Bolivian Rhinotragini Iv: Paraeclipta Gen. Nov. (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae), New Species And New Combinations Author Clarke, Robin O. S. text Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia 2011 2011-12-31 51 15 233 251 journal article 10.1590/S0031-10492011001500001 1807-0205 13222885 Paraeclipta clementecruzi sp. nov. Figs. 3A, 3B Holotype male: 7.0 mm. Deposited at MNKM . Diagnosis: this species may be separated from P. croceicornis and P. cabrujai by its yellow and black pronotum and antennal segments with yellow annulations (in the other species the pronotum is entirely black and the antennae are not annulated with yellow). P. clementecruzi may be separated from P. moscosoi by its metafemoral clave with one third, or more, of base yellow and its elytra not, or only indistinctly pubescent (in the latter the metafemoral clave is almost entirely black and the elytra are distinctly pubescent). P. clementecruzi may be separated from P. melgarae and P. tomhacketti by its entirely black abdomen (in the other species urosternite I is yellowish). Description of holotype : general colour black and yellow. The following black: head, irregularly shaped fascia at centre of prosternum (just in front of process); central fascia on basal two-thirds of pronotum, most of elytra, meso- and metathorax, and all of abdomen. The following yellowish: most of prosternum, sides and apex of pronotum and elytral humeri. Legs: yellow; mesofemoral clave narrowly dusky for apical quarter; metafemoral clave blackish for apical third; mesotibia blackish for apical two-thirds; metatibia blackish for apical third. Antennae: scape yellow, dusky towards apex; pedicel and antennomere III black; antennomeres IV-XI dusky, IV-X narrowly yellow at base. Surface ornamentation: pronotal punctures interrupt- ed by band of short transverse striae along midline. Structure: rostrum ( 0.20 mm ) about one third length of inferior lobes. Labrum not strongly transverse, apical margin not emarginate. Clypeus impunctate. Frons densely punctate, the punctures deep, round and irregular in size; slightly depressed without secondary depression between apices of inferior lobes of eyes. Width of one inferior lobe twelve times interocular space, the latter slightly raised above eyes. Superior lobes of eyes separated by ( 0.30 mm ) four times their own width. Apices of antennal tubercles separated by twice width of scape. Antennae reach apical third of urosternite II; scape ( 0.45 mm ); antennomere III ( 0.60 mm ); IV ( 0.40 mm ); V ( 0.45 mm ); VI ( 0.40 mm ); VII ( 0.40 mm ) elongate, narrow at base; VIII ( 0.30 mm ) less elongate, narrow at base, apex widened, and with IX-XI equally and entirely widened, forming moderately compact club; IX and X (both 0.25 mm ) quadrate, XI ( 0.30 mm ) quadrate. Prothorax 1.24 longer than wide, widest just behind middle, sides slightly and regularly rounded; apical and basal margins of pronotum equal ( 0.75 mm ), the former with narrow, smooth, raised border. Prosternal process flat, base narrow, approximately 0.07 mm wide (coxal cavity 0.55 mm wide), apex large, with raised sides, and without central fovea. Base of mesosternal process narrow (about 0.10 mm ). Scutellum rectangular. Elytra just reaching apex of urosternite IV; 4.05 longer than width of humeri, the latter not projecting, outer angle hardly rounded; apical half of elytra slightly and regularly widening almost to apex; elytra may slightly gape; apices slightly separated, almost transversely truncate and feebly emarginate; sutural angle marked by small spicule, outer angle by larger one; humero-apical costa almost entire. Abdomen narrow and convex, widest at apex of urosternite II, slightly tapering to apex, urosternites I+II subequal in length, rest sequentially shorter; V trapezoidal, hardly tumid laterally, V-shaped depression shallow, apical margin emarginate. Abdominal process a broad-based triangle, long ( 0.30 mm ), apex moderately acuminate. Length of hind leg 4.10 mm ; apex of metafemora just reaching base of urosternite IV; metatibia ( 1.75 mm ) equal in length to metafemora, cylindrical and bisinuate, slightly thicker only at apex. Tarsi moderately long; pro- and mesotarsi subequal in length ( 0.55-0.60 mm ); metatarsi longer ( 0.65 mm ); metatarsomere I ( 0.25 mm ). Variation: pedicel and antennomere III may be yellow at base. Prothorax (including pronotum) may be entirely black; black fascia on pronotum variable in shape and size; yellow humeral fascia always present but variable, from almost absent to more extensive (sometimes extending to middle third of elytra and nearly to suture). Colour distribution on pronotum and elytra independently variable. Mesofemora may be dusky or brownish for