A review of the jumping plant-lice (Hemiptera: Psylloidea) of the Canary Islands, with descriptions of two new genera and sixteen new species Author Bastin, Saskia sbastin@icia.es Author Burckhardt, Daniel daniel.burckhardt@bs.ch Author Reyes-Betancort, Alfredo areyes@icia.es Author Hernández-Suárez, Estrella sbastin@icia.es Author Ouvrard, David david.ouvrard@anses.fr text Zootaxa 2023 2023-07-04 5313 1 1 98 http://dx.doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-04-22-0755-PDN journal article 58207 10.11646/zootaxa.5313.1.1 ac723db9-5326-450f-9072-6299399a7890 1175-5326 8129996 23A82A24-C933-482C-9A23-E1EDA86E2581 Euphyllura canariensis Loginova, 1973 ( Figs 234–236 ) Material examined. La Palma : 1 ♀ , Los Sauces , Bosque de Los Tilos , 520 m alt., 22.viii.1991 , Laurus novocanariensis (A. Baz) ( NHMB , dry mounted). Tenerife : 1 ♂, La Orotava , Aguamansa, 28.vii.1990 ( A. Baz ) ( MHNG , dry mounted); 2 ♂, San Cristobal de La Laguna , above Las Mercedes, 760 m alt., 7.v.1993 ( C. Lienhard ) ( MHNG , dry mounted); 1 ♂, San Cristobal de La Laguna , above Las Mercedes, 890 m alt., 9.v.1993 ( C. Lienhard ) ( MHNG , dry mounted); 1 ♂, 1 immature , Anaga Park , direction to El Bailadero , 28.5482 N , 16.2047 W , 618 m alt., 23.iii.2018 , Erica arborea (L. Serbina & M. Štarha) ( MMBC , 96% ethanol); 3 ♂, 4 ♀ , 12 immatures , La Matanza , La Vica , 28.4326 N , 16.4256 W , 1000 m alt., 25.vi.2020 , Picconia excelsa (S. Bastin) ( SBPC , slide mounted, 70% ethanol) . Description. Adult. Loginova (1973) . Fifth-instar immature. See under Euphyllura confusa . Distribution CI. Tenerife, Gran Canaria ( Loginova 1973 ). La Palma ( new record ). Host plant CI. Picconia excelsa (Oleaceae) . Comments. When describing this species, Loginova (1973) listed two females from Prunus lusitanicus (Rosaceae) , pointing out that the genus is restricted to hosts in the family Oleaceae so she did not consider this plant as a host ( Loginova 1973 , 1976 ). The suspected association with Oleaceae was confirmed by Aguiar & Martin (2001) , who reported adults and immatures of Euphyllura canariensis from Madeira on Picconia excelsa , a Macaronesian endemic tree. Here we report it on the same host plant, also from the Canary Islands . * Euphyllura confusa Bastin, Burckhardt & Ouvrard sp. nov. ( Figs 26–29 , 108–112 ) urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act: FD22BA74-5528-4D94-87C6-F9E0620CFA56 Material examined. Holotype ♂, Tenerife : 1 ♂, San Juan de La Rambla , 28.3805 N , 16.6440 W , 400 m alt., 10.vi.2020 , Olea europaea (S. Bastin) ( NHMB , dry mounted). Paratypes . Tenerife: 11 ♂, 9 ♀ , 16 immatures , same data as holotype ( NHMB , 70% ethanol); 3 ♂ , 2 ♀ , same data but ( MUSA , 70% ethanol); 3 ♂ , 2 ♀ , same data but ( ICIA , 70% ethanol); 3 ♂ , 2 ♀ , same data but ( ANSES , LSV , 70% ethanol), 8 ♂ , 6 ♀ , 10 immatures , same data but ( SBPC , slide mounted, 70% ethanol) . Description. Adult. Colouration . General body colour black and orange yellowish. Antennae yellow with apex of segment 8, apical half of segment 9 and entire segment 10 black. Thorax orange yellowish with many small black spots; metascutum and metapostnotum black with large yellow spots. Mesoscutellum and metascutellum in young individuals white with small yellow spots. Forewing ( Figs 111, 112 ) coriaceous, semi-opaque; membrane with varying brown dots; one dark brown to black spot at apex of vein Cu 1b . Abdominal sclerites black and terminalia yellow with black spots. Structure. Body length 1.5–2.2 mm . Head ( Fig. 108 ) broader than pronotum, with large anterior flattened lobes, hairy with very short setae on disc and short setae anteriorly. Vertex ( Fig. 109 ) flat, subrectangular, 1.9–2.1 times as broad as long. Antenna ( Fig. 110 ) short, 0.6–0.7 as long as head width, with rhinaria