Japanese Pseudosmittia Edwards (Diptera: Chironomidae) Author Saether, Ole A. text Zootaxa 2006 2006-05-11 1198 21 51 journal article 27018 10.5281/zenodo.2646335 dc89386b-3791-4ac2-948a-73f69552b3a9 1175-5326 2646335 B6AA9775-7CF1-4A11-BCDF-BA927FDCCD85 Pseudosmittia nishiharaensis Sasa et Hasegawa ( Fig. 13 ) Pseudosmittia nishiharaensis Sasa et Hasegawa, 1988 : 247 ; Yamamoto (2004: 89) . Pseudosmittia linguata Caspers et Reiss, 1989 : 128 ; Saether and Ferrington (2003: 5) . Pseudosmittia yakymenea Sasa et Suzuki, 2000a : 92 ; Yamamoto (2004: 90) . Syn. n. Pseudosmittia yakyneoa Sasa et Suzuki, 2000a : 93 ; Yamamoto (2004: 90) . Syn. n. Material examined JAPAN : Ryukyus , Okinawa Pref., Miyako Island , Nishihara , holotype , 3.ii.1982 , M. Sasa & H. Hasegawa ( NMST , No. A 65:22); Ryukyus, Okinawa Pref., Miyako, Ikema, and Okinawa (Kochinda, Yara Bridge, Kadena­cho) Islands, paratypes 11 ♂ , 2 doubtful , including 2 misidentified , 11.xii.1981 , 28.i.1982 , 3.ii.1982 , M. Sasa & H. Hasegawa ( NMST , Nos A 65: 13 (misidentified P. ikemaensis = P. topei ), 19–21, 24, 83–84); Kagoshima Pref., Osumi Islands , Yakushima Island , Miyanoura, Issogawa, holotype of P. yakymenea , holotype of P. yakyneoa , 23.iii.1999 , H. Suzuki ( NMST , holotype of P. yakymenea: No. 382: 27, holotype of P. yakyneoa: No. 382: 28). In addition material from China, Italy, Thailand, and Turkey has been examined . Diagnostic characters The presence of a strong apical antennal seta combined with a forked postcubitus, AR of 0.9–1.4, and the apically truncate and up­curved gonostylus separate this species from other members of the genus. Description The species will be redescribed in a world­wide revision of Pseudosmittia (in prep.). Remarks Sasa and Hasegawa (1988) , Caspers and Reiss (1989) and Sasa and Suzuki (2000a) overlooked the postcubital forking which is indistinct and difficult to distinguish in most specimens. The anal point in Sasa and Suzuki (2000a) is wrongly drawn. Distribution The species is known from Italy , Turkey , China , Japan (including Indo­Pacific areas), and Thailand . Pseudosmittia oxoniana (Edwards) ( Fig. 14 ) Camptocladius oxonianus Edwards, 1922 : 204 . Spaniotoma (Smittia) recta Edwards, 1929 : 362 ; Saether and Ferrington (2003: 4) . Pseudosmittia schachti Casper et Reiss, 1989 : 130 , pro parte ( paratype not holotype ). Pseudosmittia kurobeokasia Sasa et Okazawa, 1992a : 57 ; Yamamoto (2004: 89) . Syn. n. Pseudosmittia togarisea Sasa et Okazawa, 1992b : 160 ; Saether and Ferrington (2003: 4) ; Yama­ moto (2004: 78) as Prosmittia . Syn. n. Pseudosmittia hachijosecunda Sasa, 1994: 47 ; Yamamoto (2004: 87) . Syn. n. Pseudosmittia toyamaresea Sasa, 1996a : 39 ; Yamamoto (2004: 89) . Syn. n. Pseudosmittia yakyopea Sasa et Suzuki, 2000a : 94 ; Yamamoto (2004: 90) . Syn. n. Pseudosmittia yakypequea Sasa et Suzuki, 2000a : 94 ; Yamamoto (2004: 90) . Syn. n. Parakiefferiella hidakagehea Sasa et Suzuki, 2000b : 188 ; Yamamoto (2004: 87) as Pseudosmittia . Syn. n. Parakiefferiella hidakaheia Sasa et Suzuki, 2000b : 189 ; Yamamoto (2004: 87) as Pseudosmittia . Syn. n. Not C. oxonianus Edwards sensu Edwards (1937: 146) , misidentification (= P. ruttneri ). Material examined JAPAN : Tokyo Metro, Hachijyo Island, Tohmi Water Fall, holotype of Pseudosmittia hachijosecunda , 29.v.1994 , M. Sasa (NMST, No. A 265: 68); Honshu, Toyama Pref., Kureha