, punctures becoming finer and closer on apical segments; seventh metasomal tergum with acute posterolateral tooth ( Turner, 1917 ). Colour : Black, the following yellow: base of mandible, clypeus, scape below, ventral side of flagellar segments, interrupted line on pronotum, pronotal lobe, basal mark on scutellum, first three metasomal terga apically on both sides; the following yellow: the following testaceous: tegula; the following ferruginous: first metasomal tergite, second metasomal sternite, and legs (with more or less yellow maculations). Wings hyaline, vein testaceous ( Turner, 1917 ). Size : 4 mm . Female : Unknown. Distribution : India : Bihar ( Turner, 1917 ). Remarks : Since no material is available for the present study, the diagnostic and colour characters were taken from the original literature of Turner (1917) .