The Polydectinae Dana, 1851, of the Philippines, with description of a new genus for Lybia hatagumoana Sakai, 1961 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Brachyura: Xanthidae) Author Mendoza, Jose Christopher E. Author Ng, Peter K. L. text Zootaxa 2011 3052 51 61 journal article 46218 10.5281/zenodo.206032 7259bc13-5b8f-45f2-9b38-9b090de2acd2 1175-5326 206032 Lybia tessellata (Latreille, in Milbert, 1812) Grapsus tessellatus Latreille , in Milbert, 1812: 275 ( type locality: Île de France = Mauritius ). Grapsus tesselatus [sic] —Latreille 1818: pl. 305 fig. 2. — Latreille 1829 : 43 (note). Melia tesselata [sic] — Latreille 1828 : 705 . — Ortmann 1893 : 476 . — Borradaile 1900 : 580 . — Bouvier 1915 : 263 (86). Melia (= Lybia ) tresselata [sic] —H. Milne Edwards 1834 : 431 , pl. 18 figs. 8, 9. Melia tessellata Dana 1852b : 242 ; 1855: pl. 14 fig. 1a–d. A. Milne-Edwards 1862: 5. — Hoffmann 1874 : 39 . — Richters 1880 : 140 , 150, pl. 16 figs. 19–22. —De Man 1888 : 326 . — Borradaile 1902 : 250 , fig. 49. — Lenz 1905 : 358 . — Calman 1909 : 705 . Lybia tesselata [sic] — Rathbun 1904 : 102 ; 1911: 236. — Finnegan 1931 : 647 . — Balss 1938 : 71 . — Ward 1939 : 10 . — Tweedie 1950 : 125 . — Holthuis 1953 : 23 . Lybia tessellata Nobili 1906 : 296 . — Pesta 1911 : 51 , pl. 3 fig. 5. — Klunzinger 1913 : 280 (184). — Barnard 1950 : 249 , fig. 46a, b. — Sankarankutty 1961 : 121 , 131, fig. 2A, B. — Guinot 1964 : 100 ; 1967: 274; 1976: 70, figs. 17D, 18E, 19C, 20E– H, 22D, pl. 2 fig. 6. — Sakai 1965 : 162 ; 1967: 78; 1976: 504, pl. 180 fig. 1. — Serène 1968 : 88 ; 1984: 28, fig. 3, pl. 1 figs. D, E. — Kensley 1981 : 44 . — Dai et al. 1986 : 352 , pl. 51 fig. 1. — Dai & Yang 1991 : 379 , fig. 184, pl. 51 fig. 1. — Ho et al. 2000 : 112 . —Ng et al. 2008: 201(list). Material examined. 2 males , 8.5 × 6.5 mm, 9.0 × 7.0 mm, 3 females , 8.5 × 6.5 mm to 9.5 × 7.0 mm (NMCR- 7258), Natangko Is., Mogpog, Marinduque Is., coll. R.G. Garcia, 15 Dec.1982 ; 1 male , 4.5 × 3.9 mm (NMCR- 7915), Melchor Is., Gasam, Marinduque Is., coll. R.G. Garcia, 9–15 Mar.1984 ; 1 male , 4.5 × 4.0 mm, 1 female , 6.9 × 5.8 mm (NMCR-9247), Maglawe, Currimao, Ilocos Norte, Luzon Is., coll. V.S. Palpal-latoc, Jun.1983 ; 1 female , 8.2 × 6.0 mm (NMCR-9025), Union, Nabas, Aklan, Panay Is., coll. M.R. Manuel & V. Bautista, Mar.1987 . Remarks. This is the type species of the genus. The present specimens agree well with published descriptions and illustrations of L. tessellata ( type locality: Mauritius ) ( Guinot 1976 : 70, figs. 17D, 18E, 19C, 20E–H, 22D, pl. 2 fig. 6; Serène 1984 : 28, fig. 3, pl. 1, figs. D, E). It is so-called ( tessella , L., a small cubical piece of clay, stone or glass used to make mosaics) because of the live-colour pattern on its carapace, consisting of closely fitted polygons, mostly triangles, as in a mosaic or in tile-works. These polygons are surrounded by black or dark brown lines and are usually colored reddish-orange or lighter variations thereof. A prominent patch of reddish-orange is also seen on the suborbital region. The pereiopods are prominently banded with thin black lines and are also spangled with small, luminous white spots (cf. Sakai 1976 : pl. 180 fig. 1). This species is widespread throughout the Indo-West Pacific region ( Guinot 1976 ), although some records of L. tessellata , particularly from the Hawaiian Islands, are erroneous and are actually for a closely related species, L. edmondsoni Takeda & Miyake, 1979 (see Castro 2011 ). Surprisingly, no previous scientific records from the Philippines of this easily recognizable species have been found.