Revision of the American species of the genus Prionus Geoffroy, 1762 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Prioninae, Prionini) Author Santos-Silva, Antonio Author Nearns, Eugenio H. Author Swift, Ian P. text Zootaxa 2016 4134 1 1 103 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.4134.1.1 a157eae0-8cb8-4b9a-8ce5-dd7ff7913ba3 1175-5326 399754 92AC0E20-F532-4D21-AE1F-4B056327212F Prionus ( Homaesthesis ) palparis Say, 1824 ( Figs. 9-11 , 73-76 ) Prionus palparis Say, 1824 : 327 ; Haldeman, 1847b : 31 ; LeConte, 1852a : 108 ; Melsheimer, 1853 : 100 (cat.); White, 1853 : 17 ; LeConte, 1859a : 48 ; LeConte, 1859b : 185 (distr.); Lacordaire, 1868 : 61 (note); Horn, 1872 : 390 (distr.); LeConte, 1873 : 288 , 289; LeConte & Horn, 1883 : 274 ; Leng, 1884 : 57 , 59; Henshaw, 1885 : 94 (checklist); Blanchard, 1887 : 86 ; Fall & Cockerell, 1907 : 191 (distr.); Lameere, 1912a : 246 ; 1913: 78 (cat.); 1919: 139; Knowlton & Wood, 1950 : 10 (distr.); Alexander, 1958 : 49 (distr.); Barbour et al. , 2011: 590. Prionus ( Homaesthesis ) palparis ; Linsley, 1962 : 22 ; Hovore & Turnbow, 1984 : 4 (key); Chemsak et al. , 1992 : 22 (checklist); Monné & Giesbert, 1994 : 16 (checklist); Monné, 1995: 57 (cat.); Chemsak, 1996: 120; Heffern, 1998a : 6 (distr.); Monné & Hovore, 2005 : 20 (checklist); 2006: 19 (checklist); Özdikmen & Turgut, 2009 : 410 ; Bezark & Monné, 2013 : 27 (checklist). Prionus palpalis ; Crotch, 1873 : 83 ; 1880: 83. [error] Prionina palparis ; Casey, 1912 : 252 . Male ( Figs. 73-74 ). Integument from dark-brown to nearly black (often dark-brown with nearly black areas); metasternum and ventrites from dark-brown to reddish-brown (distal margin of some ventrites frequently yellowbrown); antennomeres lighter from V to XII (from dark-brown to reddish-brown). Head, excluding mandibles, about as long at central area as prothorax, moderately elongate behind eyes (distance from posterior ocular edge to the prothorax equal to about 0.7 times greatest length of upper eye lobe). Longitudinal dorsal furrow distinct from clypeus to prothoracic edge, between middle of eyes and clypeus placed inside wide sulcus (broader and deeper between antennal tubercles). Area on each side of longitudinal sulcus, between clypeus and level of posterior ocular edge, coarsely, deeply punctate (punctures confluent between antennal tubercles); area around longitudinal furrow, between posterior ocular edge and prothorax, with irregular shining, almost impunctate region; dorsal area close to the prothorax coarsely, confluently punctate, as on area between eyes, or distinctly finer around longitudinal furrow and coarser behind eyes; area close to the region at apex of ocular carinae slightly depressed, coarsely, confluently, deeply punctate; dorsal surface with short (sometimes slightly long), sparse setae between clypeus and posterior ocular edge (often more abundant between antennal tubercles or near prothorax); area behind eyes coarsely, confluently punctate (usually rugose near apex of lower eye lobe), with long, moderately sparse setae, more abundant on some regions. Antennal tubercles coarsely, abundantly punctate on base, gradually sparser and finer toward about middle, smooth toward apex. Postclypeus centrally narrowed at inner margin; laterally coarsely, abundantly punctate laterally, with long, moderately abundant setae; almost impunctate, glabrous or nearly so centrally. Anteclypeus with anterior edge concave; tumid on center-basal one-half; shining, glabrous and impunctate. Labrum not depressed centrally; with long, dense setae, mainly laterally and near anterior edge. Eyes large; distance between upper eye lobes equal to about 0.6 times length of scape; distance between lower eye lobes equal to about 0.7 times length of scape. Submentum trapezoid, distinctly depressed; coarsely punctate-rugose; with moderately long, sparse setae; anterior edge distinctly carinate. Apex of labial palpi nearly attaining middle of maxillary palpomere IV; apex of last maxillary and labial palpomere about as wide as 3.0 times its basal width. Mandibles slightly longer than 0.5 times length of head; latero-basal one-third depressed; outer distal one-half not strongly curved forming an obtuse angle with basal one-half. Antennae with 12 segments; nearly attaining middle of elytra. Scape not attaining posterior ocular edge, slightly enlarged toward apex; finely, sparsely punctate dorsally (more abundant on basal one-third); on latero-outer face slightly coarsely, more abundantly punctate; punctures on latero-inner face as outer face, but sparser. Antennomere