Description of two new species of Glenea Newman, 1842 from southern India and reinstatement of Glenea vestalis Heller, 1934 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Lamiinae: Saperdini) Author Hiremath, Sangamesh R. Author Lin, Mei-Ying text Journal of Natural History 2021 2021-06-11 55 3 - 4 205 245 journal article 55744 10.1080/00222933.2021.1900442 bd94685b-3e7b-43fb-8da4-2736a02f9d65 1464-5262 5473739 Glenea vestalis Heller, 1934 stat. reinstated ( Figures 19–25 ) Glenea vestalis Heller, 1934: 284 , Figure 2 . TL: Philippines . TD: SMTD. Glenea pulchella : Aurivillius 1926: 111 (partim). Glenea ( Glenea ) pulchella : Breuning 1956a: 195 (partim). Glenea ( Glenea ) pulchella m. postmediopunctata Breuning, 1956a: 196 . [Unavailable name, infrasubspecies from Tonkin , Vietnam ] Glenea ( Glenea ) pulchella m. preapiceconjuncta Breuning, 1956a: 197 . [Unavailable name, infrasubspecies from Ceram, Indonesia ] Glenea ( Glenea ) pulchella m. transversevittata Breuning, 1956a: 197 . [Unavailable name, infrasubspecies from Fundortangabe] Glenea ( Glenea ) pulchella m. vestalis : Breuning 1956a: 197 . Glenea ( Glenea ) pulchella : Hüdepohl 1996: 18 . [Misidentification] Type specimen examined Holotype ( Figure 19 (a–c)), , Philippines , Arorey , 1923.VIII ( SMTD ). Other Specimens examined Philippines : 1 ♂ , ‘paratype’ of Glenea ( Glenea ) pulchella m. postmediopunctata Breuning , 1956 , Dapitan , Mindanao , Baker ( MHNL , ex collection P. Lepesme ); 1 ♂ , ‘paratype’ of Glenea ( Glenea ) pulchella m. postmediopunctata Breuning , 1956 , Zamboanga , Mindanao , Baker ( MHNL , ex collection P. Lepesme ); 1 ♀ , ‘paratype’ of Glenea ( Glenea ) pulchella m. postmediopunctata Breuning, 1956 , Surigao , Mindanao , Baker ( NHMB (Frey)); 1 ♂ , Philippines ( BMNH ); 1 ♂ , 2 ♀♀ , Zamboanga Mindanao , Baker ( NMNH ); 2 ♀♀ , Island Samar , Baker ( NMNH ); 4 ♂♂ , 2 ♀♀ , Kolambugan, Mindanao , Baker ( NMNH ); 1 ♂ , 1 ♀ , Davao Mindanao , Baker ( NMNH ); 2 ♂♂ , 2 ♀♀ , Mt . Makiling, Luzon , Baker ( NMNH ); 2 ♂♂ , 4 ♀♀ , Dapitan , Mindanao , Baker ( NMNH ); 1 ♂ , 1 ♀ , Butuan Mindanao , Baker ( NMNH ); 1 ♀ , Surigao , Mindanao ( NMNH , Tippmann Coll . ’57, 213112); 2 ♀♀ , Philippines , Ch Semper ( MNHN ); 1 ♂ , Mindanao ( Figure 20 (a,b), MNHN ); 3 ♀♀ , Mindanao , 1903–1904, J. Waterstradt ( MNHN ); 1 ♀ , Philippines, N . Luzon , Cagayan , Sta . Ana , June 2014 , local coll. ( DHCO ). Figures 19–22. Glenea vestalis Heller, 1934 , habitus. 19(a–c) Holotype, female, from the Philippines: 19 (a) Dorsal view, 19(b) lateral view, 19(c) labels. 20(a–b) Male, from Philippines, Mindanao: 20(a) dorsal view, 20(b) head, frontal view. 21(a–b) ‘Type’ of Glenea ( Glenea ) pulchella m. preapiceconjuncta Breuning, 1956, female, from Indonesia, Moluccas, Ceram (= Moluques, Seram): 21(a) dorsal view, 21(b) labels. 22(a–b) ‘Type’ of Glenea ( Glenea ) pulchella m. postmediopunctata Breuning, 1956, female, from Vietnam, Tonkin, Hoa-Binh: 22(a) dorsal view, 22(b) labels. Scale bar: 2 mm. Figures 19(c), 20(b), 21(b) and 22(b) not to scale. Malaysia 1 ♀ , Java ( Meuwen Bay ) ( MNHN ); 2 ♀♀ , ‘paratypes’ of Glenea ( Glenea ) pulchella m. preapiceconjuncta Breuning, 1956 , Borneo , Sandakan , Baker ( NHMB (Frey)); 1 ♀ , Malacca , Perak , W. Doherty ( MNHN ). Indonesia 1 ♀ ( Figure 21 (a,b)), ‘type’ of Glenea ( Glenea ) pulchella m. preapiceconjuncta Breuning , 1956 , Moluccas , Ceram (= Moluques , Seram ) ( BMNH , ex Fry Coll , 1905.100); 1 ♀ , Maluku , Seram , 35 km E Pasahari , Unit O, 24–30 October 1998 , leg. J. Horák ( DHCO ) . Vietnam 1 ♀ ( Figure 22 (a,b)), ‘type’ of Glenea ( Glenea ) pulchella m. postmediopunctata Breuning , 1956 , Tonkin , Hoa-Binh , A. de Cooman ( MHNL , ex Coll. Lepesme , 2002, ex Coll. J. Clermont ) . Description complementary to Heller (1934) and Breuning (1956a) . Male genitalia ( Figures 23–24 ) Tegmen length about 3.5 mm ; lateral lobes