Taxonomic study of the genus Promalactis Meyrick, 1908 (Lepidoptera: Oecophoridae) IV. The sakaiella species group, with descriptions of fifteen new species Author Wang, Shuxia Author Jia, Yanyan text Zootaxa 2019 2019-03-04 4563 3 491 515 journal article 28133 10.11646/zootaxa.4563.3.5 85b3a8bb-92c0-4d89-b6fe-3dfee3303b0b 1175-5326 2601419 09B1A278-9403-45E3-A3D7-1CE020411948 Promalactis spiniflagellata Wang , sp. nov. ( Figs 11 , 26 ) Type material. CHINA , Guangxi Zhuangzu Autonomous Region : Holotype , Shaoping Linchang ( 22.09°N , 106.94°E ), Pingxiang , 280 m , 28.III.2012 , coll. Xiaofei Yang , slide No. JYY17526. Paratypes ( 4♂ ): 3♂ , 25.III.2012 , other same data as holotype, slide No. JYY17527 ; 1♂ , 1.IV.2013 , other same data as holotype . Diagnosis. This new species is characterized by having a torch-shaped juxta with a S-shaped lateral process. It is closer to P. bicornea sp. nov. , and differences between them are stated in the preceding species. Description. Adult ( Fig. 11 ) wingspan 7.5–8.0 mm. Head creamy white, mixed with greyish brown scales on frons and occiput. Labial palpus white; second segment black on outer side except white at apex; third segment black at base and before apex. Antenna with scape white on ventral surface, blackish brown on dorsal surface; flagellum black on ventral surface, yellowish white and black on dorsal surface. Thorax and tegula blackish brown. Forewing ground color golden yellow, with blackish brown scales basally; costal margin with a wide black streak extending from base to antemedian fascia; with two wide blackish brown fasciae mottled white scales: antemedian fascia narrower, from beyond basal 1/3 of costal margin straight to dorsum, its outer margin edged with sparse white scales; postemedian fascia broad, from distal 1/3 of costal margin straight to end of fold, widened anteriorly; distal patch blackish brown, enlarged at apex, slightly narrowed along termen to meet postemedian fascia; cilia golden yellow mixed with blackish brown. Hindwing and cilia yellowish grey. Fore- and midlegs black ventrally except whitish yellow at apices of tibiae and each tarsomere, yellowish white dorsally; hindleg greyish yellow except blackish brown at apices of tibia and each tarsomere. Male genitalia ( Fig. 26 ). Uncus large, wide at base, slightly narrowed to a rounded apex, with a small cut at middle of apex. Gnathos digitate, heavily sclerotized, less than half length of uncus; lateral arms wider, weakly sclerotized. Tegumen divided from posterior 2/5, anterior 3/5 elongate triangular, rounded apically, sclerotized along edges. Valva with basal 2/3 sub-rectangular, distal 1/3 narrowed and produced to a large spine directing dorsad; costa produced beyond middle, concave distally, with a slender process at distal 1/4. Saccus broad triangular, almost as long as uncus, narrowed to apex. Juxta torchlike; lateral process arising from distal 1/3, spinous, flagellate, curved in S shape, extending to before apex of valva; basal lobe reaching posterior 2/5 of saccus. Aedeagus slender, narrowly rounded at apex, shorter than valva; cornutus absent. Female unknown. Distribution. China ( Guangxi ). Etymology. This epithet is derived from the Latin spin- and flagellatus , referring to the lateral process of the juxta.