Seven new species of Loneura Navás (Insecta: Psocodea: ‘ Psocoptera’: Ptiloneuridae) from Valle del Cauca, Colombia
Nieto, Julián Alexander Mendivil
Aldrete, Alfonso Neri García
Obando, Ranulfo González
journal article
Loneura eberhardi
n. sp.
Figs 21–30
Belonging in Group II, Subgroup IIA (
García Aldrete
et al.
). Related to
L. jinotegatensis
García Aldrete
L. mirandaensis
García Aldrete
, from which it differs by having the median posterior projection of the central sclerite of the hypandrium much longer and slender, by having the anterior side sclerites of the hypandrium longer and slender, and by having the posterior sclerites of the hypandrium transverse, blunt on both ends; the setal tufts of the central sclerite of the hypandrium are much longer than in the two species above. Also, the hindwing M is five branched, not four branched as in the two species above.
Male. Color
(in 80% ethanol). Body brown, with some creamy spots. Head pattern (
Fig. 22
) with two dark brown bands from the inner border of each compound eye to epistomal sulcus, enclosing the antennal fossae. Compound eyes black, ocelli hyaline. Vertex with small dark brown irregular areas. Postclypeus with light brown V shaped area as illustrated. Anteclypeus and labrum pale brown. Genae with anterior half light brown and pale cream posterior half. Postgenae white. Antennae: scape and pedicel brown, flagellomeres brown. Maxillary palps creamy,
4 with apical third brown. Tergal lobes of mesothorax pale cream, tergal lobes of metathorax dark brown. Propleura and metapleura pale cream, mesopleura brown. Legs: fore- and hind- coxae light brown, with a darker band at the base; mid coxae pale brown; fore- and middle femora brown, with dark brown spots; hind femora creamy, with brown spots; tibiae creamy, with distal ends brown; tarsus 1 brown; tarsi 2–3 dark brown. Wings hyaline, forewings with pterostigma dark brown, with a large hyaline area in the middle; a brown spot at the end of vein R2+3 and brown marginal band from R4+5 to distal half of 1A; the band with hyaline fenestrae on each side of each vein. Hindwings with light brown spots at the end of veins R4+5, M1–5, Cu1 and Cu2. Abdomen creamy. Sclerites of hypandrium dark brown. Epiproct and paraprocts creamy.
. As in diagnosis, plus the following: Head (
Fig. 22
) H/MxW: 1.44; large compound eyes, H/d: 2.13; IO/MxW: 0.74; vertex slightly below the level of the upper border of the compound eyes; outer cusp of lacinial tip broad, with 10-12 denticles. Forewings (
Fig. 21
) L/W: 2.73; pterostigma: lp/wp: 5.47, elongate, wider in the middle; M six branched; areola postica: la/ha: 1.64, high, apically rounded. Hindwings (
Fig. 21
) l/w: 3.04; M five branched. Hypandrium of five sclerites (
Fig. 24
), central sclerite with a long, median posterior projection, arrowhead shaped distally, with tufts of long macrosetae on each side; pair of posterior sclerites transverse. Phallosome (
Fig. 25
) V-shaped anteriorly; external parameres elongate, slender, with rounded apices bearing small pores. Two pairs of endophallic sclerites; posterior pair proximally joined by a transverse band, each arm long, curved; anterior pair bow-shaped, each arm proximally next to an oval area, distal ends blunt; paraprocts (
Fig. 23
) broad, setae as illustrated; sensory fields with 28 trichobothria on basal rosettes. Epiproct (
Fig. 23
) anteriorly convex, posteriorly rounded, with three mesal setae next to anterior border, a large setae on each side, and short setae along posterior border.
(in µm). FW: 6150, HW: 4250, F: 1550, T: 2675, t1: 1150, t2: 92, t3: 152, ctt1: 39, f1: 1275, f2: 1325, f3: 1175, IO: 625, D: 575, d: 420, IO/d: 1.49, PO: 0.73.
Female. Color
(in 80% ethanol). Body, head, legs, wings, epiproct and paraprocts as in the males, plus the following: subgenital plate with hyaline middle area and pigmented area U-shaped, with arms wide. Gonapophyses brown. Ninth sternum light brown.
. As in diagnosis, plus the following: Head (
Fig. 27
) H/MxW: 1.42; large compound eyes, H/d: 2.66; IO/MxW: 0.77; vertex at the same level as the upper border of the compound eyes; outer cusp of lacinial tip broad, with 10-11 denticles. Forewings (
Fig. 26
) L/W: 2.73; pterostigma: lp/wp: 5.18; M six branched; areola postica: la/ha: 1.61, high, apically rounded. Hindwings (
Fig. 26
) l/w: 3.07; M five branched. Subgenital plate (
Fig. 29
) wide, apex rounded, with long and short setae. Gonapophyses (
Fig. 30
elongate, slender and acuminate;
+3 with anterior slender heel, with a row of five setae on
; distal process long, acuminate, with microsetae on surface. Ninth sternum (
Fig. 30
) well sclerotized, anteriorly concave in the middle, with a well defined transverse band anteriorly, slightly projected posteriorly in the middle. Paraprocts (
Fig. 28
) broadly triangular, with long and short setae posteriorly. Sensory fields with 30–34 trichobothria on basal rosettes. Epiproct (
Fig. 28
) triangular, posterior margin with macro- and microsetae, mesal field with macrosetae and short setae, as illustrated.
FIGURES 21–25.
Loneura eberhardi
n. sp.
Male. 21. Forewing and hindwing. 22. Front view of head. 23. Paraproct and epiproct. 24. Hypandrium. 25. Phallosome. Scales in mm.
FIGURES 26–30.
Loneura eberhardi
n. sp.
Female. 26. Forewing and hindwing. 27. Front view of head. 28. Paraproct and epiproct. 29. Subgenital plate. 30. Gonapophyses and ninth sternum. Scales in mm.
(in µm). FW: 6550, HW: 4450, F: 1850, T: 2675, t1: 1150, t2: 80, t3: 175, ctt1: 34, f1: 1200, f2: 1325, f3: 1100,
4: 315, IO: 690, D: 480, d: 360, IO/d: 1.92, PO: 0. 75.
Specimens studied.
Valle del Cauca
San Bernardo
Finca El Madrigal
: 76°40’10.0”W,
1745 m
. MUSENUV slide code 26152. N. Calderón & O. Saenz. On tree trunk. Paratypes: 3 males,
2 females
(MUSENUV slide code 26153), same locality and collectors as the
. 1 male (MUSENUV slide code 26153),
3 females
(MUSENUV slide code 26154),
Santiago de Cali
Quebrada Honda
: 76°37’15.4”W,
1682 m
. R. González.
This species is dedicated to William Eberhard, Professor of Biology at the Universidad del Valle between
1972 and 1978
, in recognition of his teaching activity at the Biology Department, that this year (2016) celebrates 50 years of existence.