Invalid lectotypification for Synodontis victoriae Boulenger, 1906 (Siluriformes, Mochokidae) by Poll (1971), and the designation of a new lectotype Author Englmaier, Gernot K. Institute of Vertebrate Biology, Czech Academy of Sciences, Kvetna 8, 60365 Brno, Czech Republic & Natural History Museum Vienna, Burgring 7, A- 1010 Vienna, Austria Author Collins, Rupert A. Department of Life Sciences, Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London, SW 7 5 BD, UK text ZooKeys 2023 2023-10-27 1183 65 72 journal article 1313-2970-1183-65 AEB5DE9781414CE49EF0EA449BA570E2 72DDE3E12641545ABFACFE734D5F6E87 Synodontis victoriae Boulenger, 1906: 438 Type materials. Lectotype (hereby designated): BMNH 1906.5.30.191, Entebbe, 188.2 mm SL, coll. E. Degen. Paralectotype : BMNH 1906.5.30.190, Buganga, 225.0 mm SL, coll. E. Degen. Notes. In Figs 2 - 4 we provide illustrations and radiographs (axial skeletons) of both the lectotype and paralectotype of S. victoriae ; new morphometric and meristic data of the two specimens are given in Table 1 . Figure 4. Axial skeletons in Synodontis victoriae A BMNH 1906.5.30.191, lectotype B BMNH 1906.5.30.190, paralectotype. Table 1. Morphometric measurements and meristic counts for type specimens of Synodontis victoriae . Vertebral counts indicate numbers of total vertebrae: abdominal vertebrae + caudal vertebrae / postanal vertebrae.
Character states S. victoriae BMNH 1906.5.30.191 lectotype S. victoriae BMNH 1906.5.30.190 paralectotype
Standard length (mm) 188.2 225.0
Percent of standard length
Body depth at dorsal fin origin 23.1 25.8
Body depth at anal fin origin 24.1 26.1
Body depth at anal fin insertion 19.0 19.4
Predorsal length 37.3 37.4
Prepectoral length 26.0 25.3
Prepelvic length 54.0 54.4
Preanal length 72.8 77.0
Pectoral-pelvic distance 32.0 32.5
Pelvic-anal distance 20.8 22.9
Caudal-peduncle length 14.7 13.8
Dorsal fin to caudal peduncle 52.4 48.7
Adipose basal length 27.7 31.6
Dorsal-fin depth 25.5 23.9
Anal-fin depth 19.9 18.6
Pectoral-fin length 24.2 24.2
Pelvic-fin length 14.8 15.8
Head length 27.1 27.6
Percent of head length
Head depth at posterior eye margin 57.3 59.0
Head width at posterior eye margin 70.6 68.8
Maximum cranium width 53.7 56.6
Snout length 43.3 48.4
Interorbital width 42.0 43.6
Maxillary-barbel length 97.6 100.3
Outer mandibular-barbel length 50.4 49.8
Inner mandibular-barbel length 32.7 28.8
Humeral-process length 53.1 52.6
Pectoral spine length (unsegmented) 82.2 absent
Dorsal spine length (unsegmented) 81.2 absent
Percent of snout length
Orbit diameter 45.2 37.9
Mouth width 64.3 64.8
Premaxillae width 44.3 32.6
Width of mandibular teeth row 20.8 19.9
Percent of caudal peduncle length
Minimum caudal-peduncle depth 71.7 68.2
Adipose to caudal peduncle 68.5 68.8
Percent of Dorsal fin to caudal peduncle
Dorsal-adipose length 29.3 17.3
Dorsal fin rays II-7 II-8
Anal fin rays V-9 V-9
Pelvic fin rays I-6 I-6
Pectoral fin rays I-9 I-9
Caudal-fin principal rays (upper lobe + lower lobe) 7+8 8+8
Caudal-fin procurrent rays (upper + lower) 12+14 13+13
Mandibular teeth + Primary premaxillary teeth 18+27 20+26
Branches on outer mandibular barbels 4 5
Branches on inner mandibular barbels 5 8
Vertebral counts 39:18+21/19 40:17+23/19