Seven new species of Loneura Navás (Insecta: Psocodea: ‘ Psocoptera’: Ptiloneuridae) from Valle del Cauca, Colombia Author Nieto, Julián Alexander Mendivil Author Aldrete, Alfonso Neri García Author Obando, Ranulfo González text Zootaxa 2017 4227 4 495 523 journal article 36699 10.11646/zootaxa.4227.4.2 edeccf8f-4080-47db-aae5-e846c08a1d40 1175-5326 306148 39B23AC0-C55F-4F3C-9ECB-1F5E849C97AB Loneura farallonensis n. sp. ( Figs 31–40 ) Diagnosis. Belonging in Group III ( García Aldrete et al. 2011 b ). Related to L. gorgonaensis García Aldrete et al. , from which it differs by having the forewing M3 and M4 distally forked, and in having M5 three branched; also, the hindwing M is three branched, not two branched as in L. gorgonaensis . The posterior projections of the hypandrium are slender and pointed ( Fig. 34 ), not robust and blunt ended as in the latter. Male. Color (in 80% ethanol). Body pale brown. Head pattern ( Fig. 32 ), with dark brown diagonal band from the inner border of each compound eye to epistomal sulcus, under the level of the antennal fossae. Compound eyes black; ocelli hyaline. Anteclypeus and labrum brown. Genae pale cream from the compound eyes to the subgenal suture. Postgenae creamy. Antennae: scape brown; pedicel and flagella cream. Mx 1–3 cream; Mx 4 brown. Tergal lobes of meso and metathorax creamy, with brown edges. Thoracic pleura with pale brown areas. Legs: fore- coxae and trochanters brown; coxae and trochanters of mid and hind- legs creamy; fore femora cream, with brown proximal spot; mid and hind femora cream, except for a central and subapical brown band; tibiae brown, distally darker; tarsi 1 brown; tarsi 2–3 dark brown. Wings hyaline. Forewing pterostigma hyaline, with proximal and distal brown bands; brown spots at the ends of R2+3, R4+5, M and Cu1; a large brown area between 1A and Cu1. Hindwings with pale brown spots at ends of R4+5, M1-3 and Cu2. Abdomen pale brown. Hypandrium cream, with brown spots. Epiproct and paraprocts cream. Morphology. As in diagnosis, plus the following: Head ( Fig. 32 ) H/MxW: 1.35; large compound eyes, H/d: 2.5; IO/MxW: 0.71. Vertex slightly below the level of the upper borders of the compound eyes, outer cusp of lacinial tip broad, with 5–6 denticles. Forewings ( Fig. 31 ) L/W: 2.48; pterostigma: lp/wp: 4.75; M five branched, M3 and M4 distally forked, M5 forked proximally, with anterior branch distally forked; areola postica broadly triangular: la/ha: 1.31, high, apically rounded. Hindwings ( Fig. 31 ), l/w: 2.74; M three branched. Hypandrium of one sclerite ( Fig. 34 ), side sclerites fused basally to the central sclerite, this with side blunt processes, and two posterior processes, each with an apical setae, separated by a long, slender space. Phallosome ( Fig. 35 ) V-shaped anteriorly; external parameres slender, curved, rounded distally; three pairs of endophallic sclerites, the mesal and anterior ones stout, independent, the posterior pair V-shaped, with arms slender, each ending in an elongate, earshaped process. Paraprocts ( Fig. 33 ) broad, oval, with field of short setae posteriorly, and long setae mesally; sensory fields with 27–28 trichobothria on basal rosettes. Epiproct ( Fig. 33 ) convex anteriorly, rounded posteriorly, with setae as illustrated. Measurements (in µm). FW: 4275, HW: 2950, F: 