A Revision ofCoptonotusChapuis, 1869 (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Coptonotinae) with Notes on Its Biology Author Smith, Sarah M. Author Cognato, Anthony I. text The Coleopterists Bulletin 1869 2016-09-30 1869 3 409 428 http://dx.doi.org/10.1649/0010-065x-70.3.409 journal article 10.1649/0010-065X-70.3.409 10107076 Coptonotus striatus Eggers, 1933 ( Figs. 4 , 13–15 , 35–42 ) Type Material. Holotype : female, French Guiana ( NHMW ). Diagnosis. Coptonotus striatus is readily distinguished from other species by its much smaller size, 3.0– 4.1 mm , elytra with interstriae raised, canaliculate, and with setose shallow punctures, identical declivity in both sexes, very large, deep pronotal punctures that are reticulate within, completely shagreened body, the antennal scape shorter than the funicular length, and its distribution in the Guianas. Redescription of Male. 4.1 mm long, 1.3 mm wide, 3.15 times longer than wide ( n = 1). Body dark red-black, head darker than body, usually black. Tarsi and antennae alutaceous. Head: Subquadrate from apex of rostrum to upper level of eyes. Rostrum short, nearly parallel-sided, twice as wide as long, smooth, shiny, almost glabrous; rostrum with punctures dense, small, shallow, somewhat evenly distributed, spaced 1–4 diameters of a puncture; impressed from lateral margins to just before median line, appearing bisulcate; apex of rostrum bearing a moderately elevated and strongly ventrally produced process over mandibles, apical margin with 4 large punctures; apex with a pair of faint, oblique carinae, carinae arising from produced process and extended dorsally toward median line, each carina with a large median puncture just behind the dorsal margin, puncture 4 times size of surrounding punctures, deeper, bearing 2 long, erect, pointed, hair-like setae, 3 times length of other rostral setae; median area between carinae impunctate. Frons smooth, shiny, bearing scattered single setae in lateral areas; coarsely strigate-punctate, punctures spaced 0.5 diameter of a puncture; median fovea absent; median frontal tumescence resembling a kite, wid- est at basal third, distinctly elevated. Eyes shallowly sinuate; dorsal margin at midpoint of frons, ventral margin located approximately 1 club length from gular suture. Point of antennal insertion at midpoint between mandibular base and upper level of eye. Antennal scape short, narrow, clavate, less than length of funicle; funicle 7-segmented; club ovoid, basal half corneus, 3 weakly procurved sutures, each suture demarcated by a row of setae, sutures less prominent on posterior face. Vertex shiny, sparsely punctate, punctures spaced 2– 6 diameters of a puncture, coarsely longitudinally and transversely aciculate. Pronotum: 1.1 times longer than wide, resembling an hourglass, widest at basal quarter, sides projecting distally at an oblique angle from basal margin to widest point, sides deeply emarginate from just anterior to basal quarter for reception of profemur, sides arcuate from apical 2/5 to apical tenth and narrowly constricted on apical tenth; anterior margin weakly emarginate; surface shagreened, densely, deeply punctulate, punctures very large, punctures clearly reticulate within, punctures spaced by half a diameter of a puncture, each puncture on apical half bearing a single semierect, golden seta; median line impunctate, shiny; lateral margins weakly carinate; basal margin transverse, weakly carinate. Prosternal process with sternellum slightly tumescent, rhomboid with a medial elliptic depression; poststernellum unmodified ( Fig. 4 ). Legs: Procoxae narrowly separated. Protibia as described for genus with outer margin with a large spine at apical third equal in size to uncus and 2 smaller teeth along basal margin; inner posterior margin lined with 2 large spines; anterior face with a row of 5 median denticles. Mesotibia and metatibia as described for genus except lateral margins lined with 4 very large spines, spines approximately the size of uncus. Elytra: 2.0 times longer than wide. Elytral base transverse, carinate. Scutellum triangular, short, narrow; flush with surface. Sides straight on basal 2/3, narrowed on apical third; apex entire. Elytral striae large, twice width of interstriae, striae deeply impressed, interstriae carinate on lateral margins, punctate within, appearing channeled, each puncture bearing an erect, stout seta, strial punctures rounded, not medially