extremely long and slender, each about 1.8 mm long and 0.05 mm wide, apex covered with short, reddish brown setae; basal piece bifurcated distally; median lobe plus median struts slightly curved, much shorter than tegmen (22:35); median struts about two-thirds of whole median lobe in length; dorsal plate slightly shorter than ventral plate; ventral edge of median orifice slightly pointed; median foramen elongated; internal sac about 3 times as long as median lobe plus median struts, with four pieces of basal armature and three rods; rods about 1.0 mm, shorter than one-third of tegmen. Tergite VIII elongate, U-shaped with its apical margin weakly notched in middle, integument with short setae. Ventrite IX subequal to ringed part of tegmen in length. Female genitalia ( Figure 25 ): Spermatheca elongate, with its stalk curved at base and capsule oval. Spermathecal gland originating from a distinctly sclerotised ringed plate ( Figure 25 ). Tignum much longer than abdomen. In our observation, tignum 8.5 mm for an adult with a 5.3 mm long abdomen in ventral view. Diagnosis This species is very similar to G. pulchella Pascoe at first glance, with body reddish brown and similar yellow-haired maculae. However, they differ from each other in the absence vs presence of the small spot at the centre of apical half. Male genitalia exhibit distinct differences also: lateral lobes shorter than half of tegmen and apex of tergite VIII truncated in G. pulchella ( Figures 15 and 16 ) vs lateral lobes subequal to half of tegmen and apex of tergite VIII weakly notched at middle in G. vestalis ( Figures 23 and 24 ). Distribution Philippines , Malaysia , Indonesia , Vietnam . Figures 23–25. Genitalia of Glenea vestalis Heller, 1934 . 23–24. Male, from Philippines, Mindanao. 23 (a–c) Male genitalia: 23(a) ventral view, 23(b) lateral view, 23(c) dorsal view. 24. Tergite VIII, sternites VIII and IX in dorsal view. 25. Spermatheca, showing spermathecal duct and origin of spermathecal gland from strongly sclerotised ringed plate. Scale bar: 1 mm. Figures 24 and 25 not to scale. Remarks Breuning (1956a) treated G. vestalis as a morph of G. pulchella , and subsequent authors considered them synonyms ( Hüdepohl 1996 ; Tavakilian and Chevillotte 2020 ). However, they are two distinct species, and G. vestalis is herein reinstated from synonymy with G. pulchella . Aurivillius (1926: 111) wrote: ‘Specimens from Mindanao have a small sulphur yellow lateral dot behind the middle of elytra; this dot is wanting in specimens from Borneo and Malacca but still more developed in a specimen from Ceram’. Examination of specimens from these localities by the second author revealed that specimens referred to as having a ‘small sulphur yellow lateral dot’ behind the middle of the elytra, from Philippines and Ceram (now Indonesia , Maluku , Seram), are G. vestalis , while the specimens from Borneo and Malacca , in which ‘this dot is wanting’, are G. pulchella . Breuning (1956a) described three morphs, which are all infrasubspecific. The second author examined the ‘type’ and ‘paratypes’ of these morphs; the ‘type’ of Glenea ( Glenea ) pulchella m. preapiceconjuncta Breuning, 1956 ( Figure 21 (a,b)) from ‘ Insel Ceram im Britischen Museum’, and the ‘type’ of Glenea ( Glenea ) pulchella m. postmediopunctata Breuning, 1956 ( Figure 22 (a,b)) from ‘ Tonkin : Hoa-Binh in coll. Lepesme’ are both females and are both considered Glenea vestalis Heller, 1934 based on the presence of a postmedial, sulphur yellow lateral dot on the elytra. The ‘type’ of Glenea ( Glenea ) pulchella m. transversevittata Breuning, 1956, based on ‘ein female ohne Fundortangabe in der Sammlung Itzinger’, could not be examined; however, in all probability it belongs to G. vestalis , since Breuning (1956a: 197) compared it with m. postmediopunctata and arranged it between m. preapiceconjuncta and m. vestalis Hell.