Hill, holotype of Pseudosmittia toyamaresea , 21.v.1994 , M. Sasa (NMST, No. A 275: 96); Honshu, Toyama Pref., Kurobe, Unazuki Town, Keyakadaira and Aimota Bridge holotype and 5 ♂ paratypes of P. kurobeokasia , 21.v.1991 , M. Sasa & T. Okazawa (NMST, Holotype : No. A 233: 71, paratypes : Nos 233: 72–76); Honshu, Toyama Pref., Toga­Mura, holotype of P. togarisea , 31.v.1990 , Toyama Envir. Poll. Res. Centre (NMST, No. A 182: 69), paratype as holotype (NMST, No. A 189: 70); Kagoshima Pref., Osumi Islands, Yakushima Island, Miyanoura, holotype of P. yakypeqea , syntype of P. yakyopea , 23. & 28.iii.1999 , H. Suzuki (NMST, Holotype of P. yakypeqea: No. 386: 25, syntype of P. yakyopea: No. 382: 46); Hokkaido , Hidaka, Shizunai River, holotype of P. hidakagehea , 26.ix.1998 , H. Suzuki (NMST, No. 401: 25); Hokkaido , Hidaka, Shizunai River, holotype and 2 ♂ paratypes of P. hidakaheia , 26.ix.1998 , H. Suzuki (NMST, Holotype : No. 401: 34, paratypes : Nos 401: 32, 33). In addition material from England, France, Greece, The Netherlands, Norway (including Bear Island), Turkey, Wales , Morocco , China , Canada , Greenland , and USA has been examined. Diagnostic characters The imagines differ from other Pseudosmittia by having the longest inner verticals ranging from 40–60 m (absent or short and inconspicuous in nearly all other members of the genus). The male imago differs from other members of the genus by having an AR of 0.40–0.71, a more or less pronounced outer heel on the gonostylus, and the accessory lobe of the inferior volsella not free at the apex. The female imago differs from other known members of the genus by lacking non­marginal setae on the costa between FR and the apex of R 4+5 and having long, fine microtrichia on the seminal capsules. The pupa is characterized by possessing frontal setae and frontal warts and wrinkles, spinules or tubercles on the frontal apotome. The tentatively associated larva differs from other Pseudosmittia by having anterior parapods with about 20 larger claws, 9 claws on posterior parapods, mandible with 4 inner teeth and mentum with 4 pairs of lateral teeth. Description The species will be redescribed in a world­wide revision of Pseudosmittia (in prep.). Remarks Pseudosmittia togarisea was described as lacking acrostichals ( Sasa & Okazawa 1992b: 160 ), which lead Yamamoto (2004: 78) to place the species in Prosmittia . No acrostichals could be observed on the holotype , but the area where they should be is obscured by a fold. Furthermore, although the inner vertical seta itself is lost its remaining base shows that the seta is strong, i.e. a distinguishing feature of P. oxoniana . Saether and Ferrington (2003: 4) placed P. kurobeokasia as a synonym of P. ruttneri based in part on the absence of inner verticals. However, at least some of the type specimens have a long inner vertical, resulting in synonomy with P. oxoniana instead. Some other specimens appear to be lacking an inner vertical, but the preparations are not clear enough to state this with certainty. Ecology and distribution The species is truly aquatic, probably living in algal growths on stones. It is known from Austria , France , Great Britain , Greece , The Netherlands , Norway (including Bear Island), Sweden , Turkey , China , Japan (including Pacific areas), the Northwest Territories of Canada , Greenland , and USA ( South Dakota ).