Salticidae (Arachnida: Araneae) from the Oriental, Australian and Pacific Regions, XV. New Species of Astieae from Australia Author Żabka, Marek text Records of the Australian Museum 2002 54 257 268 journal article 2201-4349 Helpis risdonica n.sp. Fig. 5 Type material . HOLOTYPE Australia : Tasmania : , Risdon , 42°49'S 147°21'E , 23 Aug 1947 , Hickman, AMS KS30949 . PARATYPE Australia : Tasmania : , same data as holotype, AMS KS67499 . Diagnosis . The species has a very distinctive light colour pattern and epigyne. Description Female holotype ( Fig. 5A ). Eye field with orange contrasting spots, eye surrounding black. Thorax brown, darkening towards lower margin, white fine quite numerous—especially on sides. Whole cephalothorax with scattered brown bristles—more numerous anteriorly. Abdomen beige with dark pattern, turning blackish on sides. Whole surface with sparse brown bristles, anterior margin also with white ones. Spinnerets orange. Clypeus dark- orange with numerous white scale-like hairs and bristles and with single brown bristles. Chelicerae red-brown with 4–5 prolateral and 5–6 retrolateral teeth (Fig. 5B). Pedipalps proximally orange, distally brownish, with numerous light and single brown hairs. Maxillae and labium brown with lighter apices. Sternum dark orange, darker marginally. Venter beige along median part, towards sides greyish, then yellowish with dark spots. Legs I orange-brown with 3 pairs of tibial and 2 pairs of metatarsal spines. Other legs generally orange but podomeres lighter dorsally, ventrally and around median parts. Hairs not particularly numerous, brown. All femora with brown dorsal spines, each one with dark spot at its base—like in the next species. Epigyne (Fig. 5C,D) distinctive, copulatory openings well separated from each other, insemination ducts wide, accompanied by accessory glands. Central pocket more anteriorly than in other species. Dimensions: CL 2.86, EFL 1.24, AEW 1.76, PEW 1.66, CW 2.23, AL 5.30. Distribution ( Fig. 2 ). Known only from type-locality.