1000, T: 1750, t1: 800, t2: 80, t3: 130, ctt1: 29, f1: 620, f2: 540, f3: 480, f4: 430, Mx 4: 250, IO: 460, D: 350, d: 250, IO/d: 1.84, PO: 0.71. Female. Color. (in 80% ethanol). Body, head, legs, epiproct, paraprocts and wings as in the males. Subgenital plate cream, with pigmented area brown, V-shaped. Gonapophyses brown, ninth sternum orange. Morphology. As in diagnosis, plus the following: Head ( Fig. 37 ) H/MxW: 1.38; compound eyes large, H/d: 2.57; IO/MxW: 0.72. Vertex slightly above the level of the upper border of the compound eyes; outer cusp of lacinial tip broad, with 4-6 denticles. Forewings ( Fig. 36 ) L/W: 2.58; pterostigma: lp/wp: 4.62, elongate, wider in the middle; M five branched, M3 and M4 distally forked, M5 forked, each arm distally forked, resulting in four M5 branches; areola postica: la/ha: 1.47, high, broadly triangular, apically rounded. Hindwings ( Fig. 36 ) l/w: 2.76; M three branched. Subgenital plate ( Fig. 39 ) wide, setose, with posterior border rounded, bearing a group of six setae. FIGURES 31–35. Loneura farallonensis n. sp. Male. 31. Forewing and hindwing. 32. Front view of head. 33. Paraproct and epiproct. 34. Hypandrium. 35. Phallosome. Scales in mm. FIGURES 36–40. Loneura farallonensis n. sp. Female. 36. Forewing and hindwing. 37. Front view of head. 38. Paraproct and epiproct. 39. Subgenital plate. 40. Gonapophyses and ninth sternum. Scales in mm. Gonapophyses ( Fig. 40 ): v1 elongate, slender and acuminate; v2 +3 with a proximal slender heel, v2 with a row of 6-7 setae; distal process long, sinuous and acuminate, bearing microsetae on surface. Ninth sternum ( Fig. 40 ) distinctly pigmented, subquadrate. Paraprocts ( Fig. 38 ) triangular, with long and short setae posteriorly; sensory fields with 28–30 trichobothria on basal rosettes. Epiproct ( Fig. 38 ) triangular, wide basally, with long setae and microsetae on sides and posteriorly, and a group of three macrosetae mesally. Measurements (in µm). FW: 4650, HW: 3175, F: 1050, T: 1825, t1: 800, t2: 80, t3: 130, ctt1: 26, f1: 670, f2: 530, f3: 490, f4: 400, Mx 4: 270, IO: 470, D: 350, d: 240, IO/d: 1.96, PO: 0.66. Specimens studied. Holotype male. COLOMBIA . Valle del Cauca . Santiago de Cali, Villacarmelo , La Candelaria , 3°22’15.4”N : 76°37’27.4”W, 1620 m . , 22.I.2011 , MUSENUV slide code 26155. R. González. Paratypes : 2 males , Los Andes , Finca Monserrate , 3°25'57.3”N : 76°37’15.4”W, 1682 m ., 20.I.2011 , N. Carrejo & R. González. 4 males , 1 female , same locality and collectors. 14.VI.2011 , R. González , MUSENUV slide code 26156 . 2 females , same locality. 15.VI.2011 , J. Mendivil . 1 male , same locality. 4.VII.2011 , J. Mendivil . 3 males , 3 females , same locality. 7.IX.2011 , J. Mendivil & R. González . 1 male , 2 females , same locality. 22.X.2011 , J. Mendivil & R. González . 1 female , same locality. La Cumbre , Bitaco , Chicoral , 3°34’18.4”N : 76°35’36.7”W, 1819 m ., 26.III.2011 , R. González. 1 male , 1 female . Los Andes , Charco Azul , 3°25’21.7”N : 76°37’0.1”W, 1687 m . , 7.IX.2011 , J. Mendivil & R. González , 1 female . La Cumbre , La Virginia , 3°38’18.1”N : 76°32’55.3”W, 1783 m ., 18.IX.2011 , R. González. All specimens on tree trunks. Etymology. The specific epithet refers to the National Natural Park Farallones de Cali, near Santiago de Cali, Colombia .