apical third. Description of female ( Fig. 3B ): colour as male, but pronotum never entirely black, black fascia usually less extensive; urosternites I-IV yellow, V black. Head with eyes ( 0.85 mm ) narrower than prothorax; rostrum ( 0.25 mm ) half as long as length of inferior lobes of eyes; frons with deep, elongate depression between apices of inferior lobes of eyes. Width of one inferior lobe 1.5 times interocular space; the latter without raised sides, slightly depressed toward midline and almost planar with eyes, anterior area somewhat rugose, posteriorly smooth with about six medium sized punctures to each side. Superior lobes of eyes separated by ( 0.35 mm ) about three times their own width. Antennae shorter than male, reaching base of urosternite II, and more robust, scape more pyriform, antennomeres widened, especially VII which forms part of club. Prothorax 1.10 longer than wide. Elytra 3.74-3.81 longer than width of humeri, just reaching base of urosternite V . Abdomen widest at apex of urosternite II; urosternite V undifferentiated, conical, apical margin rounded. Apex of metafemora reaching apex of urosternite III . Measurements (mm) ( 43 males / 20 females ): total length, 5.50-7.10/5.60-6.90; length of pronotum, 1.00-1.15/1.00-1.20; width of pronotum, 0.80-0.90/0.90-1.05; length of elytra, 3.60-4.30/3.80-4.30; width at humeri, 0.95-1.10/1.00-1.15. Type material: Holotype male, BOLIVIA , Santa Cruz , Hotel Flora & Fauna , 17°29’96”S/ 63°39’13”W , 5 km SSE Buena Vista , 28.X.2006 , R . Clarke/ S. Zamalloa col., on/flying to flowers of “ Tutumillo espinoso” ( MNKN ). Paratypes with same data as holotype : 3 males , 04.XI.2005 ( RCSZ ) ; 2 females , 06.XI.2005 ( RCSZ ) ; 6 males and 2 females , 28.X.2006 ( MZUSP ) ; 1 male and 1 female , 20.XI.2007 ( RCSZ ) ; 1 female , 09.XI.2008 ( RCSZ ) . Paratypes with same data as holotype, on/flying to flowers of “Sama blanca” : 2 males , 06-11.XII.2004 ( RCSZ ) ; 1 male , 07.XII.2005 ( RCSZ ) ; 2 males , 09.XII.2005 ( MCNZ ) ; 1 female , 22.XI.2006 ( RCSZ ) . Paratypes with same data as holotype, on/flying to flowers of “Bejuco hoja lanuda” : 1 male , 20. V .2004 ( ACMT ) ; 5 males and 2 females , 22.IV.2005 ( MNRJ ) ; 2 males , 23.IV.2005 ( DZUP ) ; 1 female , 29.IV.2005 ( DZUP ) ; 1 male specimen 1a in coitus with 1 female specimen 1b, 29.IV.2005 ( RCSZ ) ; 1 female , 30.IV.2005 ( RCSZ ) ; 2 males , 04-05. V .2005 ( RCSZ ) ; 1 male and 1 female , 10. V .2005 ( MNKM ) ; 1 female , 11. V .2005 ( MCNZ ) . Paratype with same data as holotype, on/flying to flowers of “Barbasquillo”: 1 male , 04. VIII .2005 ( RCSZ ) . Paratypes with same data as holotype, on/flying to flowers of “Sama blanca chica” : 1 male , 20.X.2005 , ( RCSZ ) ; 1 male and 1 female , 21.X.2005 ( FSCA ) ; 2 males , 25.X.2005 ( RCSZ ) ; 3 males , 02.XI.2005 ( RCSZ ) ; 2 males and 1 female , 03.XI.2005 ( MNHN ) ; 1 male specimen 2a in coitus with 1 female specimen 2b, 04.XI.2005 ( RCSZ ) . Paratypes with same data as holotype, on/flying to flowers of “Sapaimosi chica” : 2 males , 1 female , 06.XI.2008 ( RCSZ ) ; 3 males , 09.XI.2008 ( RCSZ ) . Paratype with same data as holotype, on/flying to flowers of “Sapaimosi”: 1 male , 21.XII.2008 ( RCSZ ) . Paratypes with same data as holotype, without host flower record: 1 male , 23-25.X.2000 , R . Morris col. ( FSCA ); 1 female , 27-29.X.2000 , R . Clarke col. ( FSCA ); 1 female , 14-17.X.2003 , Morris , Nearns & Wappes col. ( FSCA ); 2 females , 13-24.XI.2003 , Wappes , Morris & Nearns col. ( ACMT ); 1 male , 05-08. V .2004 , Wappes & Cline col. ( ACMT ). Discussion: this species was included in the list of Bolivian ones by Wappes et al. (2006) under the name O. ( E. ) kawensis , a species from French Guiana , but are sufficiently similar, and collected from the same host flower and type-locality, to be referred to P. clementecruzi . The two species are very similar, but geographical distribution (with its marked environmental changes), together with the differences given below, indicate the validity of their separate status. P. clementecruzi differs from the description of the French Guiana species as follows: scape always partly yellow, usually dusky towards apex, often entirely yellow; antennomeres thickened from VII (not V , as in P. kawensis ); mesosternal process more round- ed at apex (not quadrate, as in P. kawensis ); apex of urosternite V regularly excavate (not bisinuate, as in P. kawensis ); pubescence of underside white (not golden, as in P. kawensis ), and profemora yellow, without dusky apex (with dusky apex in P. kawensis ). Etymology: this species is named in honour of the late Clemente Cruz, dedicated Park Guard, who died whilst pursuing hunters in Amboró National Park, Department of Santa Cruz , Bolivia .