Four new species of Hemicaecilius Enderlein (Lachesillidae: Psocoptera) from Valle del Cauca, Colombia Author García, Alfonso N. Author Obando, Ranulfo González Author Carrejo, Nancy S. text Zootaxa 2012 3455 49 60 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.282187 a9465de0-5f0d-44ce-8f00-f91c3b602810 1175-5326 282187 Hemicaecilius nicolasi n. sp. ( Figs. 18–19 , 29–35 ) Female . Color . Same as the two preceding species. Morphology. Forewing L/W: 2.61; pterostigma long, wider posteriorly, lp/wp: 1.77 ( Fig. 28 ). Areola postica broad, apically rounded ( Fig. 19 ). Hindwing L/W: 2.78. Subgenital plate broad, setose, pigmented area broadly concave anteriorly; posterior fourth deeply pigmented, posterior projections slender, straight, acuminate, slightly directed inward; posterior border, between projections, with small, pointed extensions ( Fig. 29 ). Gonapophyses ( Fig. 31 ): proximal halves broad, almost rectangular, bearing two setae; distal halves wide based, narrowing distally, acuminate. Ninth sternum ( Fig. 31 ): spermapore central, surrounded by a strongly pigmented rim, inscribed in a broad, irregular pigmented area as illustrated. Paraprocts ( Fig. 30 ), almost elliptic, setose, sensory fields with 10–11 trichobothria in basal rosettes. Epiproct ( Fig. 30 ) semicircular, with field of setae on sides and along posterior border, as illustrated. Measurements. FW: 2000, HW: 1600, F: 390, T: 710, t1: 240, t2: 100, ctt1: 16, Mx 4: 114, f1: 200, f2: 180, f3: 150, f4: 112, f5: 70, f6: 72, f7: 61, f8: 65, f9: 60, f10: 60, f11: 78, IO: 350, D: 100, d: 160, IO/d: 2.19. Male . Color . Same as the two preceding species. Morphology . Forewing L/W: 2.47: pterostigma long, wider posteriorly, lp/wp: 2.81 ( Fig. 18 ). Hindwing L/W: 2.78. Hypandrium long, narrow, with a wide based, elongate, stout, curved acuminate posterior projection in the middle ( Fig. 34 ). Claspers ( Fig. 34 ): proximal halves broad, setose, approximately triangular; distal halves slender, elongate, slightly curved, distally acuminate ( Fig. 34 ). Phallosome apodemes ( Fig. 35 ). Paraprocts broad, setose, with a long, stout, acuminate mesal prong, bearing a small denticle in the middle of the inner edge. Sensory fields with 18–20 trichobothria in basal rosettes ( Fig. 32 and 33 ). Epiproct ( Fig. 32 ) trapeziform, with an unpigmented area along posterior border, setal fields on each postero-lateral corner and along posterior margin, as illustrated. Measurements. FW: 2375, HW: 1875, F: 430, T: 800, t1: 270, t2: 116, ctt1: 20, Mx 4: 113, f1: 240, f2: 222, f3: 180, f4: 140, f5: 90, f6: 88, f7: 72, f8: 81, f9: 79, f10: 71, f11: 90, IO: 365, D: 102, d: 201, IO/d: 1.82. Specimens studied . Holotype male. COLOMBIA , Valle del Cauca, Santiago de Cali, San Antonio Forest ( 03°29’27.7’’N : 76°37’40.9’’W , 2130 m ), , MUSENUV slide cod. 24027, R. González and N. Carrejo. Paratypes : 2 females , 1 male , same locality as the holotype , , MUSENUV slide cod. 24028–24029, R. González and N. Carrejo. 1 female , same locality as the holotype , 23.v.2012 , MUSENUV slide cod. 24030, R. González and N. Calderón. 1 female , same locality as the holotype , 25.v.2012 , R. González & N. Carrejo. All specimens taken beating tree branches and shrubs with dead leaves. Etymology. This species is dedicated to Nicolás David González Carrejo, the younger son of Ranulfo and Nancy, co-authors of this paper.