Notes on the genus Pseudovelia Hoberlandt, 1950 (Hemiptera: Heteroptera Veliidae) with description of four new species from the East and Southeast Asian mainland
Li, Zihe
Institute of Entomology, College of Life Sciences, Nankai University, Tianjin, 300071, China
Jin, Zezhong
Institute of Entomology, College of Life Sciences, Nankai University, Tianjin, 300071, China
Bu, Wenjun
Institute of Entomology, College of Life Sciences, Nankai University, Tianjin, 300071, China
Ye, Zhen
Institute of Entomology, College of Life Sciences, Nankai University, Tianjin, 300071, China
journal article
Pseudovelia curvisetae
Li, Bu & Ye
sp. nov.
Figs. 3
Material examined.
: apterous male,
Yunnan Prov.
Jinping county
2 August 2020
Zhen Ye
leg. (
Yunnan Prov.
, 1 apterous male, 2 apterous females, 1 macropterous female, same data as holotype (
Pseudovelia curvisetae
sp. nov.
appears to be closely related to
P. longiseta
Ye, Polhemus & Bu, 2013
P. buccula
Andersen, 1983
. However,
P. curvisetae
sp. nov.
can be distinguished from
P. longiseta
by its two pairs of relatively long, curved and black setae on the pygophore (
Fig. 61
). This species can be distinguished from
P. buccula
by its relatively straight hind tarsal segment I (
Fig. 31
), whereas hind tarsal segment I of
P. buccula
is relatively curved (
Fig. 29
). In addition, the middle femur of
P. curvisetae
sp. nov.
does not have a row of long hairs compared to that of
P. buccula
Figs. 23, 25
Description. Apterous male
Fig. 3
). Color: ground color yellowish-brown, head dark-brown, clypeus yellowish, rostrum brown, buccula brown; antennal segments I–IV dark-brown; pronotum yellowish- brown, posterior part of pronotum with dense, black spots; lateral part of metanotum yellowish-brown, black-rimmed; legs (
Figs. 19
) mainly brown, basal parts of femora pale-brown, apical parts of femora infuscated, tibiae and tarsi darkbrown, grasping combs black; mediotergites I–VI brown, with black margins; mediotergite VII black; connexiva dull-orange; lateral part of mediotergite I, medial parts of mediotergites II, III, VI and VII with prominent silvery pubescence; abdominal segment VIII (
Figs. 37
), pygophore (
Fig. 61
) and proctiger yellowish, each of them weakly infuscated apically. Structural characteristics: body medium-sized, rather slender, bearing short, suberect, black setae, area around eyes and antennal segment I covered by relatively few, long, suberect, grayish setae. Head short and wide, relatively perpendicular to thorax, without inflection; buccula clearly visible, produced posteriorly; eyes bare except for the presence of two ocular setae. Pronotum relatively broad, bearing dense punctures on the posterior portion of pronotal lobe; hind margin of pronotum slightly rounded, anterior margin slightly emarginated; metanotum completely hidden beneath pronotal lobe except laterally. Fore tibia (
Fig. 19
) with dense, short, brown setae, medial portion of venter on fore tibia with distinct process, grasping comb relatively strong; middle femur and tibia (
Fig. 25
) with dense, short, brown setae, apical part of middle tibia with few long, suberect, brown setae; hind leg (
Fig. 31
) strongly modified, hind femur and tibia with dense, short, brown setae, hind tarsus much longer than hind tibia, hind tarsal segment I longest and slightly curved, about 1.06 times length of hind tibia, with a tuft of more than 5 very long, black bristles arising from basal part, ventral arolium bristle-like; mediotergites almost flat, connexiva relatively narrow and slightly raised, abdominal segments III–VI approximately rectangular; mediotergites I–V subequal in length; abdominal venter flat; end of abdomen covered with relatively dense, curved and brown setae. Genital segments: abdominal segment VIII (
Figs. 37
) relatively stout, about 1.68 times as long as wide, hind margin with dense, long and blackish-brown hairs, ventrally with a sub-rectangular depression, hind margin of depression with short, suberect, slender and brown setae, lateral margins of depression with a pair of relatively dense, short, slightly curved and blackish brown setae; pygophore (
Fig. 61
) nearly rectangular, with a flat apex, lateral margins of pygophore with few, short, curved and brown setae and a tuft of dense, short and brown setae, posterior part with two pairs of relatively long, curved and black setae; proctiger small, posterior part with dense, short, brown setae; parameres symmetrical, stick-like, middle part slightly twisted.
Apterous female
Fig. 9
). Color: similar to male. Structural characteristics: body medium-sized and relatively wide, structure of head including antenna as in male; fore tibia without process and grasping comb, hind tibia and tarsus not modified, venter of hind tarsal segment I without a tuft of bristles; abdomen pleurally and ventrally without special modifications, connexiva converging posteriorly and touching caudally; end of abdomen raised in lateral view, gonocoxa I elongate, proctiger brown, with dense, short hairs.
Macropterous female
Fig. 15
). Color: similar to apterous female. Structural characteristics: Body size similar to apterous females, structure of head including antenna as in apterous female; pronotum relatively wide, nearly pentagonal; hemelytra grayish, with a slender white spot on basal part; fore tibia without process and grasping comb, hind tibia and tarsus not modified, venter of hind tarsal segment I without a tuft of bristles; abdomen hidden beneath hemelytra except lateral margin of connexiva, structure of abdomen including connexiva, gonocoxa and proctiger as in apterous female.
Macropterous male:
Measurements. Apterous male.
Body length 2.63–2.70 (
: 2.63), head width: 0.60–0.62, head length: 0.34–0.41, head width about 1.52 times head length; antenna about 0.78 times as long as body, length of antennal segments I–IV: 0.58, 0.48, 0.47, 0.49; pronotum width: 0.84–0.86, pronotum length: 0.53–0.58, about 1.60 times as wide as long; length of grasping comb 0.34, about 0.46 times tibial length; length of leg segments (femur, tibia and tarsus): fore leg: 0.74, 0.74 and 0.41, middle leg: 1.00, 1.06 and 0.67 (0.25+0.42) hind leg: 1.05, 0.90 and 1.48 (0.95+0.53).
Apterous female.
Body length: 2.95–3.08, head width: 0.65–0.66, head length: 0.43–0.49, head width about 1.51 times head length; antenna about 0.57 times as long as body, length of antennal segments I–IV: 0.55, 0.33, 0.32, 0.47; pronotum width: 0.85–0.89, pronotum length: 0.50–0.54, about 1.57 times as wide as long; length of leg segments (femur, tibia and tarsus): fore leg: 0.79, 0.73 and 0.44, middle leg: 1.00, 1.02 and 0.66 (0.22+0.44), hind leg: 1.14, 1.14 and 0.83 (0.36+0.47).
Macropterous female.
Body length: 2.95, head width: 0.65, head length: 0.44, head width about 1.48 times head length, antenna about 0.58 times as long as body, length of antennal segments I–IV: 0.55, 0.34, 0.34, 0.47; pronotum width: 1.29, pronotum length: 1.11, about 1.16 times as wide as long; length of leg segments (femur, tibia and tarsus): fore leg: 0.81, 0.71 and 0.43, middle leg: 1.00, 1.02 and 0.63 (0.21+0.42), hind leg: 1.12, 1.17 and 0.80 (0.36+0.44).
The specific epithet “
” (from Latin, meaning curved setae) refers to the two pairs of long, curved, black setae on the hind margin of male pygophore, which are clearly visible at the end of abdomen.
) (
Fig. 65