New Species Of Praepusa (Carnivora, Phocidae, Phocinae) From The Netherlands Supports East To West Neogene Dispersal Of True Seals Author Koretsky, I. A. Author Peters, N. Author Rahmat, S. text Vestnik Zoologii 2015 49 1 57 66 journal article 10.1515/vzoo-2015-0006 2073-2333 6452219 Genus Praepusa Kretzoi, 1941 Phoca Blainville, 1840: 41–42 , pl.10, fig. 1 ; Brühl,1860: 1–16 , fig. 2 ; Peters, 1867: 110–111; Toula , 1897: 55–70, pl. 2, fig. 9–11; Trouessart, 1897: 385, 1904: 286; Kellogg, 1922: 119–120 ; Alekseev, 1924: 32 ; Bogachev, 1927: 141–143, 145; Kretzoi, 1941: 350–356, fig. 1 ; Friant, 1947: 7 , 12, 16, 45, 47, table 2 , fig. 1a–c ; King, 1964: 131 ; Thenius, 1969: 319; McLaren, 1960: 51–52, 56, 58; Hendey, Repenning, 1972: 85 ; Ray, 1977: 395, 398; Grigorescu, 1977: 407 , 412, 417; Nicolas, 1978: 456; Muizon, 1982:190, 205. Phoca ” — McLaren, 1975: 44; Mitchell, 1975:23. Praepusa Kretzoi, 1941: 351–356 , fig. 1 ; McLaren, 1960: 55–56, 59; Thenius, 1969: 404; Grigorescu, 1977: 407 , 412, 417; Antoniuk, Koretsky, 1984: 27–29, fig. 1–3 ; Koretsky, 1987 b: 3–6 , fig.1 ; 2001: 46–55, fig. 18–30; 2003: 63–70, fig. 1–4 ; Koretsky, Ray, 1994: 20 ; McKenna, Bell, 1997: 257. Leptophoca ? — Ray, 1977: 395, 398; Savage, Russell, 1983: 292; Muizon, 1992: 35. T y p e s p e c i e s. Praepusa pannonica Kretzoi, 1941:351–356 , fig. 1. I n c l u d e d s p e c i e s. Praepusa pannonica Kretzoi, 1941 , from the early-middle Sarmatian (Middle Miocene) of Hungary and from the middle Sarmatian of Moldova ; Praepusa vindobonensis Toula, 1897 from the early Sarmatian of Austria (Nussdorf) and from the middle Sarmatian of the Ukraine and Moldova ; Pr. magyaricus Koretsky, 2003 , Sarmatian age of the Vienna Basin. Praepusa boeska sp.n. , from the Late Miocene — Late Pliocene (Tortonian–Piacenzian Stages, 11.5–3.5 Ma) sandpit de Kuilen, Mill-Langenboom, Noord- Brabant , S. E. Netherlands ; and Pliocene and Miocene? of the Antwerp Basin, Belgium . E m e n d e d a n d e x p a n d e d d i a g n o s i s. Cranial diagnosis the same as for Praepusa vindobonensis ; mandibular diagnosis the same as for Pr. pannonica . Deltoid crest of humerus has shape of sharp blade; lesser tubercle elongated along axis of bone; head width to height ratio greater than 0.964; lateral epicondyle reaches distal part of deltoid crest. Greater trochanter of femur considerably higher than head; its proximal and distal parts approximately of equal width; trochanteric fossa wide and medially open, but deep; head slightly deflected distally and seated on narrow, long neck; minimal width of diaphysis in middle part of bone; maximal intercondylar distance 12.0–15.8 % of femoral length. Sacrum consists of three fused short vertebrae with smaller alas, and narrower bases than in Phocanella ; cranial articular processes ( processus articularis cranialis ) shorter, flattened with square bases; foramina smaller, wider and shorter, base not round, but rectangular shape; lateral sacral crests oblong in shape, more elongated and reaching above second dorsal foraminae, in contrast to Phocanella pumilla where crests reach only lower (distal) part of foramina. D i s c u s s i o n. Extensive investigations of seal fossils from several Middle — Late Miocene deposits of Western Europe allow a more accurate diagnosis of the genus Prae- Fig. 1. Sandpit de Kuilen, location of Mill-Langenboom, in the eastern Noord-Brabant, The Netherlands(Late Miocene). Рис. 1. Песчаный подводный карьер «Де-Кёйлен», муниципалитет Милл-Лангенбом, провинция Северный Брабант, Голландия (поздний миоцен). pusa due to similar humeral characters in: 1) Praepusa vindobonensis Toula, 1897 : from Austria , Kazakhstan , Ukraine , and Moldova (Middle Miocene); 2) Pr. pannonica Kretzoi, 1941 : from the early-middle Sarmatian (Middle Miocene) of Hungary and Moldova ; and 3) Pr. magyaricus Koretsky, 2003 : from the Middle Miocene of the Vienna Basin. G e o l o g i c a l a g e a n d d i s t r i b u t i o n. Middle Miocene of the southern part of Eastern and Central Europe; Late Miocene to Late Pliocene (Tortonian–Piacenzian Stages, 11.5–3.5 Ma) of the Eastern shore of the North Atlantic, The Netherlands and Belgium .