on segments 4, 6, 8 and 9; segment 10 with 1 slender seta about twice as long as segment, and 1 short, stout, truncate seta half as long as segment. Metatibia 0.4–0.5 times as long as head width, with 6–7 black apical spurs; metabasitarsus with 2 black spurs. Forewing ( Fig. 111 ) rhomboidal, 1.8–2.1 times as long as head width, 1.8–2.0 times as long as wide; widest in basal third, narrowly rounded apically; vein C+Sc strongly curved in apical third; pterostigma wide, ending at the apical fifth of vein Rs, with 3 to 5 transverse veins ( Fig. 112 ); vein Rs long and slightly sinuate in apical third; vein M straight, 0.5 times as long as vein M 1+2 ; m 1 cell value 2.2–3.2; vein Cu 1a , arched, 1.1–1.2 times longer than vein Cu 1 ; vein Cu 1b short, straight; cu 1 cell value 3.4–3.7; surface covered with scale-like microsculpture ( Fig. 112 ). Male terminalia as in Figs 26–28 . Proctiger 0.4–0.5 times as long as head width, inflated posteriorly, widest in middle, covered with moderately long setae in apical two thirds, mainly apically and posteriorly. Paramere 0.7–0.8 times as long as proctiger; in lateral view, narrowly lanceolate with apex subacute, densely covered with conate setae in apical half, moderately long setae in apical third and along dorsal margin and a group of moderately long setae in basal third. Aedeagus with long distal segment bearing small oval apical dilatation; sclerotised end tube of the ductus ejaculatorius short and slightly sinuate. Subgenital plate, in lateral view, broadly subglobular, sparsely covered with short setae, mainly in apical half. Female terminalia oblong cuneate ( Fig. 29 ). Proctiger 0.7–0.8 times as long as head width, slightly longer than subgenital plate; dorsal margin sinuate, covered with many dense conate setae and long setae arranged in a longitudinal row in apical third and sparse thin and short setae in middle, apex rounded, bearing sparse short setae; circumanal ring 0.3 times as long as proctiger, elliptic with 2 contiguous rows of unequal pores. Subgenital plate relatively long, covered with conate and short setae, mainly in apical two thirds. Valvula ventralis curved, lacking ventral teeth. Measurements (in mm) (2 ♂, 2 ♀ ). Head width ♂ 0.82–0.89, 0.98–1.02; vertex length ♂ 0.26–0.27, 0.28– 0.29; vertex width ♂ 0.51–0.52, 0.58–0.59; antenna length ♂ 0.51–0.54, 0.58; metatibia length ♂ 0.35–0.39, 0.42; forewing length ♂ 1.61–1.62, 1.97–2.02; forewing width ♂ 0.87–0.88, 0.99–1.02; male proctiger length 0.35–0.39; paramere length 0.28–0.29; distal segment of aedeagus length 0.19; female proctiger length 0.67–0.76; female anal ring length 0.21–0.25. Fifth-instar immature. Colouration . Cephalothorax dark brown in basal half, lighter brown in apical half. Antenna yellowish with segment 7 apically and segment 8 entirely dark brown or black. Legs brown, tarsi dark brown. Wing pads brown with dark brown base. Caudal plate irregularly dark brown. Structure . Corresponding to generic description of Loginova (1973) . No characters were found to separate the immatures of E. confusa from the other Euphyllura species as there is little morphological variation within the genus. Etymology. From the Latin confusus = confused, indistinct, for its similarity to Euphyllura olivina , the species with which it may have been confused previously. Host plant CI. Olea europaea (Oleaceae) . Distribution CI. Tenerife. Comments. Adult Euphyllura confusa are morphologically most similar to E. olivina in the forewing shape and pattern, head shape and the female terminalia. The two species share also the same host plant, Olea europaea . Euphyllura confusa differs in the paramere, lacking the flat anterior lobe, having a subacute apex (blunt in E. olivina ) and a group of moderately long setae in basal third (lacking in E. olivina ).