III (including distal projection) 1.7 times longer than scape, distinctly enlarged toward apex (distal width at apex of projection twice basal width); on dorsal and ventral view, imbrication very distinct and projected ( Figs. 9, 10 ); on ventral view, apex of imbrication not emarginated ( Fig. 10 ); moderately finely, sparsely punctate dorsally. Antennomere IV about as long as 0.7 times III; moderately finely, sparsely punctate dorsally on inner side; imbrication as in III. Antennomeres V–XI dorsally microsculptured; imbrication as in III (slightly emarginated laterally, at apex of XI). Antennomere XII elongate, not appendiculate or partially divided. Maximum prothoracic width about 0.8 times width of elytral base; anterolateral angle slightly or not projected forward, from slightly rounded to truncate toward first lateral tooth; first lateral tooth moderately small, acute, placed close to anterolateral angle; second lateral tooth large, distinctly acute, placed just before middle; margin between second tooth and posterolateral angle convergent; posterolateral tooth projected, obtuse; basal margin sinuous, centrally emarginated or not; distal margin almost straight centrally. Pronotum from flat to slightly convex centrally, laterally not strongly explanate; callosities not distinct; disc finely, moderately abundantly punctate; slightly coarser punctate laterally, mainly toward lateroposterior angle; lateral areas, near antero- and posterior angles with moderately long setae. Prosternum moderately coarsely, abundantly punctate; with long, abundant setae. Prosternal process not longitudinally sulcate; with long, abundant setae. Elytra finely, moderately sparsely punctate, usually partially finely rugose; each elytron with two carinae; area between carinae and close to distal one-half of outer carinae depressed; sutural spine short. Metasternum microsculptured, less so around metasternal suture; with long, abundant setae throughout. Metepisterna with sculpture and setae laterally as that on metasternum. Ventrites I–IV microsculptured, finely, sparsely punctate (more abundant centrally and coarsely laterally); ventrite I with long, moderately abundant setae, mainly centrally; ventrite II–IV sparsely setose (setae gradually shorter and sparser from II to IV); ventrite V moderately coarsely, abundantly punctate throughout, with moderately short setae, more abundant on distal center. Tarsomeres I–III moderately slender, not distinctly flattened; pro- and mesotarsomeres I–II, and metatarsomeres I–III acute at apex; pro- and mesotarsomeres I–III with spongy setal pads on ventral surface; spongy setal pads of metatarsi distinctly less dense than on pro- and mesotarsi; metatarsomere I about as long as II–III together. Female ( Figs. 75-76 ). Head, excluding mandibles, slightly shorter than prothorax at middle. Dorsal sculpture on face of head and area behind eyes sparser than in male. Distance between upper eye lobes equal to about 0.8 times length of scape; distance between lower eye lobes equal to about length of scape. Submentum as in male. Mandible as in male. Antennae ( Fig. 11 ) attaining basal one-third of elytra; scape slightly slenderer than in male, also not attaining posterior ocular edge; antennomere III about as long as scape; antennomeres III–XI without imbrications, more distinctly projected distally on outer edge of VI–XI. Prothorax as male, but posterolateral angles more rounded; pronotal disc more sparsely punctate than male. Metasternum and metepisterna glabrous. Dimensions in mm (male/female) . Total length (including mandibles), 29.4–32.1/35.3–38.0; prothoracic length at center, 4.7–4.8/5.5–5.6; largest prothoracic width, 9.3–9.4/11.3–11.5; humeral width, 11.5–12.6/13.0– 13.2; elytral length, 21.3–22.6/24.1–25.6. Geographical distribution. USA [Arizona ( Linsley, 1962 ), Colorado ( Say, 1824 ), Kansas ( Horn, 1872 ), Nebraska ( LeConte, 1852a ), New Mexico ( LeConte, 1852a ), Oklahoma ( Alexander, 1958 ), Utah ( Knowlton & Wood, 1950 )]. For New Mexico ( LeConte, 1852a ), see comment on Prionus fissicornis . Type , type locality. Holotype male, described from USA (“Inhabits the upper part of the Arkansa river”—“I observed several specimens of this species on the Arkansa near the Mountains”). See comment on Say’s Collection on Prionus emarginatus , and on the type locality. Material examined. USA , Colorado : 8 km N Nunn (Weld County), 1 male , 1 female , VII.29.1976, Central Plains Exp. Range, col. ( ESSIG ). New Mexico : 6–8 miles SE Gladstone, 1 male , 1 female , VI.28 –29.2000, J. E. Wappes col. ( MZSP ).