constricted, strongly shagreened. Discal interstriae granulate, becoming tuberclate on declivity. Declivity convex. Terminalia: Aedeagus arcuate, apex broadly curved, median lobe broad with lightly sclerotized central area, lateral margins heavily sclerotized, broad. Internal sac central area membranous; median orifice lightly sclerotized. Flagellum elongate, flattened, and apically curled. Apodemes short, narrow, slightly less than 1/5 body length. Tegmen with very elongate and apically rounded anterior strut. Figs. 35–42. Coptonotus striatus . Male habitus: 35) Dorsal view; 36) Lateral view; 37) Frontal view; 38) Declivity. Female habitus: 39) Dorsal view; 40) Lateral view; 41) Frontal view; 42) Declivity. Female. 3.0– 3.9 mm long, 1.1–1.4 mm wide, 2.57–3.0 times as long as wide ( n = 3); pronotum 1.1–1.3 times longer than wide; elytra 2.0 times longer than wide. Similar to male except frons without a tumescence, vertex shiny, sparsely punctate, punctures spaced 1–3 diameters of a puncture, not aciculate. Specimens Examined. Five specimens. Type material: Holotype . Non-type material: GUYANA : Region 8 : Iwokrama Forest , Pakatau hills, 4°44′ 54″N 59°1′36″W , 70 m , 27.VI.2001 , E. Charles ; GUY1BF01 038, ex. beating vegetation ( SEMC-1 ); Turtle Mt. summit, 4°45′57″N 58°44′1″W , 290 m , 30.V.-1.VI.2001 , R. Brooks , Z. Falin ; GUY1BF01 097, ex. flight intercept trap ( SEMC-1 ). FRENCH GUIANA: [ Cayenne ]: [Roura]: Montagnes de Kaw , Relais de Patawa , trail nr. lodge, 4°32′27″N 52°8′29″W , 150 m , 2.VII.2013 M.L. Chamorro , ex. sweeping ( USNM-1 ; DNA voucher SMS 245); Fourgrassie, 16-30.IX.1995 , M. Trýzna ( MKC-1 ) [ Saint-Laurent-du-Moroni ]: [Saül]: Saül airport environ., 3°37′25″N 53°12′29″W , 150 m , 15.VII.2013 , M.L. Chamorro , ex. sweeping ( USNM-1 ; DNA voucher SMS 245) . Distribution. Guyana (Region 8), French Guiana (Cayenne, Saint-Laurent-du-Moroni), Suriname ( Schedl 1962 ). Comments. Wood and Bright (1992) incorrectly stated that the holotype is located in the Eggers collection at the USNM. The holotype was evidently borrowed and retained by Schedl and is housed at the NHMW. Coptontous uteq Smith and Cognato , new species ( Figs. 5–6 , 16–18 , 43–54 ) Type Material. Holotype : male, ECUADOR : Los Ríos : Canton Valencia , Reserva Murucumba , S00° 38.339′ W79° 08.959′ , 704 m , 16.V.2015 , Cognato, Smith, Osborn, Martínez et al ., EC 47, ex. unidentified 3 cm diameter branch ( MSUC ) . Paratypes : ECUADOR : Los Ríos : Canton Valencia , Reserva Murucumba , S00° 38.339′ W79° 08.959′ , 704 m , 16.V.2015 , Cognato , Smith , Osborn , Martínez et al ., EC 41b, ex. Castilla elastica branch ( PUCE -2, MSUC-4 ; DNA voucher SMS 203); S00° 38.544′ W79° 08.902′ , 731 m , EC 47, ex. unidentified 3 cm diameter branch ( MSUC-1 ; MKC-1 ; PUCE-1 ) . Pastaza : Oglán , −1.32251 , -77.68808 , 600 m , 5.X.2012 , A. Pérez ( PUCE-1 ) . Diagnosis. The species is diagnosed by the absence of a frontal fovea in both sexes, the presence of two strongly developed oblique carinae just above the epistoma, the area between the carinae and mandibles impunctate, the male frons bearing a narrow, median, heart-shaped, punctate tumescence that is 2.5 times as long as wide along the midline, the female frons bearing an impunctate median line, the impressed scutellum, and the size greater than 5 mm . Description. Male. 8.5 mm long, 3.0 mm wide, 2.83 times longer than wide ( n = 1). Body dark red-black, head darker than body, usually black. Antenna red-brown. Head: Triangular from apex of rostrum to upper level of eyes. Rostrum nearly parallel-sided, twice as wide as long, flat, minutely reticulate, shiny, almost glabrous; apical half of rostrum with punctures smaller, shallow, somewhat uniformly distributed, spaced 0.5– 2.0 diameters of a puncture; apex of rostrum bearing a weakly elevated and weakly emarginate process above mandibular base and 4 large punctures along apical margin; apex with a pair of faint oblique carinae, carinae arising from emarginate process and extended dorsally toward median line, each carina with a large median puncture just behind the dorsal margin, puncture 3 times size of surrounding punctures, deeper, bearing 2 long, erect, pointed, hair-like setae, twice length of other rostral setae; median area between carinae impunctate; apical fifth of rostrum with 2 large punctures originating at level of midpoint of each mandible, puncture 3 times size of surrounding punctures, each puncture bearing a single erect, hair-like seta; basal half of rostrum with punctures larger, irregularly distributed, spaced 0.5–6.0 times diameter of a puncture, punctures twice as deep as those on apical half. Frons minutely reticulate, shiny, almost glabrous, a single setae on each lateral margin; irregularly punctate, punctures spaced 0.5–9.0 diameters of a puncture; median fovea absent; median frontal tumescence cordate, resembling a narrow heart, 2.5 times as long as wide along midline, distinctly elevated. Eyes shallowly sinuate; dorsal margin at midpoint of frons, narrowly separated at gular suture (exact separation slightly variable in females, likely variable in males). Point of antennal insertion at midpoint between mandibular base and upper level of eye. Antennal scape long, narrow, clavate, equal to length of funicle; funicle 7-segmented; club ovoid, basal third shagreened, setose, 3 moderately procurved sutures, each suture demarcated by a row of setae, sutures less prominent on posterior face. Vertex shagreened, minutely, sparsely punctate, punctures spaced 3–9 diameters of a puncture; never transversely strigate. Pronotum: As long as wide, resembling an hourglass, widest at basal fifth, sides projecting distally at an oblique angle from basal margin to widest point, sides deeply emarginate from just anterior to basal fifth for reception of profemur, sides subparallel from apical half to fifth and narrowly constricted on apical fifth; anterior margin weakly emarginate; surface shiny, densely, deeply punctulate, punctures spaced by 1–3 diameters of a Figs. 43–50. Coptonotus uteq . Male habitus: 43) Dorsal view; 44) Lateral view; 45) Frontal view; 46) Declivity. Female habitus: 47) Dorsal view; 48) Lateral view; 49) Frontal view; 50) Declivity. Figs. 51–54. Coptonotus uteq , larva. 51) Habitus, lateral view; 52) Head, dorsal view; 53) Head, ventral view; 54) Segment AVIII, dorsal view. puncture, glabrous; lateral margins carinate; basal margin transverse, weakly carinate. Prosternal process with sternellum circular, margins strongly arcuate and carinate, median area moderately depressed, resembling a cupule; poststernellal suture strongly depressed, dividing the poststernellum into 2 halves, posterior quarter of suture emarginate; halves not inflated ( Fig. 5 ). Legs: Procoxae narrowly separated. Protibia as described for genus with outer margin with a large premucro at apical third and 2 smaller teeth along basal margin. Mesotibia and metatibia as described for genus. Elytra: 1.7 times longer than wide. Base transverse, carinate. Scutellum lanceolate, short, narrow; depressed below level of elytra. Sides tumid on basal third, straight on median third, narrowed on apical third; apex entire. Elytra with strial and interstrial width equal; first interstria and stria impressed from scutellum to declivity, impression gradually becoming deeper apically. Discal interstriae impressed from basal fifth to declivity, impression gradually becoming deeper apically; discal interstriae granulate punctate, punctures alternating with granules, each puncture bearing a short, erect seta, granules becoming tubercles apically; discal stria 1 deeply punctate, punctures large, medially constricted, resembling an hourglass, becoming deeper and coarser near declivital base, punctures shagreened; interstria 2 with a large spine at discal apex. Declivity steep, flattened, occupying apical 2/5 of elytra, interstria 4 tuberculate-carinate, forming a carina from basal third, converging with interstria 7 and continuing to apex; declivital interstriae densely covered with recumbent, scale-like setae, completely obscuring interstrial surface; striae bearing a uniseriate row of short erect setae. Proventriculus: Apical plate occupying 2/5 length, strongly sclerotized; median longitudinal suture open, its margins parallel, dark and lined with a row of sutural teeth, fine, parallel marginal bristles present along the entire apical plate; posterior plate occupying 3/5 length; masticatory teeth fine, weakly sclerotized; masticatory brush long, fine, heavily sclerotized; closing teeth short, 1/3 as long as posterior plate; femoral teeth absent. Crop very closely covered with long pubescence ( Fig. 6 ). Terminalia: Aedeagus arcuate, apex broadly curved, median lobe broad with lightly sclerotized central area, lateral margins heavily sclerotized, narrow. Internal sac central area mem- branous; median orifice moderately sclerotized. Apodemes narrow, slightly less than 1/4 body length. Tegmen with a short, rounded apodeme. Female. 8.8–9.2 mm long, 3.0 mm wide, 2.93– 3.06 times longer than wide ( n = 8); pronotum 1.0–1.2 times longer than wide; elytra 1.6– 1.9 times longer than wide. Similar to male except frons without a tumescence, vertex finely shagreened, finely, moderately punctate, punctures spaced 2–3 diameters of a puncture, elytral striae with punctures half the size of those of males, elytral disc with interstria 1 shallowly impressed, elytral declivity convex, each interstriae ornamented with 2–3 rows of smaller spatulate setae, base of elytral declivity unarmed. Figs. 55–58. Coptonotus uteq entrance tunnels. 55) Initiation without latex; 56) Initiation with heavy latex flow; 57) Encircled by Xyleborini galleries; 58) Showing the 45° tunnel angle and adult female. Larva. Seven larvae were collected from parental galleries. One larva was used in a DNA extraction (SMS 202) to confirm identity with the adult ( Fig. 1 ). The following description ( Figs. 51–54 ) is based on the six remaining larvae. Length 6.0 mm, head capsule width 1.1 mm . Head exposed. Labrum prominent, dorsal area twice as wide as long, about a quarter narrower than clypeus. Clypeus twice as wide as long, apical margin strongly medially emarginated. Labium twice as wide as long, appearing somewhat diamond-shaped; epipharynx and maxilla with simple setae; antenna 1-segmented; 5 pairs of frontal setae, endocarina present on frons; stemmata absent; epicranial seta 3 ( des 3) on epicranium; margin of occipital foramen thickened. Abdomen not expanded by subdived pleural areas; epipleuron with paired sclerotized spines below spiracle and single sclerotized spine above T2–T3 and AI–AVII. AVIII paired sclerotized spines below spiracle, dorsum with 3 pairs of sclerotized spines, alternating from small to large from medial to laterad ( Fig. 54 ); AVIII spiracle lateral; AIX with a sclerotized dorsal plate, 3 pairs of larger sclerotized spines, 2 medial and 1 pair along posterior margin, and bearing 7 pairs of dorsal setae. Fig. 59. Coptonotus uteq larval mines. Specimens Examined. Eleven specimens. Distribution. Ecuador ( Los Ríos , Pastaza ). Biology. Coptonotus uteq was collected twice during the course of our fieldwork. The first collection was comprised of eight adults colonizing a freshly fallen, recently dead 35-cm diameter branch of Castilla elastica Sesse ex Cerv. (Euphorbiaceae) locally referred to as “ Caucho nativo ” or “native rubber tree”. The branch had bark more than 12 mm thick. Females initiated the galleries and an entrance tunnel ( 4–5 mm diameter) was excavated at a 45° angle, boring through the bark to the cambium. Galleries were constructed on the lateral and ventral sides of the fallen branch ( Figs. 55–58 ). Heavy latex flow was observed around the galleries, and the many colonizing beetles were heavily coated, but we did not observe individuals that were killed or ‘pitched out’ ( Fig. 58 ). Early instar mines radiated away from the maternal gallery and were located entirely within the phloem ( Fig. 59 ). Coptonotus uteq entrance tunnels were encircled by entrance tunnels of xyleborine ambrosia beetles (Scolytinae) that could not be collected because they had bored too deep within the xylem to be extracted with a knife and pruning saw. Overall, Coptonotus galleries and behavior are very similar to those reported for cossonines, including irregular tunnels into wood or phloem, a 45° angle entrance tunnel, and monogamy ( Kuschel 1966 , 1995 ; Jordal et al . 2011 ; Jordal 2014a ). The second collection consisted of five specimens that were found emerging from the ends of galleries within an unidentifiable 3.5-cm diameter branch that was broken as part of a large tree fall. The shape of the galleries indicated that the larvae fed on the phloem and increasingly etched the sapwood the further they radiated from the maternal gallery and terminated in pupation chambers ( Fig. 60 ). The larval tunnels were densely filled with long, coarse frass, similar in consistency to that produced by platypodines. Fig. 60. Coptonotus uteq pupation chambers. Etymology. UTEQ is an acronym of Universidad Técnica Estatal de Quevedo. Uteq is pronounced “oo-tek”. It honors the students, faculty, and administrators of the university for their willingness and assistance in the discovery of wood-boring weevil diversity.